Кремлевские дети

Валентина Краскова

  Кремлевские дети  Валентина Краскова  Беларэст.   Беспредел.   Читателю, знакомому с книгой Васильевой Беларэст. Беспредел. Читателю, знакомому с книгой Васильевой "Кремлевские жены", будет интересно ознакомиться с еще одной стороной личной жизни правивших нами вождей, начиная с Ульянова-Ленина и кончая Борисом Ельциным и его окружением....

Е. Н. Трубецкой. Избранное

Е. Н. Трубецкой

  Е. Н. Трубецкой. Избранное  Е. Н. Трубецкой  Канон.   История христианской мысли в памятниках.   Евгений Трубецкой (1863-1920) - русский религиозный философ, правовед и общественный деятель. В сборник включена одна из главных его работ - Канон. История христианской мысли в памятниках. Евгений Трубецкой (1863-1920) - русский религиозный философ, правовед и общественный деятель. В сборник включена одна из главных его работ - "Смысл жизни", а также статьи разных лет, тематически связанные с основной работой. Книга "Смысл жизни" написана в 1918 г. , здесь автор критически переосмысляет философию Вл.Соловьева....

М. Н. Волконский. Сочинения в четырех томах. Том 2

М. Н. Волконский

  М. Н. Волконский. Сочинения в четырех томах. Том 2  М. Н. Волконский  Пресса.   М. Н. Волконский. Сочинения в четырех томах.   Роман Пресса. М. Н. Волконский. Сочинения в четырех томах. Роман "Кольцо императрицы", включенный во второй том Сочинений М.Н.Волконского, повествует о восшествии на российский престол Елизаветы Петровны. Рассказ "Горсть бриллиантов" представляет собой исторический анекдот времен царствования Екатерины II....

Lead Markets for Environmental Innovations (ZEW Economic Studies)

Klaus Jacob

  Lead Markets for Environmental Innovations (ZEW Economic Studies)  Klaus Jacob  Book DescriptionSome countries are earlier than others in the development and introduction of environmental innovations. Often, the leadership in technological development is accompanied by a leadership in environmental policy. The book provides an analysis of lead markets for innovations such as fuel cells, photovoltaics, and others. Contributions of innovation economics, policy analysis and environmental economics are assessed regarding their potential to explain the leadership of single countries. Thebook depicts the policy frameworks that are favourable to the creation of such lead markets on the basis of theoretical considerations and case studies. Finally, recommendations for R and D policies, environmental and industrial policies are derived.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSome countries are earlier than others in the development and introduction of environmental innovations. Often, the leadership in technological development is accompanied by a leadership in environmental policy. The book provides an analysis of lead markets for innovations such as fuel cells, photovoltaics, and others. Contributions of innovation economics, policy analysis and environmental economics are assessed regarding their potential to explain the leadership of single countries. Thebook depicts the policy frameworks that are favourable to the creation of such lead markets on the basis of theoretical considerations and case studies. Finally, recommendations for R and D policies, environmental and industrial policies are derived....

Lost Light

Michael Connelly

  Lost Light  Michael Connelly  Book DescriptionFed up with the hypocrisy and bureaucracy of the LAPD, Harry Bosch has retired. But the life of a retiree doesn't suit him. He has devoted himself to law enforcement out of a deep drive to see justice done equally for all. On his own, he is still drawn toward the abyss. And when he rediscovers a startling, unsolved murder among the old case files he's been poring over, he knows he can't rest until he finds the killer, with or without a badge. Moving ever further inside the remarkable character of Harry Bosch, whom the New York Post calls Book DescriptionFed up with the hypocrisy and bureaucracy of the LAPD, Harry Bosch has retired. But the life of a retiree doesn't suit him. He has devoted himself to law enforcement out of a deep drive to see justice done equally for all. On his own, he is still drawn toward the abyss. And when he rediscovers a startling, unsolved murder among the old case files he's been poring over, he knows he can't rest until he finds the killer, with or without a badge. Moving ever further inside the remarkable character of Harry Bosch, whom the New York Post calls "the quintessential mystery book hero," Michael Connelly takes another step closer to the classic novels of Raymond Chandler in this breakneck, relentless, and potent new novel. Download DescriptionSpecial eBook feature: Includes an author article and excerpts from A Darkness More Than Night, City of Bones, and Chasing the Dime. Fed up with the hypocrisy and bureaucracy of the LAPD, Harry Bosch has resigned and is forced to find a......

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Кремлевские дети. Валентина Краскова . Книги.

Белгород, Москва , Уссурийск, Улан-Удэ, Новокузнецк, Новочебоксарск, Южно-Сахалинск, Армавир, Люберцы, ВеликийНовгород, Орехово-Зуево, Чита, Благовещенск, Тобольск, Киселёвск, Брянск, Братск, Санкт-Петербург, Иваново, Сызрань, Красноярск, Орехово-Зуево, Братск, Набережные Челны, Волжский, Балаково, Москва, Мурманск, Казань,
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