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История теоретической мысли в американской этнографии Ю. П. Аверкиева
Наука. Монография посвящена анализу историко-философских концепций этнографической науки в США с середины XIX века до наших дней. Автор критически рассматривает различные школы, глубоко вскрывает корни теоретических воззрений виднейших представителей американской этнографии - Л.Г.Моргана, Ф.Боаса, А.Кребера, Л.Уайта....
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Happy Birthday, Baby (Dr. Seuss Nursery Collection) Dr Seuss
The Great Birthday Bird says, “Hop to it! Get dressed! Today is your day. It’s the Best of the Best!”Based on Dr. Seuss’s Happy Birthday to You!, this fun-filled interactive book has elements to touch, move, and smell. Presented in the original book’s spiffy color palette of yellow and red, Happy Birthday, Baby! helps babies and toddlers celebrate their day of all days with the Great Birthday Bird and everybody else!Dr. Seuss is quite simply the most beloved children’s book author in the world....
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Колотун Евгений Мякишев
Лимбус Пресс, Издательство К. Тублина. "Колотун" - шестая книга известного петербургского поэта, лауреата премии "От музы" (2006) и победителя "Поэтического слэма" (2008) Евгения Мякишева. Сам автор считает эту книгу юбилейной - не по счету, а по сути. В чем суть "юбилейности", читателю предлагается постичь самостоятельно....
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High Rollers: Fly Fishing for Giant Tarpon Bill Bishop
"This book will be invaluable to novice or experienced tarpon fly fishermen. Bill Bishop has addressed the mental, physical, humorous, and technical aspects of fishing for tarpon, writing in such a way that is both entertaining and instructive. I really like his style."--Lefty Kreh Artist and ardent angler Bill Bishop tackles all aspects of tarpon fishing--from building leaders to bringing them in quickly. Each chapter explores the core aspects of tarpon fishing in detail, including step-by-step instructions for tying IGFA leaders, the nuances of finding, casting to, hooking, and fighting giant tarpon, and insights and tips for running the boat, seeing fish, and reading the fish's behavior. In addition to the technical aspects, Bishop's stories and humor take a look at the personal side of fishing, reminding us that despite the sometimes-serious undertaking of battling a 150-pound tarpon, fishing is still supposed to be fun. With over 120 detailed pen-and-ink illustrations and......
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Nikon D90: Focal Digital Camera Guides Corey Hilz
Just bought a Nikon D90 and looking to combine practical know-how with inspiration? This one-stop, easy-to-read guide covers all the basic functions of the camera, and everything beyond. Inside, you'll find detailed explanations of every control and every feature, including full-color illustrations showing how changing each setting will affect your photos. But this book's greatest strength isn't its focus on the camera; it's the detailed, easy-to-follow instruction it offers on using your camera to take superior photographs. The lens, the subject matter, the light - all these variables are covered in depth, and always in the context of the Nikon D90. Written by a widely acclaimed photographer and photography instructor, the "Nikon D90 Digital Camera Guide" shows you how to get the shots you can see in your head but have never been able to capture with a camera. Get up and running in five minutes with the quick start guide. Profit from dozens of tips and tricks. Master all of your......
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История теоретической мысли в американской этнографии. Ю. П. Аверкиева . Книги.
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