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Аттракцион любви Розалинда Лейкер
Мир книги. Потеряв отца и разочаровавшись в возлюбленном, юная Лизетт Декур отправляется в гастрольное турне вместе с демонстратором аттракциона "Волшебный фонарь" Даниэлем Шоу. Долгие дороги странствий и приключений приведут девушку к блеску славы и признанию публики. Остается совсем немного времени до того, как Луи и Огюст Люмьеры откроют великую эру кинематографа и Лизетт Декур превратится в одну из самых первых и ярких его звезд....
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Light and Heavy/ Ligero Y Pesado (I Know Opposites/ Conceptos Contrarios)
Gini Holland...
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Binge Eating (Danger Zone: Dieting and Eating Disorders)
Stephanie Watson...
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Caves / Las Cuevas (Wonders of Nature/Maravillas De La Naturaleza)
Dana Meachen Rau...
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Saved Jack Falla
Thomas Dunne Books. Veteran Boston goaltender Jean Pierre Savard sees stardom and the money it brings as fate's make-up call for a life in which he lost his father, his wife, and most of his self confidence for anything not involving saves or sex. Now late in his career, Savard and his teammate and best friend, Cam Carter, are trying to fulfill their boyhood dreams of winning a Stanley Cup before they retire. A surprise late-season trade pits the friends against each other in a playoff series both could lose but only one can win. "Saved" takes the reader into the rinks, dressing rooms, planes, buses, and hotels that are the backdrop to the long grind of an NHL season. That grind is made bearable by the likes of players such as Bruno Govoni, whose cell phone ring tone is the orgasmic moaning of a porn star Loretta (Lash) LaRue; of Phil "Flipside" Palmer, the only person besides the Kingsmen who knows all the words to "Louie Louie" or that "Child of the Moon" was the flipside of the Rolling......
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Аттракцион любви. Розалинда Лейкер . Книги.
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