The Making of American Industrial Research: Science and Business at Ge and Bell, 1876-1926 (Studies in Economic History & Policy: USA in the Twentieth Century)

Leonard S. Reich

  The Making of American Industrial Research: Science and Business at Ge and Bell, 1876-1926 (Studies in Economic History & Policy: USA in the Twentieth Century)  Leonard S. Reich  This book tells the story of how and why industrial research was established in America by two large and innovative corporations: General Electric, formed in a merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston in 1892, and the dominant force in the American electrical industry ever since; and American Telephone and Telegraph, the commercial outgrowth of Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone. Important lessons can be drawn from the early efforts of these two corporations. Through industrial research - and particularly through the development of patented products and processes - large companies could begin to exert a new degree of market control by strongly influencing the rate and direction of technological change. The development of industrial research also had a profound impact on science and technology in America. It affected the content and methods of both by providing new opportunities, incentives, and constraints to the growing community of students and engineers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book tells the story of how and why industrial research was established in America by two large and innovative corporations: General Electric, formed in a merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston in 1892, and the dominant force in the American electrical industry ever since; and American Telephone and Telegraph, the commercial outgrowth of Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone. Important lessons can be drawn from the early efforts of these two corporations. Through industrial research - and particularly through the development of patented products and processes - large companies could begin to exert a new degree of market control by strongly influencing the rate and direction of technological change. The development of industrial research also had a profound impact on science and technology in America. It affected the content and methods of both by providing new opportunities, incentives, and constraints to the growing community of students and engineers....

The Atomic Corporation: Rational Proposals for Uncertain Times

Roger Camrass, Martin Farncombe, Roger Camrass, Martin Farncombe

  The Atomic Corporation: Rational Proposals for Uncertain Times  Roger Camrass, Martin Farncombe, Roger Camrass, Martin Farncombe  Now in a new paperback edition Atomic picks up where Roger Camrass and Martin Farncombe's previous work, The Atomic Corporation: A Rational Proposal for Uncertain Times left off. Camrass and Farmcombe launch a radical mainfesto for the future of organisations. They examine the dramatic changes that are going to sweep across the global economy in the next decade. For the last two centuries the business world has been governed by the underlying notion that 'sum is greater than the parts'. The fact is that the balance of power in the business world is shifting, and theory of the firm is going to be turned on its head. The parts are about to become greater than the sum -and you are one of the parts. So what does this mean for organisations? Corporations will atomize into core components based around key relationships with all non-core operations devolved to external networks. Instead of being focused on financial assets, the primary unit of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Now in a new paperback edition Atomic picks up where Roger Camrass and Martin Farncombe's previous work, The Atomic Corporation: A Rational Proposal for Uncertain Times left off. Camrass and Farmcombe launch a radical mainfesto for the future of organisations. They examine the dramatic changes that are going to sweep across the global economy in the next decade. For the last two centuries the business world has been governed by the underlying notion that 'sum is greater than the parts'. The fact is that the balance of power in the business world is shifting, and theory of the firm is going to be turned on its head. The parts are about to become greater than the sum -and you are one of the parts. So what does this mean for organisations? Corporations will atomize into core components based around key relationships with all non-core operations devolved to external networks. Instead of being focused on financial assets, the primary unit of......

