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The Unfinished Revolution : How to Make Technology Work for Us--Instead of the Other Way Around Michael L. Dertouzos
Using a computer should be as easy and productive as driving your car. But today's systems are oblivious to our needs and demand even more attention and work from us as they swell in numbers, complexity, and features. Michael Dertouzos argues that we must shift the focus of information technology away from machines and back to people. In The Unfinished Revolution, he outlines five key technologies that will help us do this and offers an exciting vision of how human-centric computers could alter the way we live and work in the Information Century....
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Annual Editions: Computers in Society 04/05 Paul DePalma
This edition of Annual Editions: Computers in Society is a compilation of articles from such public press sources as Technology Review, Communications of the ACM, and Training. It looks at the use of computers and the increasingly important roles they play in our lives. These selections examine the role computers play in our economy, our workplaces, our social institutions and explore the implications for social interaction and social values....
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Get Creative! The Digital Photo Idea Book Kate Binder, Richard Binder
Entertain yourself, your family, and your friends while you create beautiful, funny, and interesting compositions with your digital and printed photography. This thorough guide is loaded with answers, suggestions, examples, and techniques to help you with scanning, image editing, printing, and more....
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A Method and Software for Designing Viable Social Systems De Raadt
This companion book to "Redesign and Management of Communities in Crisis" explains step-by-step a method to identify the primary factors threatening communities, to collect information about such factors, organise it, analyse it and design counteractions. It also includes hands-on tutorial exercises. The presentation is fully integrated with SmCube, a software package developed to analyse and design social systems. This has two benefits. Firstly, SmCube assists the systems designer apply the method. Secondly, SmCube is also a learning tool: it helps new users understand the multi-modal systems method and methodology. Used together, the two books and software provide excellent analytical and design tools for managers, community leaders and corporate planners. They may also be used as class material for courses in social systems design. SmCube was developed with support from the Swedish Defence Forces and has been applied in community project evaluations associated with the European......
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Initiative Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint Andrew E. Schwartz
Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create overheads. This topic includes 25 quotes, slide transitions, clipart and animation. It is a must-have supplement for anyone interested in presenting on these or related topics. Packaged on 3.5" floppy disk/s. PC compatible. You may use this product over and over again....
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The Unfinished Revolution : How to Make Technology Work for Us--Instead of the Other Way Around. Michael L. Dertouzos . Книги.
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