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An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States Charles A. Beard
Beard, Charles. An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. xxi, 330 pp. Reprinted 2001 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. LCCN 00-036834. ISBN 1-58477-111-9. Cloth. $80. In this classic and controversial interpretation of the economic conditions of the United States between 1783-1787, Beard proposes the thesis that the Framers were motivated by economic concerns. In his landmark work The Growth of American Law Hurst describes An Economic Interpretation... as "one of 'the basic works' on the Federal Convention of 1787." Hurst, The Growth of American Law: 458. Beard [1874-1948] was a founder of The New School for Social Research....
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Worlds Apart: Globalization and the Environment James Gustave Speth
Worlds Apart presents a cohesive set of essays by leading thinkers on the subject of globalization, offering a thoughtful overview of the major environmental issues related to globalization in a clear, reasoned style. Framed by Gus Speth?s introduction and conclusion, essays range from Jane Lubchenco?s discussion of the scientific indicators of global environmental change to Robert Kates? examination of the prospect that our growing global interconnectedness could lead a transition to a more sustainable world to Vandana Shiva?s impassioned plea for a new ?living democracy? that counters the degrading, dehumanizing tendencies of the global economy. Other contributors include Maurice Strong on the Rio Earth Summit and the future course of environmentalism, Jose Goldemberg on energy, Jerry Mander on the inherent destructiveness of the global economic system, Stephan Schmidheiny on the forestry industry, and Daniel Esty and Maria Ivanova on global environmental governance. ......
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Complete Guide to Asset Protection Strategies Mark Warda
With juries giving out million-dollar awards for such things as spilt coffee and harassment, anyone with assets must realize that what has taken a lifetime to earn can be lost in an instant. Our legal system has become a lottery in which lawyers finance claims against anyone with money. This book explains in simple language how anyone with any assets can best protect them against any type of claims. After seeing how unfair the legal system has become, Attorney Mark Warda spent over a year and a half studying every type of asset protection plan available, from the homestead exemption to the offshore trust, from the most court-protected to the clearly illegal, and from the cost-free methods to the most expensive schemes. This book is the result of thatresearch. In simple language, it explains what works, what doesn?t and why. It provides asset protection plans for every need, from the simple and cheap to the complex and expensive. It explains the three main ways to keep......
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Digital Photography Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly Digital Studio) Derrick Story
Digital Photography Pocket Guide , 2nd Edition expands on the basic photography techniques introduced in the bestselling first edition to help you take the kind of pictures you've always wanted to--and now in full color! This book is the photo mentor you've always wanted: it explains each of the camera's components, shows you what they do, and then helps you choose the right settings. When you ask, "How can I get that picture?", simply pull this small guide out of your camera bag, backpack, or backpocket and find the answer quickly. This fully illustrated book covers everything from image resolution, shooting sports action, close ups and night shots, to memory cards, transferring images, archiving, making QuickTime movies, and much more. Topics in the guide's three main sections on "Digital Camera Components", "Standard Camera Functions", and "How Do I?" are labeled A to Z for quick reference. There's even an entire section of easy to read reference tables for quick look up of......
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Kathy Jacobs on Powerpoint: PPT 2000, PPT 2002, PPT 2003 (On Office series) Kathy Jacobs
A recognized expert in teaching Microsoft PowerPoint skills demonstrates how to design presentations to meet the needs of every audience. The peskiest PowerPoint problems are investigated-saving to removable media, how to back save, fast saves and other presentation corruptors, the AutoFormat feature, video drivers, hardware acceleration, and missing slide content. Also detailed is how to use PowerPoint for informational kiosks, games, and web sites. Tips for creating reports and graphical essays and forusing PowerPoint with other products in the Microsoft Office suite are provided....
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An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. Charles A. Beard . Книги.
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