Ангел вожделения

Елена Радви

  Ангел вожделения  Елена Радви  Институт соитологии.   Мировой эротический бестселлер.   Напряженная динамичная история об эротических страстях женщины - женщины-ангела и женщины-дьявола, о противоборстве этих двух начал. Несмотря на предельную откровенность отдельных сцен и эпизодов, автору не изменяет чувство меры и вкуса.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Институт соитологии. Мировой эротический бестселлер. Напряженная динамичная история об эротических страстях женщины - женщины-ангела и женщины-дьявола, о противоборстве этих двух начал. Несмотря на предельную откровенность отдельных сцен и эпизодов, автору не изменяет чувство меры и вкуса....

Measuring Bias on Television

Barrie Gunther

  Measuring Bias on Television  Barrie Gunther  Book DescriptionExploring the important issue of impartiality in news reporting, with special reference to news broadcasting on television, this book examines the position of impartiality or bias within the context of news objectivity by exploring the many accusations of bias, accusations that are generally characterized by aggrieved parties claiming to have been treated unfairly, misrepresented, or underrepresented.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionExploring the important issue of impartiality in news reporting, with special reference to news broadcasting on television, this book examines the position of impartiality or bias within the context of news objectivity by exploring the many accusations of bias, accusations that are generally characterized by aggrieved parties claiming to have been treated unfairly, misrepresented, or underrepresented....

The Singing and Dancing Daughters of God

Timothy Schaffert

  The Singing and Dancing Daughters of God  Timothy Schaffert  Book Description A blithe and redemptive seriocomic love story filled with country music, the ghosts of Halloween, and an ironic brand of down-home religion. Newly divorced and feeling the pain of separation from his family, Hud Smith channels his regret into writing country-western songs, contemplating life on the lamb with his 8-year-old daughter, and searching cryptic postcards for news of his teenage son who has run off with The Daughters of God, an alternative Gospel-punk band of growing fame. Then he finds himself inching toward reconciliation with his ex, tossing his whole talent for misery into question as they head off in a borrowed school bus, hoping so very tentatively to bring the entire family together again. In this endearing misadventure that threatens to turn out right in spite of it all, Schaffert writes a thin line between tragedy and hilarity, turning wry humor and a keen sense of the paradoxical onto characters who deserve all the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description A blithe and redemptive seriocomic love story filled with country music, the ghosts of Halloween, and an ironic brand of down-home religion. Newly divorced and feeling the pain of separation from his family, Hud Smith channels his regret into writing country-western songs, contemplating life on the lamb with his 8-year-old daughter, and searching cryptic postcards for news of his teenage son who has run off with The Daughters of God, an alternative Gospel-punk band of growing fame. Then he finds himself inching toward reconciliation with his ex, tossing his whole talent for misery into question as they head off in a borrowed school bus, hoping so very tentatively to bring the entire family together again. In this endearing misadventure that threatens to turn out right in spite of it all, Schaffert writes a thin line between tragedy and hilarity, turning wry humor and a keen sense of the paradoxical onto characters who deserve all the......

Ecological Medicine : Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves (The Bioneers Series)

J. P. Harpignies

  Ecological Medicine : Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves (The Bioneers Series)  J. P. Harpignies  Book DescriptionDrawn largely from luminous presentations given at the annual Bioneers Conference, this pathfinding book--the first in a new Bioneers Series published by Sierra Club Books--focuses on pragmatic solutions emerging at the fertile edges between the overlapping worlds of environmental restoration and holistic healing. In this kaleidoscopic collection, many of the world's leading health visionaries show us how human health is inescapably dependent on the health of our environment. The rich array of voices in this book reflects the collective intelligence of the emerging movement known as Ecological Medicine. Its advocates look to the strategic public health measures that first do no harm to the environment and, in turn, successfully improve human health. They call for prevention and precaution as the first line of action. They seek to heal the tragic split that conventional medicine made from nature and to conjure nature's own mysterious capacity for self-repair. They...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDrawn largely from luminous presentations given at the annual Bioneers Conference, this pathfinding book--the first in a new Bioneers Series published by Sierra Club Books--focuses on pragmatic solutions emerging at the fertile edges between the overlapping worlds of environmental restoration and holistic healing. In this kaleidoscopic collection, many of the world's leading health visionaries show us how human health is inescapably dependent on the health of our environment. The rich array of voices in this book reflects the collective intelligence of the emerging movement known as Ecological Medicine. Its advocates look to the strategic public health measures that first do no harm to the environment and, in turn, successfully improve human health. They call for prevention and precaution as the first line of action. They seek to heal the tragic split that conventional medicine made from nature and to conjure nature's own mysterious capacity for self-repair. They......

Путешествие футболки в мировой экономике

Пьетра Риволи

  Путешествие футболки в мировой экономике  Пьетра Риволи  Баланс Бизнес Букс.   Имея классическое образование экономиста, автор книги намеревалась доказать неоспоримые преимущества свободной мировой торговли и опровергнуть идеи движения антиглобалистов. Вместо этого она обнаружила, что свободные рынки не так уж свободны, что самые ярые сторонники свободной торговли регулярно выигрывают от ее ограничений и что так называемые Баланс Бизнес Букс. Имея классическое образование экономиста, автор книги намеревалась доказать неоспоримые преимущества свободной мировой торговли и опровергнуть идеи движения антиглобалистов. Вместо этого она обнаружила, что свободные рынки не так уж свободны, что самые ярые сторонники свободной торговли регулярно выигрывают от ее ограничений и что так называемые "жертвы" глобализации зачастую находятся в самом выгодном положении. В то время как споры по проблемам глобализации по-прежнему сосредоточены на рисках и преимуществах конкурентных экономических рынков, автор книги приходит к выводу, что в процессе производства ее футболки политические факторы сыграли роль столь же значимую, как и экономические. "Отчасти - рассказ о путешествии, отчасти - книга, посвященная вопросам истории, отчасти - труд по экономике. "Путешествие футболки в мировой экономике" - повествование, отличающееся великолепным стилем. Противники идеи глобализации, познакомившись с этой книгой, поймут, почему подъем......

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Ангел вожделения. Елена Радви . Книги.

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