Perfectly Yourself: 9 Lessons for Enduring Happiness

Matthew Kelly

  Perfectly Yourself: 9 Lessons for Enduring Happiness  Matthew Kelly  Ballantine Books.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ballantine Books. -...

The Expansion of Consciousness (The Ecology of Consciousness)

  The Expansion of Consciousness (The Ecology of Consciousness)  Ralph Metzner  Ralph Metzner  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ralph Metzner...

Acts of Giving: Individual, Community, and Church in Tenth-Century Christian Spain

Wendy Davies

  Acts of Giving: Individual, Community, and Church in Tenth-Century Christian Spain  Wendy Davies  
.   . "Acts of Giving" examines the issues surrounding donation - the giving of property, usually landed property - in northern "Christian" Spain in the tenth century, when written texts became very plentiful, allowing us to glimpse the working of local society. Wendy Davies explores who gives and who receives; what is given; reasons for giving; and the place of giving within the complex of social and economic relationships in society as a whole. People gave land for all kinds of reasons - because they were forced to do so, to meet debts or pay fines; because they wanted to gain material benefits in life, or to secure support in the short term or in old age. Giving pro anima, for the sake of the soul, was relatively limited; and gifts were made to lay persons as well as to the church. Family interests were strongly sustained across the tenth century and did not dwindle; family land was split and re-assembled, not fragmented. The gender and status of donors are key themes, along with......

Remote Viewing: The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing

  Remote Viewing: The Complete User's Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing  David A. Morehouse  David A. Morehouse  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин David A. Morehouse...


Jacquelin Simone

  Ciara  Jacquelin Simone  Mason Crest.   Hip Hop.   In a genre dominated by men, it can be hard for a female to be taken seriously. But the hip-hop world has taken notice of Ciara and welcomed her into its fold. Mason Crest. Hip Hop. In a genre dominated by men, it can be hard for a female to be taken seriously. But the hip-hop world has taken notice of Ciara and welcomed her into its fold. "Ciara" tells the story of the young singer from Atlanta, Georgia. Readers will learn how she began her career in music, how she has risen to the top of the music charts, and how she plans to stay there. Perhaps most important, readers will discover how Ciara uses her music to counter the images that many people have of rap songs. "Ciara" tells of her desire to spread the message that women are not just sex objects; she wants women to realize their power as well. Ciara's music invites one to dance. But it also encourages people to take a minute, to adjust the way they might think. And "Ciara" tells that story....

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Perfectly Yourself: 9 Lessons for Enduring Happiness. Matthew Kelly . Книги.

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