Вопрос - ответ

Викас Сваруп

  Вопрос - ответ  Викас Сваруп  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель.   Litera.   Кто хочет стать миллионером? Все! Но кто сможет ответить на вопросы в популярном телешоу и действительно выиграть миллион? Только не полуграмотный официант Рама Мохаммед Томас из захолустного ресторана! Однако именно ему выпадает шанс участвовать в шоу, и именно он становится победителем! Обман? Жульничество? Преступный сговор?! Или просто - фантастическое везение? Устроители шоу пытаются найти ответы на эти вопросы и не торопятся выплачивать выигрыш. Конечно, победитель может АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель. Litera. Кто хочет стать миллионером? Все! Но кто сможет ответить на вопросы в популярном телешоу и действительно выиграть миллион? Только не полуграмотный официант Рама Мохаммед Томас из захолустного ресторана! Однако именно ему выпадает шанс участвовать в шоу, и именно он становится победителем! Обман? Жульничество? Преступный сговор?! Или просто - фантастическое везение? Устроители шоу пытаются найти ответы на эти вопросы и не торопятся выплачивать выигрыш. Конечно, победитель может "получить все", но пока - на всякий случай! - его определяют в... тюрьму....


Preston Bailey

  Inspirations  Preston Bailey  Bulfinch.   INSPIRATIONS is a lush sourcebook of ideas for creating the perfect ambiance for any major party or event. INSPIRATIONS is packed with gorgeous photographs of 10 such parties. Ranging from modern to romantic, and the majority of arrangements pictured havenever before been seen. The chapters will focus on Bailey's inspirational elements derived from art, travel, nature, and more. Preston Bailey has established himself as the floral designer for celebrities and the affluent alike, and he continues to set th bar for event design. Over the past year, some of his clients have included Donald and Melania Trump, Regis Philbin, and Oprah Winfrey.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Bulfinch. INSPIRATIONS is a lush sourcebook of ideas for creating the perfect ambiance for any major party or event. INSPIRATIONS is packed with gorgeous photographs of 10 such parties. Ranging from modern to romantic, and the majority of arrangements pictured havenever before been seen. The chapters will focus on Bailey's inspirational elements derived from art, travel, nature, and more. Preston Bailey has established himself as the floral designer for celebrities and the affluent alike, and he continues to set th bar for event design. Over the past year, some of his clients have included Donald and Melania Trump, Regis Philbin, and Oprah Winfrey....

All`s Well That Ends Well

  All`s Well That Ends Well  Shakespeare  Shakespeare  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Shakespeare...

Трезвые мысли. Повести, рассказы, фельетоны

  Трезвые мысли. Повести, рассказы, фельетоны  Советский писатель. Москва.   В книгу вошли произведения известных советских писателей, каждое из которых по-своему протестует против страшного общественного зла - пьянства.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Советский писатель. Москва. В книгу вошли произведения известных советских писателей, каждое из которых по-своему протестует против страшного общественного зла - пьянства....

Conversations on Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Cosmos

Eugene N. Parker

  Conversations on Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Cosmos  Eugene N. Parker  Princeton University Press.   Princeton Series in Astrophysics.   Today's standard textbooks treat the theoretical structure of electric and magnetic fields, but their emphasis is on electromagnetic radiation and static-electric and magnetic fields. In this book, Eugene Parker provides advanced graduate students and researchers with a much-needed complement to existing texts, one that discusses the dynamic electromagnetism of the cosmos - that is, the vast magnetic fields that are carried bodily in the swirling ionized gases of stars and galaxies and throughout intergalactic space. Parker is arguably the world's leading authority on solar wind and the effects of magnetic fields in the heliosphere, and his originality of thought and distinctive approach to physics are very much in evidence here. Seeking to enrich discussions in standard texts and correct misconceptions about the dynamics of these large-scale fields, Parker engages readers in a series of Princeton University Press. Princeton Series in Astrophysics. Today's standard textbooks treat the theoretical structure of electric and magnetic fields, but their emphasis is on electromagnetic radiation and static-electric and magnetic fields. In this book, Eugene Parker provides advanced graduate students and researchers with a much-needed complement to existing texts, one that discusses the dynamic electromagnetism of the cosmos - that is, the vast magnetic fields that are carried bodily in the swirling ionized gases of stars and galaxies and throughout intergalactic space. Parker is arguably the world's leading authority on solar wind and the effects of magnetic fields in the heliosphere, and his originality of thought and distinctive approach to physics are very much in evidence here. Seeking to enrich discussions in standard texts and correct misconceptions about the dynamics of these large-scale fields, Parker engages readers in a series of "conversations" that are at times anecdotal and even entertaining without ever sacrificing......

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Вопрос - ответ. Викас Сваруп . Книги.

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