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Interior Design using AutoCAD 2007
Daniel John Stine...
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Odder Jobs Nancy Rica Schiff
From canine massage practitioner to competitive eater, there are real people who perform real jobs that most nine-to-fivers have never dreamed existed. In this satisfying follow-up to ODD JOBS, Nancy Rica Schiff brings these and many more peculiar professions to light, giving us a glimpse into a whole other world of work. Nancy's photographs perfectly capture the personalities of these working people who love their jobs, despite their oddities....
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Jokes & Quotes for Speeches Cassell Illustrated
“If all is not lost, where is it?” “Some days you’re the dog; some days you’re the tree.” There’s no better way for a nervous speechmaker to win over an audience than with a good joke. Here are hundreds of them: anecdotes, one-liners, and deft definitions, as well as hysterical quotations from sources ranging from Mae West to Ronald Reagan. Here, to help you deliver this sure-fire material, are extensive tips on selecting the right joke, adapting it to fit the audience, practicing the delivery, and getting it across to best effect. Perfect for all occasions—weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, business presentations, and many more—this is an indispensable source for any speaker who wants to captivate and entertain an audience....
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Interior Design using AutoCAD 2007. Daniel John Stine . Книги.
Артём, Махачкала, Альметьевск, Ижевск, Ставрополь, Владимир, Камышин, Дербент, Электросталь, Дзержинск, Серпухов, Златоуст, Москва, Новосибирск, Якутск, Томск, Томск, Каменск-Уральский, Новосибирск, Череповец, Питер, Липецк, Ухта, Новотроицк, Воронеж, Сургут, Нефтеюганск, Киров, Дзержинск, НижнийНовгород, Нефтеюганск,
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