Люди и формулы: Новеллы об ученых

Леонид Репин

  Люди и формулы: Новеллы об ученых  Леонид Репин  Молодая гвардия.   Пионер - значит первый.   Книга о людях, чьи имена навсегда вошли в историю мировой науки. Сейчас мы почти ежедневно встречаем эти имена в таблицах, формулах, но написаны они с маленькой буквы как названия различных величин. И часто не задумываемся над тем, что за этими терминами стоит человек с интересной, полной драматических событий судьбой.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Молодая гвардия. Пионер - значит первый. Книга о людях, чьи имена навсегда вошли в историю мировой науки. Сейчас мы почти ежедневно встречаем эти имена в таблицах, формулах, но написаны они с маленькой буквы как названия различных величин. И часто не задумываемся над тем, что за этими терминами стоит человек с интересной, полной драматических событий судьбой....

Библиография Федора Сологуба. Стихотворения

  Библиография Федора Сологуба. Стихотворения  Водолей Publishers.   В книге представлен наиболее полный библиографический указатель к лирике одного из крупнейших русских символистов Федора Сологуба. Указатель содержит два раздела: алфавитный и хронологический. В приложении воспроизводятся рукописные сборники стихотворений, составленные поэтом в 1920-1921 годах.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Водолей Publishers. В книге представлен наиболее полный библиографический указатель к лирике одного из крупнейших русских символистов Федора Сологуба. Указатель содержит два раздела: алфавитный и хронологический. В приложении воспроизводятся рукописные сборники стихотворений, составленные поэтом в 1920-1921 годах....

Erotische Lyrik der galanten Zeit

  Erotische Lyrik der galanten Zeit  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

The Inro Handbook: Studies of Netsuke, Inro, and Lacquer

Raymond Bushell

  The Inro Handbook: Studies of Netsuke, Inro, and Lacquer  Raymond Bushell  Weatherhill, Inc..   For collectors who have discovered the delights of such miniature Japanese art forms as the inro and the netsuke, this authoritative and enlightening book offers a wealth of valuable information. That it also affords entry to a world of fascinating design and superb craftsmanship goes without saying. In addition to illustrating in color and discussing in detail 108 distinguished inro and their accompanying netsuke, as well as 18 related miniature objects, it presents highly informative essays on the making of inro, on pearl-shell inlays, and, in particular, on the materials and techniques of lacquer art, the last of these with 62 color photos. It also furnishes an extensive list of lacquer artists' signatures with 386 photos. It is refreshing to have an author tell his readers not only what his book is but also what it is not. Mr.Bushell points out that he is not making an unnecessary emotional appeal in praise of lacquer. His objective is far more practical. This book is the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Weatherhill, Inc.. For collectors who have discovered the delights of such miniature Japanese art forms as the inro and the netsuke, this authoritative and enlightening book offers a wealth of valuable information. That it also affords entry to a world of fascinating design and superb craftsmanship goes without saying. In addition to illustrating in color and discussing in detail 108 distinguished inro and their accompanying netsuke, as well as 18 related miniature objects, it presents highly informative essays on the making of inro, on pearl-shell inlays, and, in particular, on the materials and techniques of lacquer art, the last of these with 62 color photos. It also furnishes an extensive list of lacquer artists' signatures with 386 photos. It is refreshing to have an author tell his readers not only what his book is but also what it is not. Mr.Bushell points out that he is not making an unnecessary emotional appeal in praise of lacquer. His objective is far more practical. This book is the......

iPhoto '08: The Missing Manual

David Pogue & Derrick Story

  iPhoto '08: The Missing Manual  David Pogue & Derrick Story  Pogue Press.   Apple has taken iPhoto 08 to a whole new level. Now, in addition to handling upwards of 250,000 images, the program lets you easily categorize and navigate through those photos with a feature called Pogue Press. Apple has taken iPhoto 08 to a whole new level. Now, in addition to handling upwards of 250,000 images, the program lets you easily categorize and navigate through those photos with a feature called "Events." Plus, new editing tools let you copy and paste adjustments between photos. Books and calendars have been improved, too, as has the program's ability to publish pictures on the Web. Apple makes it all sound easy: drag this, click that, and you're done. But you can still get lost, especially if you're a newcomer. iPhoto '08: The Missing Manual explains how to take advantage of all these powerful tools and new features without confusion or frustration. Bestselling authors David Pogue and Derrick Story give you a witty, objective, and clear-cut explanation of how things work, with plenty of undocumented tips and tricks for mastering the new iPhoto. Four sections help you import, organize, edit, share, and even take your photos: Digital Photography: The Missing Manual offers a course......

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Люди и формулы: Новеллы об ученых. Леонид Репин . Книги.

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