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Squirt Stacy A. Nyikos
Book DescriptionSquirt, a disgruntled young squid, watches so much television that he loses his imagination. It is not until he inks everything up that he rediscovers adventure stockpiled in the most unlikely place, a kitchen spoon....
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Kissing You Daniel Hayes
Book Description A beguiling collection of stories about men and women, compulsive and loquacious, searching for love in contemporary America In Daniel Hayes’s hilarious debut collection, people disclose too much and risk embarrassment (and more) as they search for partners, love, and sex. Continually stumbling upon obstacles of their own making, they battle freakish obsessions and deep fears—secrets both real and imagined. After a difficult breakup, one woman has visions—not of God or a new boyfriend, but of Bob Hope gently wagging his finger, inviting her to take it in her mouth. A man, intent upon finding the right girl, doesn’t understand why stalking has to be such an ugly word. Another woman learns that herfiance has as much substance as the filling of the Hostess Twinkie in which he presents her engagement ring. And in the title story, one gay man tempts another with false bravado and tall tales of pet iguanas. Outlandish,......
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Hitchcock and France : The Forging of an Auteur James M. Vest
Book DescriptionIn his bold new study of the career of one of filmmaking's premier directors, author James M. Vest traces two intertwining strands of history: Alfred Hitchcock's interest in French culture, and French critics' sometimes complementary, sometimes confrontational interest in him. In the 1950s, Hitchcock was increasingly committed to including French-related elements in his films to enhance suspense and humor. At that same time, young critics in France-including Francois Truffaut, Claude Chabrol, Eric Rohmer, and Jean-Luc Godard-discovered in Hitchcock's films the mark of an auteur. They saw in him the creator of a cohesive body of work that bore his unique imprint, and in so doing, they countered the dominant opinion of Hitchcock as a proficient craftsman but ultimately just a maker of implausible melodramas. These interactions, explored fully and in-depth here, led not only to a revolution in film criticism, but also to a reenergizing of French cinema as well as the......
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Sesame Street Cookie Countdown (Sesame Street Flocked Google) Sarah Albee
Book Description Cookie Monster couldn't be happier! He's got five yummy cookies to eat. But Cookie just can't help but share his sweet treats with his friends. Just when it looks like there won't be any left for Cookie, his friends deliver a delicious surprise. Young readers will not only enjoy counting with Cookie and learning about sharing, they'll also have fun shaking Cookie Monster's googly eyes....
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100 великих олимпийских чемпионов В. Малов
Вече. 100 великих. Эта книга повествует о тех людях, чья слава не меркнет с годами, к чьим титулам не добавляется приставка "экс", чьими наградами и рекордами гордятся целые страны - об олимпийских чемпионах. Автор подробно и занимательно рассказывает о лучших из лучших в истории легкой и тяжелой атлетики, борьбы, бокса, плавания и прыжков в воду, гребли, лыжного и конькобежного спорта, футбола и хоккея. На страницах книги воспевается величие человеческого духа, приведшего чемпионов Олимпийских игр через тяжелейшие испытания, травмы и разочарования к подлинному величию....
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Squirt. Stacy A. Nyikos . Книги.
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