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Benefits and Beneficiaries: An Introduction to Estimating Distributional Effects in Cost-Benefit Analysis Elio Londero
Benefits and Beneficiaries presents the distributional implications inherent in cost-benefit analysis, shows how distributional value judgements underlie traditional efficiency analysis and the treatment of accounting prices, and provides guidelines for estimating the distributional effects of investment projects. The book also illustrates how estimates of distributional effects are used in order to apply accounting prices of investment or distributional weights, and points out the main difficulties thatmay be encountered in making those estimates. Applications are illustrated through case studies. It is directed towards professionals in the field of applied economic analysis and students interested in a more detailed approach to such topics than that offered in the most widely used textbooks, which it may serve to supplement. The book is also available in Spanish....
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Defense Conversion (Twentieth Century Fund Books) Jacques S. Gansler
Author of two widely-read books on the defense industry, Jacques Gansler takes a hard look at the need to convert the industry from an inefficient and noncompetitive part of the U.S. economy to an integrated, civilian/military operation. He defines the challenges, especially the influence of old-line defense interests, and presents examples of restructuring. Gansler discusses growing foreign involvement, lessons of prior industrial conversions, the best structure for the next century, current barriers tointegration, a three-part transformation strategy, the role of technological leadership, and the critical workforce. He concludes by outlining sixteen specific actions for achieving civil/military integration. In Gansler's view, the end of the Cold War with the former Soviet Union represents a permanent downturn rather than a cyclical decline in the defense budget. He argues that this critical transition period requires a restructuring of the defense acquisitions process......
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Why Didn't You Say That in the First Place? : How to Be Understood at Work (The Jossey-Bass Management) Richard Heyman
Ever get the feeling that your coworkers don't understand you? Misunderstanding through poor communication is rampant in the workplace, yet most workers just shrug their shoulders and accept misunderstanding as a fact of life. In Why Didn't You Say that in the First Place? , the author offers a path to clear communication by demonstrating how we can always reach full mutual understanding with others by using the power of plain talk in a systematic way. You'll discover: Why nobodyunderstands you Why misunderstanding is normal The power of strategic talk Communicating when understanding is critical It is full of anecdotes, illustrations, sample conversations, and checklists to show readers how misunderstandings can beprevented in everyday settings....
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The Business Style Handbook: An A-to-Z Guide for Writing on the Job with Tips from Communications Experts at the Fortune 500 Helen Cunningham, Brenda Greene
In the everyday work world, most professionals are on their own when it comes to writing reports, memos, proposals, and other necessary correspondence. The Business Style Handbook is a practical and comprehensive guide that focuses specificallyon the writing issues that frequently arise on the job. Insights and feedback from Fortune 500 communications executives provide tips and advice on improving writing style and effectiveness, while more than 1,200 alphabetized entries cover the essentialsof style and usage, grammatical concepts, and more....
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Four Seasons of Leadership David Neidert
Building a beautiful life or legacy takes hard work. Just as gardening or farming requires us to get our hands dirty and work for the rewards, so too, are the fruits of our labors only to be found after long hours of practice, focus and patience. While many of us dream of easy solutions, or hope some luck will make all our wishes come true, the law of the universe and the cycle of life demand hard work and perseverance. They are the only fairy dust for fulfilling dreams and ambitions. This book gives hope to weary work-aholics and heals the heart of embattled entrepreneurs or managers by bringing to mind the reasons we work so hard. It is about fulfilling your leadership and life dreams, and about considering the legacy you will leave. It describes how great leaders begin their journey to leadership early in life and ultimately find satisfaction in their personal lives by: Developing a personal mission statement (Winter). Obtaining wisdom through education (Spring). Developing......
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Benefits and Beneficiaries: An Introduction to Estimating Distributional Effects in Cost-Benefit Analysis. Elio Londero . Книги.
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