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AskMen.com Presents From the Bar to the Bedroom: The 11 Rules for Picking Up and Pleasuring Women James Bassil
Collins Living. Gentlemen, start your engines. "From the Bar to the Bedroom" is the definitive go-to book for anyone in need of guidance when it comes to bedding the fairer sex, from approaching the woman one wishes to take home to dazzling her once she's there. Divided into 11 rules, the book begins by helping men learn the fundamentals of confidence and conversation. It moves on to instruct men on the virtues of foreplay, the importance of having a sex-friendly bachelor pad, ways they can pick up women at the gym or at the office, and the variety of techniques and tricks they can use to make her night unforgettable. With tasteful line drawings, loads of tips, and a friendly, humorous tone, it is essential reading for everyone - from the novice who wants to enter the game to the player who wants to polish his moves....
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The Devil, the Lovers, and Me: My Life in Tarot Kimberlee Auerbach
Dutton Adult. -...
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The Serpent and the Dove: Celibacy in Literature and Life (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality)
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So You Call Yourself a Man? repack: Power Readings for Ordinary Men with Extraordinary Potential
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New York Post Spicy Su Doku: The Official Utterly Addictive Number-Placing Puzzle Wayne Gould
Collins. Su Doku makes every day just a little more fun. You don't need to be a mathematical genius to solve these puzzles; it is simply a question of logic and a little patience....
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AskMen.com Presents From the Bar to the Bedroom: The 11 Rules for Picking Up and Pleasuring Women. James Bassil . Книги.
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