И в аду есть герои

Вадим Панов

  И в аду есть герои  Вадим Панов  Эксмо.   Тайный Город.   Новый синтетический наркотик Эксмо. Тайный Город. Новый синтетический наркотик "стим" оказался способен порождать чудовищ не только в воспаленном мозгу наркоманов. Благодаря "стиму" пришел в этот мир верный слуга Великого Господина. Пришел, чтобы возродить посеянные тысячелетия назад семена Ненависти. И снова, как уже случалось в далеком прошлом, смертельная опасность заставила нынешних хозяев Земли - людей объединиться с потомками древних магов, правившими планетой в доисторические времена. С жителями Тайного Города......

Learning Support Systems for Organizational Learning (Series on Innovative Intelligence, Vol. 8)

Joachim P. Hasebrook, Hermann A. Maurer

  Learning Support Systems for Organizational Learning (Series on Innovative Intelligence, Vol. 8)  Joachim P. Hasebrook, Hermann A. Maurer  World Scientific Publishing Company.   The major trends in e-learning are determined by the global demand of academic, elderly and non-traditional target groups for training and education. The advent of the learning organization reflects these major shifts of the educational markets within companies. Automation of learning processes does not enhance a company's productivity; augmentation of individual and collaborative learning processes is needed. This book reflects seven years of applied research (1997?2003) in the fields of adaptive multimedia systems, knowledge-based and collaborative learning environments, and intelligent software agents.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин World Scientific Publishing Company. The major trends in e-learning are determined by the global demand of academic, elderly and non-traditional target groups for training and education. The advent of the learning organization reflects these major shifts of the educational markets within companies. Automation of learning processes does not enhance a company's productivity; augmentation of individual and collaborative learning processes is needed. This book reflects seven years of applied research (1997?2003) in the fields of adaptive multimedia systems, knowledge-based and collaborative learning environments, and intelligent software agents....

Investor Therapy: A Psychologist and Investing Guru Tells You How to Out-Psych Wall Street

Richard Geist

  Investor Therapy: A Psychologist and Investing Guru Tells You How to Out-Psych Wall Street  Richard Geist  Book DescriptionIf your investing strategy has relied on the facts—financial statements, annual reports, technical charts, and so on—congratulations! You’re on the way to becoming a successful, complete investor. But you’re only partway there. If the markets are about mood swings, turbulence, and uncertainty, if the herd buys like crazy one day, only to sell off the next, doesn’t it make sense for you to have a grip on the way in which your individual psychological makeup and emotional state affect your investing strategy? Doesn’t the complete investor need to understand both the facts in his head and the emotions of his heart? Dr. Richard Geist has combined the art and science of the seemingly unrelated fields of psychology and investing. He shows that investing success means both having and using solid information and expertly understanding, monitoring, and managing your emotions. This is the first book directed at professional and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIf your investing strategy has relied on the facts—financial statements, annual reports, technical charts, and so on—congratulations! You’re on the way to becoming a successful, complete investor. But you’re only partway there. If the markets are about mood swings, turbulence, and uncertainty, if the herd buys like crazy one day, only to sell off the next, doesn’t it make sense for you to have a grip on the way in which your individual psychological makeup and emotional state affect your investing strategy? Doesn’t the complete investor need to understand both the facts in his head and the emotions of his heart? Dr. Richard Geist has combined the art and science of the seemingly unrelated fields of psychology and investing. He shows that investing success means both having and using solid information and expertly understanding, monitoring, and managing your emotions. This is the first book directed at professional and......

Close-up Photography In Nature

Tim Fitzharris

  Close-up Photography In Nature  Tim Fitzharris  Book DescriptionRevised and updated to include digital photography techniques. In Close-Up Photography in Nature, master photographer Tim Fitzharris shares his proven techniques for capturing once-in-a-lifetime images. This inspiring reference is perfect for both amateur and professionals who want to improve the quality and beauty of their work. Photographic equipment for close-up photography is thoroughly covered: - Traditional and digital cameras - Lenses, filters and specialized close-up accessories - Flashes, reflectors and tripods - Digital imaging software such as PhotoShop. Fitzharris covers a wide variety of field techniques ranging from close-up focusing and exposure tips to choosing the best lens. Technical aspects of close-upphotography are covered in easy-to-understand terms. The creative side of close-up photography is also explained in detail, including useful tips for discovering and capturing artistic insights, along with color, composition,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionRevised and updated to include digital photography techniques. In Close-Up Photography in Nature, master photographer Tim Fitzharris shares his proven techniques for capturing once-in-a-lifetime images. This inspiring reference is perfect for both amateur and professionals who want to improve the quality and beauty of their work. Photographic equipment for close-up photography is thoroughly covered: - Traditional and digital cameras - Lenses, filters and specialized close-up accessories - Flashes, reflectors and tripods - Digital imaging software such as PhotoShop. Fitzharris covers a wide variety of field techniques ranging from close-up focusing and exposure tips to choosing the best lens. Technical aspects of close-upphotography are covered in easy-to-understand terms. The creative side of close-up photography is also explained in detail, including useful tips for discovering and capturing artistic insights, along with color, composition,......

The Finest Choice (Finest Trilogy)

Jean Rabe

  The Finest Choice (Finest Trilogy)  Jean Rabe  Tor Books.   They were the Finest Creations-mystically forged creatures of perfection sent by the creators to aid the Fallen (mankind) during their mortal existence. Though they resemble ordinary horses they are highly intelligent, capable of communicating telepathically and completely moral. They are assigned to bond with individuals of great potential and then protect them from harm while guiding them along a path of virtue. Gallant-Stallion has found his charge, a young girl by the name of Kalantha. Her brother, soon to be king, is the pawn of a deceitful and murderous bishop who covets the royal power and has allied himself with creatures of the dark arts. The Finest has successfully removed Kalantha from his influence but now must contend with the other temptations of the world-the lure of power, the mystery of learning and knowledge, and the intrigue and freedom of adventure and independence. Kalantha is still young and bitter over her lot in life, betrayed, envious,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Tor Books. They were the Finest Creations-mystically forged creatures of perfection sent by the creators to aid the Fallen (mankind) during their mortal existence. Though they resemble ordinary horses they are highly intelligent, capable of communicating telepathically and completely moral. They are assigned to bond with individuals of great potential and then protect them from harm while guiding them along a path of virtue. Gallant-Stallion has found his charge, a young girl by the name of Kalantha. Her brother, soon to be king, is the pawn of a deceitful and murderous bishop who covets the royal power and has allied himself with creatures of the dark arts. The Finest has successfully removed Kalantha from his influence but now must contend with the other temptations of the world-the lure of power, the mystery of learning and knowledge, and the intrigue and freedom of adventure and independence. Kalantha is still young and bitter over her lot in life, betrayed, envious,......

<<<  300 вопросов и ответов о животных океана. В. А. Алексеев             Pat O'Neill: Views From Lookout Mountain. ... >>>

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И в аду есть герои. Вадим Панов . Книги.

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