Monthly Income Strategies with Options: How to Turn Losers into Winners (Wiley Trading)

D. Sheridan, John Sarkett

  Monthly Income Strategies with Options: How to Turn Losers into Winners (Wiley Trading)  D. Sheridan, John Sarkett  In the options markets, traders will sometimes hear or use the term In the options markets, traders will sometimes hear or use the term "adjusting your position." Often it can denote something as straightforward as offsetting a losing position. But how does one turn a loser into a winner? How does one adjust with discipline, in advance, with a plan that turns a profit from a losing situation? When trades are managed, not just put on and forgotten, Sheridan says a trader can generate as much as 100% annualized. Some may scoff, but he sees his best students doing it, grinding out 5% to150er month. Sheridan believes if he can keep a new trader in the game for six months, earning a small percentage each month, learning the craft, adjusting the trades, and keeping the enthusiasm high, he or she will make it as a successful trader in the long term. Monthly Income Strategies with Options will introduce readers to the "adjusting" strategies and techniques that have enabled thousands of Dan's students to become successful traders....

Kenya Investment and Business Guide

Ibp Usa

  Kenya Investment and Business Guide  Ibp Usa  Kenya Investment and Business Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kenya Investment and Business Guide...

Italy Foreign Policy and Government Guide (World Spy Guide Library) (World Spy Guide Library)

Ibp Usa

  Italy Foreign Policy and Government Guide (World Spy Guide Library) (World Spy Guide Library)  Ibp Usa  Italy Foreign Policy and Government Guide (World Spy Guide Library)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Italy Foreign Policy and Government Guide (World Spy Guide Library)...

Mastering the Instructional Design Process: A Systematic Approach

William J. Rothwell, H. C. Kazanas

  Mastering the Instructional Design Process: A Systematic Approach  William J. Rothwell, H. C. Kazanas  The fourth edition of Mastering the Instructional Design Process has been completely revised and updated and is based on the instructional design competencies of the International Board of Standards of Performance and Instruction (IBSTPI). The book identifies the core competencies of instructional system design and presents them in a way that helps to develop these competencies and apply them successfully in real-world settings. This comprehensive resource covers the full range of topics for understanding and mastering the instructional design process including: detecting and solving human performance problems; analyzing needs, learners, work settings, and work; establishing performance objectives and performance measurements; delivering the instruction effectively; and managing instructional design projects successfully.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The fourth edition of Mastering the Instructional Design Process has been completely revised and updated and is based on the instructional design competencies of the International Board of Standards of Performance and Instruction (IBSTPI). The book identifies the core competencies of instructional system design and presents them in a way that helps to develop these competencies and apply them successfully in real-world settings. This comprehensive resource covers the full range of topics for understanding and mastering the instructional design process including: detecting and solving human performance problems; analyzing needs, learners, work settings, and work; establishing performance objectives and performance measurements; delivering the instruction effectively; and managing instructional design projects successfully....


А. Усачев

  Иван-дурак  А. Усачев  Азбука-классика.   Замечательный детский поэт Андрей Усачев рассказал свою историю про Ивана-дурака по мотивам сказки Л.Толстого. Книга проиллюстрирована всемирно известным художником и мультипликатором Игорем Олейниковым.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Азбука-классика. Замечательный детский поэт Андрей Усачев рассказал свою историю про Ивана-дурака по мотивам сказки Л.Толстого. Книга проиллюстрирована всемирно известным художником и мультипликатором Игорем Олейниковым....

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Monthly Income Strategies with Options: How to Turn Losers into Winners (Wiley Trading). D. Sheridan, John Sarkett . Книги.

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