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Sizing Down: Chronicle of a Plant Closing Louise Moser Illes
"As a slice of history, docudrama and how-to manual, Sizing Down is top-notch. Illes was human resources manager at the Signetics semiconductor plant in Orem, Utah, when, in January 1992, she was notified that the plant would close at the end of the year. It became her task to assist with orchestrating the phase-out of 900 jobs, including her own. . . . Throughout the inevitable juggling of interests, judgments had to be made, some good, some bad, says the author. This relentlessly objective history records them all, along with afterthoughts on how the situation might have been handled better."--Publishers Weekly...
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Rethinking the International Monetary System Jane Sneddon Little, Giovanni P. Olivei
According to a recent World Bank study, the Asian crisis led to a significant rise in poverty and sharp declines in middle-class living standards in the countries most affected. Real public spending on health and education fell, with poor households experiencing the largest declines in access to these services. The impact of decreased investment in human capital will have consequences for individuals and whole societies for years to come. Because these external shocks occurred very shortly after thesecountries had liberalized their capital markets, they have engendered a growing distrust of globalization in many parts of the world. We owe it to the people of the developing countries, as well as to ourselves, to consider how institutional or policy changes could moderate such setbacks in the future. For all these reasons, this conference seemed a good time to pause and consider the implications of recent events, institutional changes, and new research for the evolution of the......
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The Human Resource Professional's Career Guide: Building a Position of Strength Jeanne Palmer, Martha I. Finney
Written by Jeanne Palmer, one of the superstars of HR recruiting and consulting, The Human Resource Professional’s Career Guide is the first ever comprehensive look at the choices, challenges, and rewards of building a life’s work in HR. Whether you are new to the field or you are wondering how to best leverage the value of all your experiences to make the next big career leap, this book gives you all the information you need to know to make smart career decisions. Based on Jeanne Palmer’s 30 years in HR, this book tells you how to Acquire the essential qualifications and experience that executive recruiters and search committees look for Make the right choices today that will help spell success tomorrow Rise above past career missteps Ace senior-level job interviews Prepare yourself today for a future of opportunities you can’t even imagine Be ready when your dream opportunity comes......
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Boards of Directors and the Privately Owned Firm Roger H. Ford
This is the first book to offer a thorough and comprehensive discussion on the role of boards of directors for small businesses. Ford combines academic research with extensive personal boardroom experience to challenge much of the prevailing wisdom aboutboards and directors. He provides guidelines for deciding if and how to develop a board from goal setting and recruiting directors to managing, training, controlling, and assessing the results. This book is a must for any manager considering creating or expanding a board, and for all current and potential directors....
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The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of the Balkans Dennis P. Hupchick, Harold E. Cox
The dramatic, tumultuous, often tragic human events that erupted in the Balkan Peninsula following the collapse of communism between 1989 and 1991 have captured the Western world's attention throughout the past decade. The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of the Balkans provides 50 two-color, full-page maps, each accompanied by a facing page of explanatory text. These maps illustrate key moments in Balkans history in a way that is immediate and comprehensible, making it come alive. Students will regard it as a useful reference, and general readers will enjoy it for its clarity and wealth of information....
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Sizing Down: Chronicle of a Plant Closing. Louise Moser Illes . Книги.
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