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More... Frozen Memories: Celebrating a Century of Minnesota Hockey Ross Bernstein
Nodin Press. -...
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Thinking Children Claire Cassidy
Continuum. "Thinking Children" investigates the concept of 'child' from a philosophical perspective. Its aim is to come to an acceptable definition of 'child', and it is anticipated that such a definition will impact on how those seen as children are perceived in society.The author first explores the notions of personhood, self and identity, before reflecting on historical perspectives on childhood and the inclusion of children as active, participative, political and philosophical agents within society today.Children and adults are placed differently society, and through coming to an acceptable definition of 'child', this book seeks to determine whether such differential status is merited. "Thinking Children" proposes that we might consider children as beings and not becomings, and empower them to be active and participative citizens, since they are able and adept reasoners....
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The Weiser Concise Guide to Herbal Magick
Judith Hawkins-Tillirson...
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EXTRATERRESTRIALS, UFO, NASA-CIA-ALIENS MIND BOGGLING THEORIES, STORIES AND REPORTS: Anunnaki, Zeta Reticuli, Area 51, Abductees, Whistleblowers, Conspirators. The Real & THE FAKE Maximillien De Lafayette
CreateSpace. The world's most mind-boggling theories about UFOs, extraterrestrials, contacts with the human race, revelations by alien-hybrid-human people living among us, United States astronauts encounters with UFO on the moon and around the earth orbit, messages frm aliens received by NASA, MJ12 documents, accounts by abductees taken to military bases... most realistic theories to the most explosive by Ufology's leading figures, scientists, channelers and contactees. One of the most striking books on UFO written byhistorian and scholar, who wrote 127 books and 21 volumes on UFOs. Lafayette is fluent in 7 languages. He was commissioned by Yale University School of Law to translate the "New Constitution of Iraq" drafted by the White House.Maximillien de Lafayette is n the list of the 2,000 most famous and recognized celebrities in the world, visit http://celebrity-people.com/actualites-celebrites-lettre-M.html...
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Категорический императив нравственности и права Э. Ю. Соловьев
Прогресс-Традиция. Книга известного российского философа Э.Соловьева посвящена морально-правовому учению Канта. Секрет его поразительной долгозначимости автор книги видит в том, что Кант нашел этический ответ на вызов эпохи секуляризации, начавшейся в XVI столетии и продолжающейся по сей день. Теория категорического императива открыла возможности этического обоснования права и правового государства, позволила построить проект философии истории, противостоящий господствовавшим в XIX и XX веках историцистским идеологиям. Издание рассчитано на читателей, интересующихся проблемами истории философии и культуры, этики и философии права....
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More... Frozen Memories: Celebrating a Century of Minnesota Hockey. Ross Bernstein . Книги.
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