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The Everything Landlording Book: An All-in-one Guide To Property Management (Everything: Business and Personal Finance) Judy Tremore
Avoid the pitfalls and protect your investment! With interest rates the lowest they've been in decades, the time is right to make an investment in your future. Whether you already own property and are considering renting it out or are only just beginning to dabble in real estate, The Everything Landlording Book is your complete resource for navigating the often challenging role of being a landlord. From acquiring the necessary permits and buying insurance to creating leases and collecting rent, this step-by-step book helps you prepare for any situation. The Everything Landlording Book is filled with expert advice and money-saving tips, enabling you to earn maximum profit with minimum hassle. Features authoritative information on how to: Find a responsible tenant Render contracts and leases Handle repairs and maintenance Know your legal liabilities Cope with tenants who destroy property and don't pay rent Whether you're interested......
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The Globalization Gap: How the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Left Further Behind (Financial Times Prentice Hall Books) Robert A. Isaak
Globalization Has Triumphed, But Can We Save the Poor? For most people except the world's very richest, globalization is failing?catastrophically. If we don't act, its failure will lead to a global upheaval worse than any in human history. But there's another, better path. Isaak shows how a new globalization can give the poor a powerful stake, both here and abroad. Isaak's ideas can lead toward a more stable, peaceful world, in which we can all build our futures?rich and poor alike....
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Top Hats and Flappers: The Art of Russell Patterson
The definitive collection of a legend from the golden age of magazine illustration. Imagine America in the 1920s, the last stand of the Golden Age of Illustration and a time of tremendous social change. On one side of Paradise were the nationally known illustrators like Charles Dana Gibson, James Montgomery Flagg, and J.C. Leyendecker. But rapidly gaining in popularity were the young irreverent illustrators/cartoonists who worked for the emerging humor magazines Judge, College Humor, Ballyhoo , and Life . These artists attempted to capture the verve and excitement of their times with an energetic line and frenzied pen-and-ink panels containing multitudes with the settings and dress?downtown speakeasy or uptown Stork Club, hot jazz bands or windy jump seats, slinky dresses set against top hat and tails?just as revealing as the lost souls of the Lost Generation. Of these young ink-slingers, the one who came closest to capturing this......
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The Art & Craft of Hand Lettering: Techniques, Projects, Inspiration Annie Cicale
A beautiful introduction to a popular art. Thanks to the guidance of an experienced calligraphy teacher, anyone can add a touch of elegance to invitations, handwritten poems, and a variety of surfaces. Annie Cicale provides a complete, easy-to-follow course in the art of beautiful writing and an attractive resource filled with breathtaking images. She’ll guide your pen as you master broad pen alphabets, including classic uncial, Roman and italic caps, as well as playful invented styles with added variations. Copy a historical letter technique, and understand the basics of layout, design, texture, and color. Seventeen projects include a traditional certificate with decorative contrasts and flourishes; journals and scrapbooks; and even a colorful silk-screened pillow....
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Downfall Greg Farshtey
Scholastic. Deep in the underwater world known as the pit, the Toa must battle the Barraki in a final showdown. At stake is the future of their world. If they fail, there is no world . . . and even if they succeed, nothing is certain....
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The Everything Landlording Book: An All-in-one Guide To Property Management (Everything: Business and Personal Finance). Judy Tremore . Книги.
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