Mergers & Acquisitions (SAGE Library in Business and Management)

  Mergers & Acquisitions (SAGE Library in Business and Management)  Mergers and acquisitions play a major role in shaping business activities worldwide, and consequently, is a widely researched area within the field of business and management. It is also a multi-disciplinary area, with very few topics cutting across so ma different functional areas of business or generating interest across such a wide range of groups as this one. This three-volume major work critically examines the research on the Mergers and acquisitions play a major role in shaping business activities worldwide, and consequently, is a widely researched area within the field of business and management. It is also a multi-disciplinary area, with very few topics cutting across so ma different functional areas of business or generating interest across such a wide range of groups as this one. This three-volume major work critically examines the research on the "soft side" of mergers and acquisitions, i.e. strategy and organizational sues. The major work covers the following topics: Volume I: Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) " Merger Trends " Corporate Strategy and M&A " Merger Types " Theoretical Explanations for M&A Volume II: The M&A Process " Acquisition Analysis " Negoation Process " Decision Making Processes " Stakeholder Effects of M&A Volume III: Post-Merger Integration " Corporate Governance " 2. Integration Capabilities " 3. Value Creation...

State Shareholding and Value of Russian Companies: A Quantitative Study

Roman Ulasevich

  State Shareholding and Value of Russian Companies: A Quantitative Study  Roman Ulasevich  During the last 13 years thousands of enterprises were privatized in Russia. However, the Russian state still owns large stakes in many companies, including some of the largest publicly traded enterprises. At the same time the Russian stock market has experienced a tremendous growth during the last several years attracting domestic and foreign investors. These investors can be concerned about the possible value-effects of government shareholding. One of the implications of the grabbing hand theory proposed by A. Shleifer and R. Vishniy is that government shareholding affects corporate performance and value. This book provides some empirical evidence supporting this view based on the sample of the Russian publicly traded enterprises. However it also finds that relationship between government shareholding and corporate value is not monotonic, but U-shaped, i.e. after a certain threshold state shareholding can have a positive impact on corporate value. The latter finding corresponds with...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин During the last 13 years thousands of enterprises were privatized in Russia. However, the Russian state still owns large stakes in many companies, including some of the largest publicly traded enterprises. At the same time the Russian stock market has experienced a tremendous growth during the last several years attracting domestic and foreign investors. These investors can be concerned about the possible value-effects of government shareholding. One of the implications of the grabbing hand theory proposed by A. Shleifer and R. Vishniy is that government shareholding affects corporate performance and value. This book provides some empirical evidence supporting this view based on the sample of the Russian publicly traded enterprises. However it also finds that relationship between government shareholding and corporate value is not monotonic, but U-shaped, i.e. after a certain threshold state shareholding can have a positive impact on corporate value. The latter finding corresponds with......

Беспозвоночные в аквариуме. Обзор видов. Жизнь в природе. Содержание в аквариуме

Т. А. Вершинина

  Беспозвоночные в аквариуме. Обзор видов. Жизнь в природе. Содержание в аквариуме  Т. А. Вершинина  Аквариум-Принт.   Голубая серия.   Мир под водой богат и разнообразен. И не последнее место в нем занимают пресноводные беспозвоночные. В книге рассказывается об их жизни в природе и аквариуме, особенностях их строения, питания, дыхания, поведения и т. п. Автор приводит сведения, основанные на собственной практике, а также ссылается на данные литературных источников. Любителям природы эта книга поможет в проведении наблюдений за обитателями пресноводных водоемов и объяснит многие явления, происходящие в аквариуме.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Аквариум-Принт. Голубая серия. Мир под водой богат и разнообразен. И не последнее место в нем занимают пресноводные беспозвоночные. В книге рассказывается об их жизни в природе и аквариуме, особенностях их строения, питания, дыхания, поведения и т. п. Автор приводит сведения, основанные на собственной практике, а также ссылается на данные литературных источников. Любителям природы эта книга поможет в проведении наблюдений за обитателями пресноводных водоемов и объяснит многие явления, происходящие в аквариуме....

Всех угостила

И. Пивоварова

  Всех угостила  И. Пивоварова  АСТ, Астрель.   Планета детства.   Вашему вниманию предлагается книжка на картоне для самых маленьких. Красочные иллюстрации и веселые поучительные стихи не оставят вашего малыша равнодушным.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Планета детства. Вашему вниманию предлагается книжка на картоне для самых маленьких. Красочные иллюстрации и веселые поучительные стихи не оставят вашего малыша равнодушным....

Never Seen the Moon: The Trials of Edith Maxwell

Sharon Hatfield

  Never Seen the Moon: The Trials of Edith Maxwell  Sharon Hatfield  Never Seen the Moon carefully yet lucidly recreates a young woman's wild ride through the American legal system. In 1935, free-spirited young teacher Edith Maxwell and her mother were indicted for murdering Edith's conservative and domineering father, Trigg, late one July night in their Wise County, Virginia, home. Edith claimed her father had tried to whip her for staying out late. She said that she had defended herself by striking back with a high-heeled shoe, thus earning herself the sobriquet Never Seen the Moon carefully yet lucidly recreates a young woman's wild ride through the American legal system. In 1935, free-spirited young teacher Edith Maxwell and her mother were indicted for murdering Edith's conservative and domineering father, Trigg, late one July night in their Wise County, Virginia, home. Edith claimed her father had tried to whip her for staying out late. She said that she had defended herself by striking back with a high-heeled shoe, thus earning herself the sobriquet "slipper slayer." Immediately granted celebrity status by the powerful Hearst press, Maxwell was also championed as a martyr by advocates of women's causes. National news magazines and even detective magazines picked up her story, Warner Brothers created a screen version, and Eleanor Roosevelt helped secure her early release from prison. Sharon Hatfield's brilliant telling of this true-crime story transforms a dusty piece of history into a vibrant thriller. Throughout the narrative, she......

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Mergers & Acquisitions (SAGE Library in Business and Management). . Книги.

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