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Брайан Олдис. Избранные произведения в двух томах. Том 2 Брайан Олдис
Эридан. Брайан Олдис. Избранные произведения в двух томах. Том 2. Главный герой романа "малайсийский гобелен" - безработный актер - находится в напряженном поиске своего места в загадочной, страшной, но и блистательно великолепной стране Малайсии, существующей вне времени... В книге представлены также рассказы Б. Олдисса, повествующие об увлекательных и забавных приключениях, парадоксальных ситуациях, в которых вымысел неотличим порою от реальности....
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The Hidden Power of Illustrator CS Web Graphic Techniques Steve Kurth
Adobe Illustrator has long been the industry's dominant illustration package. In this latest version, Adobe added a suite of extremely powerful, highly integrated web tools which are the focus of Steve Kurth's The Hidden Power of Illustrator CS: Web Graphic Techniques. Whether you're a Web designer making websites from scratch or a print designer taking graphics to the Web, Kurth gives you the tools and techniques you'll need to take full advantage of Illustrator's web capabilities. This process-orientedguide takes you from setting up documents and preferences all the way to integrating with programs such as Dreamweaver and GoLive. Topics include: Illustrator in a web workflow; working with symbols and icons; optimizing spot illustrations; image maps, slices, and CSS layers; creating animations and SVG; drawing for Flash; and automation. The book's web component features resource files, examples, and bonus lessons. A color section in the book showcases color-specific techniques....
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Creative Titling with Premiere Pro Ed Gaskell
Learn how to create your own amazing titles using this powerful video-editing application. More than just another technical manual, the book features step-by-step examples that explain the techniques and the creative thoughts behind them. Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker or a professional looking for an edge, this book will help you to give your work a boost. Premiere Pro, Adobe's revolutionary video-editing application, features powerful video and audio-editing tools that give videomakers precise control over every aspect of their work. In Creative Titling with Premiere Pro, Ed Gaskell teaches you to use these tools to create slick and exciting title sequences with a truly professional feel. Through an introduction and six chapters, packed with step-by-step projects, it shows you all you need to know about creating titles that grab the attention and set the right mood. ? The introduction runs through the basic theory of titling, covering the approaches taken in film and TV......
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CIW E-Commerce Designer Certification Bible Chris Minnick, Margaret Minnick
This is the very first work on the Certified Internet Webmaster E-Commerce exam, in our dependable Certification Bible format, to appeal to motivated test-takers as well as those responsible for implementing e-commerce on the job. CIW E-Commerce Designer Certification Bible closely follows Prosoft Training's curriculum and their objectives for the CIW E-Commerce exam. Throughout the chapters and exercises, the authors use a mock Web site, created to be used as a case-study for all phases of design and development. Topics include legal issues, marketing to the web, online promotion techniques, building a web site, attracting e-customers, supporting business-to-business activities, using online storefront packages, working with IIS, working with Site Server (Commerce Edition), customization, transaction security, and management. Covers: Exam 1D0 425...
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Web Site Usability Handbook Mark Pearrow
Does your company Web site convey your message effectively? Are your customers finding what they need easily? Determining these factors is a difficult task that has challenged Usability professionals since the first Web page was posted. Company Web sites aren't optional in today's highly competitive business environment and ensuring that your investment on the Web is well spent, is a challenge facing all levels of Web professionals. With the hands-on guidance and examples provided in this book, readers will find practical tools to make certain that their site is as effective and user-friendly as possible. They'll learn to create sites that are free from navigation "dead ends", difficult to use interfaces, and other barriers to usability. All of the principals of User Centered Design (UCD) are covered along with Critical Human Factors, and guidelines for implementing a test plan. Examples of Usability issues and how they are dealt with are covered through a case stdy focused on......
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Брайан Олдис. Избранные произведения в двух томах. Том 2. Брайан Олдис . Книги.
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