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Здравствуй, малыш! От рождения до года Олеся Жукова
Сова. Маленькие гении. Книга посвящена развитию малышей от рождения до года, их способности к восприятию и изучению окружающего мира и призвана помочь родителям научиться понимать своего ребенка, правильно строить общение с ним....
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Перегруженный ковчег. Гончие Бафута Джеральд Даррелл
Мысль. Книга Джеральда Даррелла "Перегруженный ковчег" и "Гончие Бафута" повествуют об экспедициях в глубь тропических лесов Камеруна в западной Африке. Цель экспедиции - поимка и доставка в Англию живых представителей богатейшей фауны этого малоизученного уголка земного шара. Интересно, увлекательно, с большим чувством юмора рассказывает автор о многих месяцах, проведенных в чаще тропического леса, о трудовой и полной приключений работе зверолова....
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Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference in Innsbruck, Austria, 2005
Book DescriptionThe key objectives of this premier conference in ICT in travel and tourism are the dissemination of research findings and strong interaction among researchers and practitioners. The conference theme this year is "eBusiness is here ? – what is next?" The future is being explored by researchers from all perspectives – papers examine the basic architectures and systems underlying how toursim information is provided and how the marketplace is responding. Trip advisory research is now moving from the speculative to the sophisticated reflecting the rapidly changing individual skill sets, motivations and goals of today's tourist while an emerging collection of work is investigating the growing phenomenon of collaboration and community-building. A close examiniation of the 51 research papers will reveal the full extent of marketing-oriented research and show how strong the link is between ICT developments per se and business adoption and use of the new technologies......
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Principles of Microeconomics Fred M. Gottheil
Book Description This newly updated edition of a highly regarded the principles of microeconomics text provides your students with the most up-to-date information available. Cases, tables, data, and more were updated to reflect 2003 data. The text also has a four-color internal and full supplement package that complements the text?s superb conversational style, which engages students like none other. Principles of Microeconomics, 4e represents the results Fred Gottheil?s career as an outstanding professor and author. This edition is maintains the proven structure and style of previous editions while updating content to make it even more valuable to professors and students alike. The author continues to use familiar stories, illustrations, scenarios, and a direct-to-student writing style to appeal to students' interests. The narrative is built around questions, which cut the distance between the student and the unfamiliar concepts of economics. Instead of covering hundreds of topics......
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Games That Boost Performance Steve Sugar
Book DescriptionBoost individual and team performance with this indispensable guide! From one of the worlds foremost game designers comes a book that contains a collection of newly-designed and field-tested games. Steve Sugar shows how, with practice and learning reinforcement, these dynamic games can enhance individual and team development in the areas of prioritizing, problem solving, decision-making, communication, and collaboration. A valuable Game-to-Outcome chart helps facilitators match the appropriate game to the desired learning outcome and intended audience. Also included are a CD-ROM and instructors guide, handouts, and overhead masters you can easily reproduce. Use these games to analyze company culture, help new teams break the ice, or to fine-tune communication. Order your copy today!Download DescriptionBoost individual and team performance with this indispensable collection of newly designed and field-tested games. Authors Steve Sugar and Carol......
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Здравствуй, малыш! От рождения до года. Олеся Жукова . Книги.
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