Sterling Biographies: Rosa Parks: Courageous Citizen (Sterling Biographies)

  Sterling Biographies: Rosa Parks: Courageous Citizen (Sterling Biographies)  Ruth Ashby  Ruth Ashby  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ruth Ashby...

The Book of Chuang Tzu

  The Book of Chuang Tzu  Penguin Classics.   One of the founders of Taoism, Chuang Tzu was firmly opposed to Confucian values of order, control, and hierarchy, believing the perfect state to be one where primal, innate nature rules. Full of profundity as well as tricks, knaves, sages, jokers, unbelievably named people, and uptight Confucians, The Book of Chuang Tzu perceives the Tao—the Way of Nature—not as a term to be explained but as a path to walk. Radical and subversive, employing wit, humor, and shock tactics, The Book of Chuang Tzu offers an intriguing look deep into Chinese culture.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Penguin Classics. One of the founders of Taoism, Chuang Tzu was firmly opposed to Confucian values of order, control, and hierarchy, believing the perfect state to be one where primal, innate nature rules. Full of profundity as well as tricks, knaves, sages, jokers, unbelievably named people, and uptight Confucians, The Book of Chuang Tzu perceives the Tao—the Way of Nature—not as a term to be explained but as a path to walk. Radical and subversive, employing wit, humor, and shock tactics, The Book of Chuang Tzu offers an intriguing look deep into Chinese culture....

The Fisherman's Testament

Cйsar Vidal

  The Fisherman's Testament  Cйsar Vidal  Zondervan.   In AD 62, Marco Junio Vitalis, a seasoned military general, is assigned to interrogate an elderly Jewish fisherman called Peter and unravels a story that shakes the very foundations of the Roman Empire. Now making its debut in English, this award-winning Spanish bestseller transports readers to ancient Rome where the stakes are high for Christ followers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Zondervan. In AD 62, Marco Junio Vitalis, a seasoned military general, is assigned to interrogate an elderly Jewish fisherman called Peter and unravels a story that shakes the very foundations of the Roman Empire. Now making its debut in English, this award-winning Spanish bestseller transports readers to ancient Rome where the stakes are high for Christ followers....

Woman Thinking: Feminism and Transcendentalism in Nineteenth-Century America

Tiffany K. Wayne

  Woman Thinking: Feminism and Transcendentalism in Nineteenth-Century America  Tiffany K. Wayne  Lexington Books.   This book explores the theoretical relationship between feminism and transcendentalism through the ideas and activism of prominent 19th century female thinkers and activists such as Ednah Cheney, Caroline Dall, Margaret Fuller, and Elizabeth Oakes Smith.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lexington Books. This book explores the theoretical relationship between feminism and transcendentalism through the ideas and activism of prominent 19th century female thinkers and activists such as Ednah Cheney, Caroline Dall, Margaret Fuller, and Elizabeth Oakes Smith....

Defining Moments in Movies: The Greatest Films, Stars, Scenes and Events that Made Movie Magic

  Defining Moments in Movies: The Greatest Films, Stars, Scenes and Events that Made Movie Magic  Cassell Illustrated.   Which moments have defined the silver screen: Bogey's Cassell Illustrated. Which moments have defined the silver screen: Bogey's "Here's looking at you, Kid", in Casablanca? Hitchcock's shocking shower scene in Psycho? Morphing, flying bodies in The Matrix? From the Lumiere brothers' first public film exhibition in 1895 through the arrival of sound, from the golden age of Hollywood to Italian Neo-Realism, the French New Wave, and beyond to contemporary Asian cinema, this guide captures every facet of movie magic. Worldwide in scope, and written by a team of experts, it encompasses all the major directors, brilliant stars, popular genres, and even the most significant technical developments and influential film criticism. Every film buff will treasure this!...

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Sterling Biographies: Rosa Parks: Courageous Citizen (Sterling Biographies). Ruth Ashby . Книги.

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