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Exploring Sound Design for Interactive Media (Design Exploration Series) Joseph Cancellaro
Book Description This timely new book provides an excellent foundation in the techniques of sound design production for the interactive arts. Coverage ranges from basic acoustics and digital audio theory to creating, mixing, and implementing sound and music in such interactive spaces as Web sites, games, and virtual worlds. Readers are introduced to the essentials of recording and reproduction, the key strategies for successful sound design, and the musical and psychological aspects of sound. The practical and theoretical knowledge presented in this book facilitates the important transition from the techniques of linear sound design used in film and video to the non-linear sound design techniques associated with adaptive audio spaces....
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2005 Original Pronouncements (Accounting Standards Original Pronouncements; 3-Volume Set) Financial Accounting Standards Board (FA
Book DescriptionThe 2005 FASB Accounting Standards publications give accounting professionals and financial executives a complete source of the current authoritative accounting pronouncements issued by the FASB and its predecessors. ORIGINAL PRONOUNCEMNTS The 2005 Original Pronouncements contains the FASB and AICPA pronouncements in three volumes: * Original Pronouncements: Volume I-FASB Statements 1-120 (0-471-73791-7) * Original Pronouncements: Volume II- FASB Statements 121-154 (0-471-73791-7) * Original Pronouncements: Volume III-AICPA Pronouncements and FASB Interpretations, Technical Bulletins, FASB Staff Positions, and Concepts Statements (0-471-73791-7) Features * All Pronouncements amended by subsequent pronouncements reflect those amendments. * New in 2005-includes all current FASB Staff Positions. * Status pages before each pronouncement identify sources of changes and other......
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Cyberjustice : Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for E-Commerce Lucille M. Ponte
Book DescriptionThis interactive and informative book provides a concise, easy-to-understand overview of the cutting edge field of online dispute resolution (ODR), using the familiar frequently asked questions format. It examines the ODR options that reflect the speed and convenience of the Web. KEY TOPICS Chapter topics cover E-Commerce Disputes and the Global Web; Understanding Online Dispute Resolution; Online Negotiation, mediation, and arbitration; Online Jury Proceedings; Online Dispute Resolution System Design; and the future of ODR. For online technical and business professionals?such as computer science and information technology managers, dispute or conflict resolution professionals, customer relations managers, contracts managers, purchasing managers, Web masters, online service providers (OSPs), e-commerce entrepreneurs, and attorneys advising e-businesses....
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Healing Grief at Work : 100 Practical Ideas After Your Workplace Is Touched by Loss (Healing Your Grieving Heart series) PhD, Alan D. Wolfelt
Book Description With a gentle and considerate style, this handbook explores what happens when grief and the workplace meet, and the drastic effects of grieving on employees, their performance, and the overall workplace environment. Touching on the different kinds of grief workers can experience, such as death, divorce, and layoffs, the effective ways to channel grief during the workday, how to support coworkers who mourn, participation in group memorials, and negotiating appropriate bereavement leave, this concise and practical resource gives both ideas for the mourner and the mourner's coworkers. A special introduction for employers, owners, managers, and human resource personnel addresses the economic impact of grief in the workplace and provides practical and cost effective ideas for maintaining morale and creating a productive yet compassionate work environment....
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Napoleon Kevin Brownlow
Book DescriptionWhen he was fifteen, Kevin Brownlow saw two reels of the 1927 Napoleon, and it changed his life. The film was more daring, both technically and artistically, than anything he had ever seen. How could it have been forgotten? Brownlow got in touch with the film's director and tracked down members of its cast and crew. He discovered that the making of the film was as much of an epic as the film itself. In 1967, he began an attempt to restore Napoleon. The work took years, but eventually Napoleon was presented, with live orchestra, to a new generation, and, as one critic put it, it became "the measure for all other films, forever." This book tells the dramatic story of Napoleon' s incredible revival and also serves as a wonderful introduction and companion to the film....
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На главную
Exploring Sound Design for Interactive Media (Design Exploration Series). Joseph Cancellaro . Книги.
ВеликийНовгород, СергиевПосад, Кисловодск, Курган, Елец, Коломна, Москва, Саратов, Люберцы, Орехово-Зуево, Владикавказ, Нефтеюганск, СергиевПосад, Кострома, Тольятти, Рубцовск, Сургут, Якутск, Саратов,
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