Information and Self-Organization: A Macroscopic Approach to Complex Systems (Springer Series in Synergetics)

Hermann Haken

  Information and Self-Organization: A Macroscopic Approach to Complex Systems (Springer Series in Synergetics)  Hermann Haken  This book presents the concepts needed to deal with self-organizing complex systems from a unifying point of view that uses macroscopic data. The various meanings of the concept This book presents the concepts needed to deal with self-organizing complex systems from a unifying point of view that uses macroscopic data. The various meanings of the concept "information" are discussed and a general formulation of the maximum information (entropy) principle is used. With the aid of results from synergetics, adequate objective constraints for a large class of self-organizing systems are formulated and examples are given from physics, life and computer science. The relationship to chaos theory is examined and it is further shown that, based on possibly scarce and noisy data, unbiased guesses about processes of complex systems can be made and the underlying deterministic and random forces determined. This allows for probabilistic predictions of processes, with applications to numerous fields in science, technology, medicine and economics. The extensions of the third edition are essentially devoted to an introduction to the meaning of information in the quantum......

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Tested by Time: Those Who Followed Them...and Those Who Didn't!

James L. Garlow

  The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Tested by Time: Those Who Followed Them...and Those Who Didn't!  James L. Garlow  The magnetism of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Law #9) . . .Cicero's ability to captivate an audience with his eloquence (Law #5) . . .the connection Will Rogers made with the common man (Law #10) . . .all of these leaders were using the 21 Laws of Leadership long before John Maxwell ever put pen to paper. Through enlightening discussion, author James Garlow illustrates how these 21 key principles have been at work throughout history. Learn from the great General Robert E. Lee why the Law of Respect is so important when leading men into battle. Let the story of the Donner Party's failed expedition demonstrate the significance of the Law of Navigation. Learn from church leader John Wesley how the Law of Process kept his converts steady in their faith while others floundered. These laws have been tested by history; now test them for yourself.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The magnetism of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Law #9) . . .Cicero's ability to captivate an audience with his eloquence (Law #5) . . .the connection Will Rogers made with the common man (Law #10) . . .all of these leaders were using the 21 Laws of Leadership long before John Maxwell ever put pen to paper. Through enlightening discussion, author James Garlow illustrates how these 21 key principles have been at work throughout history. Learn from the great General Robert E. Lee why the Law of Respect is so important when leading men into battle. Let the story of the Donner Party's failed expedition demonstrate the significance of the Law of Navigation. Learn from church leader John Wesley how the Law of Process kept his converts steady in their faith while others floundered. These laws have been tested by history; now test them for yourself....

MP College Accounting 1-13 w/Home Depot Annual Report

John Ellis Price, M. David Haddock, Horace R. Brock

  MP College Accounting 1-13 w/Home Depot Annual Report  John Ellis Price, M. David Haddock, Horace R. Brock  Price/Haddock/Brock has been a long-time market leader because of its readability and relevance. The book includes many real-world examples, high-interest problems and activities, in-text help, and classroom-tested dynamic pedagogy. With the addition of McGraw-Hill’s Homework Manager, Topic Tackler Plus, and an Algorithmic Test Bank, the new edition includes more technology support than ever before.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Price/Haddock/Brock has been a long-time market leader because of its readability and relevance. The book includes many real-world examples, high-interest problems and activities, in-text help, and classroom-tested dynamic pedagogy. With the addition of McGraw-Hill’s Homework Manager, Topic Tackler Plus, and an Algorithmic Test Bank, the new edition includes more technology support than ever before....

The Complete Estate Planning Guide, Revised Edition

Kathleen Adams

  The Complete Estate Planning Guide, Revised Edition  Kathleen Adams  From an experienced financial planner, here is the definitive guide to lowering taxes and accumulating capital. Completely revised and updated, this book offers an insider's look into every aspect of modern estate planning in non-technical language, including: - How to calculate and reduce estate taxes - Capital investments, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, insurance, and annuities - An investor risk profile questionnaire - The benefits of divided ownership of property within the family and the maximum gift and estate tax savings possible - Why Long-Term Care Insurance is essential to protecting one's retirement savings - How to select an adviser and more  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From an experienced financial planner, here is the definitive guide to lowering taxes and accumulating capital. Completely revised and updated, this book offers an insider's look into every aspect of modern estate planning in non-technical language, including: - How to calculate and reduce estate taxes - Capital investments, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, insurance, and annuities - An investor risk profile questionnaire - The benefits of divided ownership of property within the family and the maximum gift and estate tax savings possible - Why Long-Term Care Insurance is essential to protecting one's retirement savings - How to select an adviser and more...

Organizational Behavior (with CD-ROM and Printed Access Card InfoTrac 1-Semester)

Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum

  Organizational Behavior (with CD-ROM and Printed Access Card InfoTrac 1-Semester)  Don Hellriegel, John W. Slocum  ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, 11th edition presents classic and emerging organizational behavior trends and research, making the subject both accessible and meaningful for students. To make the connection between theory and practice, the authors include timely examples, exercises, and high-interest cases. To help students focus and understand the importance of organizational behavior, the authors introduce seven managerial competencies that are essential to being an effective leader or member of an organization. These competencies are introduced early and woven throughout in special features, exercises, and an interactive self-assessment tool.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, 11th edition presents classic and emerging organizational behavior trends and research, making the subject both accessible and meaningful for students. To make the connection between theory and practice, the authors include timely examples, exercises, and high-interest cases. To help students focus and understand the importance of organizational behavior, the authors introduce seven managerial competencies that are essential to being an effective leader or member of an organization. These competencies are introduced early and woven throughout in special features, exercises, and an interactive self-assessment tool....

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Information and Self-Organization: A Macroscopic Approach to Complex Systems (Springer Series in Synergetics). Hermann Haken . Книги.

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