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The Torso In The Town (Fethering Mysteries (Paperback)) Simon Brett
Book DescriptionAfter an uninvited guest-an armless and legless torso-crashes a dinner party, Jude enlists Carole's help to investigate the present and past owners of Pelling House, where the torso turned up....
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The Red Gaze (Wesleyan Poetry) Barbara Guest
Book DescriptionDawn is "the red gaze." It unburdens itself through poetry and its colors....
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Mensa Mighty Mindbusters for Kids Robert Allen
Book DescriptionWith six different levels of difficulty, this book will test the skill of even the brightest child. There are over 400 word and number puzzles to entertain and intrigue for hours on end. It's the perfect answer to a rainy day or a long car ride....
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An Atlas of Infant Polysomnography (The Encyclopedia of Visual Medicine Series) David Harrison Crowell
Book DescriptionInfant polysomnography (IPSG) holds great promise for the study of SIDS and other sleep and breathing disorders, the functional integrity of the developing brain, and early cardiorespiratory functioning. Although guidelines and standards have been developed for polysomnography, there has been no standardized procedural single source or protocol for IPSG as applied to infants over time, starting with preterm and continuing past 6 months post term. Until now.An Atlas of Infant Polysomnography provides unique coverage of IPSG for this age range with a depth of graphic illustrations you will find in no other resource. The contents cover the fundamentals of polysomnography such as caregiver education, the recording environment, and preparationof the laboratory prior to recording. The book includes:·A discussion of polysomnography in contrast to a more limited sleep study or pneumogram·Directions on how to achieve optimal PSG results in very young......
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English Mystery Stories (аудиокнига MP3)
Студия АРДИС. Литература на иностранных языках. Three "Detective" Anecdotes, The Biter Bit, A Singular Abduction, The Bag of Sand. Mystery (англ.) - тайна, загадка, головоломка; литературное произведение с захватывающим сюжетом и элементами мистики (детективный роман, рассказ). Детективы легко узнаваемы по романтической заостренности событий и характеров, увлекательности интеллектуальной игры. Они основаны на убеждении в силе разума и утверждают торжество правопорядка над злом. Аудиокнига на английском языке....
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The Torso In The Town (Fethering Mysteries (Paperback)). Simon Brett . Книги.
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