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Cooperative Firms in Global Markets, Volume 10: Incidence, Viability and Economic Performance (Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-M) ... of Participatory &
A number of competing views are swirling around the literature concerning the impact of globalization on the ability of cooperatives to survive. This 10th volume of the Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms series wants to understand some of these elements in the evolution of cooperatives in a world where globalization seems to be the driving force behind innovative forms of organization. In keeping with the main focus of the economics literature, the volume is focused on worker and producer cooperatives. This issue contains eleven papers and is organized into three parts: the first part collects empirical studies on producers cooperatives in Israel, Italy, Spain and Canada. The second part focuses on theoretical advances in the literature on cooperatives with the objective of understanding the conditions that explain co-ops longevity. Finally the third part documents the expansion into the global markets of the MondragA?n Cooperative Corporation.......
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Tom Strong: Book Five (Tom Strong) Brian K. Vaughan, Ed Brubaker
Whether investigating paranormal activities in the outermost atmosphere or entering a dream realm through a young girl who is also a living black hole, Tom Strong is the ever vigilant defender of Millennium City!...
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Starman: Grand Guignol (Book 9)
James Robinson, Peter Snejbjerg (Illustrator)...
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My Pocket Mentor: A Health Care Professional's Guide to Success Sandra Gaviola
My Pocket Mentor: A Health Care Professional?s Guide to Success is written by a group of educators whose goal is to mentor learners throughout the educational process and well beyond the classroom. The book presents information on a number of practical elements such as public speaking, professional appearance and behavior, and interviewing the patient that supports personal and professional development. This resource is ideal for any allied health or nursing program to give learners all the tools they need to make the transition from student to health care professional....
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Thinking Informatically: A New Understanding of Information, Communication, and Technology
Antony Bryant...
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На главную
Cooperative Firms in Global Markets, Volume 10: Incidence, Viability and Economic Performance (Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-M) ... of Participatory &. . Книги.
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