The Third Freedom: Ending Hunger in Our Time

George McGovern

  The Third Freedom: Ending Hunger in Our Time  George McGovern  Hundreds of millions of people around the globe suffer from hunger. But hunger, which has plagued the world for thousands of years, is a political condition, writes George McGovern in this plainspoken and necessary call to action. Ending it is a greater moral imperative than ever before because for the first time humanity has the tools and the knowledge to defeat this ancient enemy. In The Third Freedom, McGovern lays out a workable and affordable five-point program to end world hunger. The basic facets include these steps: The United States should take the lead within the UN in working toward a universal school lunch program. The American supplemental nutrition program for low-income women, infants, and children should go worldwide. The United Nations must establish food reserves around the globe. Developing countries must be assisted in improving their own farm production, food processing, and food distribution. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hundreds of millions of people around the globe suffer from hunger. But hunger, which has plagued the world for thousands of years, is a political condition, writes George McGovern in this plainspoken and necessary call to action. Ending it is a greater moral imperative than ever before because for the first time humanity has the tools and the knowledge to defeat this ancient enemy. In The Third Freedom, McGovern lays out a workable and affordable five-point program to end world hunger. The basic facets include these steps: The United States should take the lead within the UN in working toward a universal school lunch program. The American supplemental nutrition program for low-income women, infants, and children should go worldwide. The United Nations must establish food reserves around the globe. Developing countries must be assisted in improving their own farm production, food processing, and food distribution. ......

Indecent Exposure: A True Story of Hollywood and Wall Street

David McClintick

  Indecent Exposure: A True Story of Hollywood and Wall Street  David McClintick  When the head of Columbia Pictures, David Begelman, got caught forging Cliff Robertson's name on a $10,000 check, it seemed, at first, like a simple case of embezzlement. It wasn't. The incident was the tip of the iceberg, the first hint of a scandal that shook Hollywood and rattled Wall Street. Soon powerful studio executives were engulfed in controversy; careers derailed; reputations died; and a ruthless, take-no-prisoners corporate power struggle for the world-famous Hollywood dream factory began. First published in 1982, this now classic story of greed and lies in Tinseltown appears here with a stunning final chapter on Begelman's post-Columbia career as he continued to dazzle and defraud...until his last hours in a Hollywood hotel room, where his story dramatically and poignantly would end.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When the head of Columbia Pictures, David Begelman, got caught forging Cliff Robertson's name on a $10,000 check, it seemed, at first, like a simple case of embezzlement. It wasn't. The incident was the tip of the iceberg, the first hint of a scandal that shook Hollywood and rattled Wall Street. Soon powerful studio executives were engulfed in controversy; careers derailed; reputations died; and a ruthless, take-no-prisoners corporate power struggle for the world-famous Hollywood dream factory began. First published in 1982, this now classic story of greed and lies in Tinseltown appears here with a stunning final chapter on Begelman's post-Columbia career as he continued to dazzle and defraud...until his last hours in a Hollywood hotel room, where his story dramatically and poignantly would end....

Global Portfolio Diversification : Risk Management, Market Microstructure, and Implementation Issues

  Global Portfolio Diversification : Risk Management, Market Microstructure, and Implementation Issues  Global Portfolio Diversification synthesizes principal debates between analysts and academics. Covering subjects such as risk management, diversification and hedging strategies, deviations from market efficiency, and exchange rates, the book includes case studies, research, and commentary by the editors. Essayists include two past presidents of the American Finance Association and the current editors of the Journal of Finance and Economic Inquiry , as well as senior market regulators, financial managers, and representatives of international securities exchanges. Key Features * Deals with increased interest in the globalization of financial markets * Covers managing and hedging risks * Analyzes microstructures and analyses * Shows how to implement portfolio diversification * Prepared by an international team of leading financial academics and portfolio managers  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Global Portfolio Diversification synthesizes principal debates between analysts and academics. Covering subjects such as risk management, diversification and hedging strategies, deviations from market efficiency, and exchange rates, the book includes case studies, research, and commentary by the editors. Essayists include two past presidents of the American Finance Association and the current editors of the Journal of Finance and Economic Inquiry , as well as senior market regulators, financial managers, and representatives of international securities exchanges. Key Features * Deals with increased interest in the globalization of financial markets * Covers managing and hedging risks * Analyzes microstructures and analyses * Shows how to implement portfolio diversification * Prepared by an international team of leading financial academics and portfolio managers...

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The Making of American Industrial Research: Science and Business at Ge and Bell, 1876-1926 (Studies in Economic History & Policy: USA in the Twentieth Century). Leonard S. Reich . Книги.

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