The Development Business: A History of the Commonwealth Development Corporation

Michael McWilliam

  The Development Business: A History of the Commonwealth Development Corporation  Michael McWilliam  A study of institutional transformation over 50 years that mirrors changing perceptions of economic development in Britain's aid policies. CD's development impact is increasingly seen in terms of achieving economic externalities. Forthcoming privatization raises new issues of the compatibility of CD's developmental role with meeting the requirements of private investors and capital markets.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A study of institutional transformation over 50 years that mirrors changing perceptions of economic development in Britain's aid policies. CD's development impact is increasingly seen in terms of achieving economic externalities. Forthcoming privatization raises new issues of the compatibility of CD's developmental role with meeting the requirements of private investors and capital markets....

Making Sense of a Changing Economy: Technology, Markets, and Morals

Edward J. Nell, Routledge

  Making Sense of a Changing Economy: Technology, Markets, and Morals  Edward J. Nell, Routledge  Making Sense of a Changing Economy presents an unorthodox and original view of the current state of economic theory and policies. Deriding the general trend for `econobabble', the author explains the reason why conventional wisdom in economics now seems irrelevant and looks to likely future scenarios. Entertaining throughout, Nell employs a lightness of touch and wit not generally It associated with economic literature. It will appeal to those who care what is really happening in the economy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Making Sense of a Changing Economy presents an unorthodox and original view of the current state of economic theory and policies. Deriding the general trend for `econobabble', the author explains the reason why conventional wisdom in economics now seems irrelevant and looks to likely future scenarios. Entertaining throughout, Nell employs a lightness of touch and wit not generally It associated with economic literature. It will appeal to those who care what is really happening in the economy....

Antidumping : How It Works and Who Gets Hurt (Studies in International Economics)

J. Michael Finger

  Antidumping : How It Works and Who Gets Hurt (Studies in International Economics)  J. Michael Finger  This title was formally part of the Studies in International Trade Policy Series, now called Studies in International Economics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This title was formally part of the Studies in International Trade Policy Series, now called Studies in International Economics....

Recasting American Liberty: Gender, Race, Law and the Railroad Revolution, 1865-1920 (Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society)

Barbara Young Welke

  Recasting American Liberty: Gender, Race, Law and the Railroad Revolution, 1865-1920 (Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society)  Barbara Young Welke  Through courtroom dramas from 1865 to 1920, Recasting American Liberty offers a dramatic reconsideration of the critical role railroads, and their urban counterpart, streetcars, played in transforming the conditions of individual liberty at the dawn of the 20th century. The three-part narrative, focusing on the law of accidental injury, nervous shock, and racial segregation in public transit, captures Americans' journey from a cultural and legal ethos celebrating manly independence and autonomy to one that recognized and sought to protect the individual against the corporate power, modern technology and modern urban space.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Through courtroom dramas from 1865 to 1920, Recasting American Liberty offers a dramatic reconsideration of the critical role railroads, and their urban counterpart, streetcars, played in transforming the conditions of individual liberty at the dawn of the 20th century. The three-part narrative, focusing on the law of accidental injury, nervous shock, and racial segregation in public transit, captures Americans' journey from a cultural and legal ethos celebrating manly independence and autonomy to one that recognized and sought to protect the individual against the corporate power, modern technology and modern urban space....

Alternatives to Capitalism (Studies in Marxism and Social Theory)

Jon Elster, Karl Ove Moene

  Alternatives to Capitalism (Studies in Marxism and Social Theory)  Jon Elster, Karl Ove Moene  The essays in this provocative collection survey and assess institutional arrangements that could be alternatives to capitalism as it exists today. The agreed point of departure among the contributors is that on the one hand, capitalism leads to unemployment, a lack of autonomy in the workplace, and massive income inequalities; while on the other hand, central socialist planning is characterized by underemployment, inefficiency, and bureaucracy. In Part I, various alternatives are proposed: profit-sharing systems, capitalism combined with some central planning, worker-owned firms in a market economy, or the introduction of the elements of market economy into a centrally planned economy as has occurred recently in Hungary. Part II provides a theoretical analysis and assessment of these systems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The essays in this provocative collection survey and assess institutional arrangements that could be alternatives to capitalism as it exists today. The agreed point of departure among the contributors is that on the one hand, capitalism leads to unemployment, a lack of autonomy in the workplace, and massive income inequalities; while on the other hand, central socialist planning is characterized by underemployment, inefficiency, and bureaucracy. In Part I, various alternatives are proposed: profit-sharing systems, capitalism combined with some central planning, worker-owned firms in a market economy, or the introduction of the elements of market economy into a centrally planned economy as has occurred recently in Hungary. Part II provides a theoretical analysis and assessment of these systems....

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The Development Business: A History of the Commonwealth Development Corporation. Michael McWilliam . Книги.

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