Шью для всей семьи

  Шью для всей семьи  АСТ, Астрель.   Б книге описано построение базовых выкроек, а также выкроек множества деталей для всех видов одежды. Большой раздел посвящен примеркам и корректировке выкроек. Представлены необходимые при раскрое инструменты, принципы раскладки и раскроя ткани. Наглядно показано, как снимать мерки и делать необходимые припуски. Предназначена для широкого круга читателей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Б книге описано построение базовых выкроек, а также выкроек множества деталей для всех видов одежды. Большой раздел посвящен примеркам и корректировке выкроек. Представлены необходимые при раскрое инструменты, принципы раскладки и раскроя ткани. Наглядно показано, как снимать мерки и делать необходимые припуски. Предназначена для широкого круга читателей....

Приключения барона Мюнхаузена (подарочное издание)

Рудольф Эрих Распе

  Приключения барона Мюнхаузена (подарочное издание)  Рудольф Эрих Распе  Махаон.   Уникальное издание, созданное в соответствии с самыми высокими стандартами и лучшими традициями искусства книгоиздания. Прекрасно иллюстрирована и оформлена на высоком эстетическом уровне. Переплет: - цветная печать по шелку, тиснение золотой фольгой; - блинтовое окно, наклейка, покрытая лаком; - Махаон. Уникальное издание, созданное в соответствии с самыми высокими стандартами и лучшими традициями искусства книгоиздания. Прекрасно иллюстрирована и оформлена на высоком эстетическом уровне. Переплет: - цветная печать по шелку, тиснение золотой фольгой; - блинтовое окно, наклейка, покрытая лаком; - "золотой" обрез с трёх сторон; - цветное ляссе; - бумага мелованная матовая 170 г/кв. м. Замечательная книга об удивительных и невероятных приключениях барона Мюнхаузена....

Rules-Based Fiscal Policy in Emerging Markets : Background, Analysis and Prospects

  Rules-Based Fiscal Policy in Emerging Markets : Background, Analysis and Prospects  Book Description Inspired by the experience of some advanced economies, a number of emerging market economies have recently adopted rules limiting the budget deficit, expenditure level, or indebtedness of the public sector, while others consider themfor eventual adoption. This volume brings together policy analysts to discuss the rationale, suitability, and usefulness of fiscal policy rules in emerging market economies. Grouped under three main parts (political economy and macroeconomic setting; design issues at the national level; design issues at the subnational level), the chapters have a practical orientation, based on conceptual grounding.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Inspired by the experience of some advanced economies, a number of emerging market economies have recently adopted rules limiting the budget deficit, expenditure level, or indebtedness of the public sector, while others consider themfor eventual adoption. This volume brings together policy analysts to discuss the rationale, suitability, and usefulness of fiscal policy rules in emerging market economies. Grouped under three main parts (political economy and macroeconomic setting; design issues at the national level; design issues at the subnational level), the chapters have a practical orientation, based on conceptual grounding....

The Politics of Working Life

Paul Edwards

  The Politics of Working Life  Paul Edwards  Book DescriptionHow does the politics of working life shape modern organizations? Is our desire for meaningful, secure work increasingly at odds with corporate behavior in a globalized economy? Does the rise of performance management culture represent an intensification of work, or create opportunities for the freewheeling individual career? This timely and engaging book, by leading authorities in the field, adopts the standpoint of the 'questioning observer'. It is for those who need an informed account of work that is accessible without being superficial. The book is unique in its multi-dimensional approach, weaving together analysis of individual work experience, political processes in organizations, and the wider context of the social structuringof markets. The book identifies central questions about working experience and answers them in a direct and lively manner. It has a strong analytical foundation based on a political economy framework, giving particular weight to the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHow does the politics of working life shape modern organizations? Is our desire for meaningful, secure work increasingly at odds with corporate behavior in a globalized economy? Does the rise of performance management culture represent an intensification of work, or create opportunities for the freewheeling individual career? This timely and engaging book, by leading authorities in the field, adopts the standpoint of the 'questioning observer'. It is for those who need an informed account of work that is accessible without being superficial. The book is unique in its multi-dimensional approach, weaving together analysis of individual work experience, political processes in organizations, and the wider context of the social structuringof markets. The book identifies central questions about working experience and answers them in a direct and lively manner. It has a strong analytical foundation based on a political economy framework, giving particular weight to the......

International Project Management

Owen J. Murphy

  International Project Management  Owen J. Murphy  Book Description The stakes are high in international ventures. Success can be lucrative, but only if formidable obstacles are overcome and unexpected expenses are reined in. Taking a unique approach to international project management, International Project Management is a cutting-edge new book that introduces financial control systems to help manage cost and schedule. By skillfully applying these systems, managers uncover potential problems before they become roadblocks, enabling them to make the necessary adjustments to maintain the company?s cost and schedule commitments.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The stakes are high in international ventures. Success can be lucrative, but only if formidable obstacles are overcome and unexpected expenses are reined in. Taking a unique approach to international project management, International Project Management is a cutting-edge new book that introduces financial control systems to help manage cost and schedule. By skillfully applying these systems, managers uncover potential problems before they become roadblocks, enabling them to make the necessary adjustments to maintain the company?s cost and schedule commitments....

<<<  Мститель. А. Новиков             История Центрально-Восточной Европы. Наталья Алексюн, Даниэль ... >>>

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