Bernstein-zimmer. Zarskoje Selo. Katharinenplast

  Bernstein-zimmer. Zarskoje Selo. Katharinenplast  Иван Федоров.   Im Jahre 2003 wurde im Katharinenpalast die Wiederherstellung des berahmten Bernsteinzimmers abge-schlossen, das mit Recht als Иван Федоров. Im Jahre 2003 wurde im Katharinenpalast die Wiederherstellung des berahmten Bernsteinzimmers abge-schlossen, das mit Recht als "achtes Weltwunder" bezeichnet wird. Die Tatsache, dass es zum 300. Grimdungsjubilaum von St. Petersburg eroffnet wurde, ist von tiefem symbolischem Sinn. Das Bernsteinzimmer, zugleich ein Kunstwerk von Meistern aus dem 18. Jahrhundert und modernen Restauratoren, die ihm neues Leben einhauchten, steht als Symbol fur eines der prachtvollsten Vorstadt-museen der Nordlichen Hauptstadt da. Das Schicksal des Bernsteinzimmers zieht im Laufe des vergangenen halben Jahrhunderts die ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit weiter Kreise der Offentlichkeit auf sich. Die Untersuchung von Dokumenten, die in deutschen Archiven aufgefunden wurden, fuhrte zur Entdeckung neuer Fakten und der Beseitigung von Fehlern, die das Entstehen dieses Kunstdenkmals begleitet hatten....

Белая гвардия. Повести. Мастер и Маргарита

Михаил Булгаков

  Белая гвардия. Повести. Мастер и Маргарита  Михаил Булгаков  ЛЕНИЗДАТ.   Белая гвардия. Повести. Мастер и Маргарита.   В книгу произведений Михаила Булгакова вошли романы ЛЕНИЗДАТ. Белая гвардия. Повести. Мастер и Маргарита. В книгу произведений Михаила Булгакова вошли романы "Белая гвардия", "Мастер и Маргарита", повести "Дьяволиада", "Роковые яйца", "Собачье сердце"....

Recruiting Strategies for the New Millennium: A Corporate Guide to Building and Improving Your Company's Recruiting Process

Steve Bullard

  Recruiting Strategies for the New Millennium: A Corporate Guide to Building and Improving Your Company's Recruiting Process  Steve Bullard  With the dawn of a new millennium, business managers are faced with new challenges. One difficult challenge is recruiting and retaining quality employees. This book outlines a strategy and plan to implement a world-class recruiting process for your business. Once in place, this process will give you the tools necessary to build and maintain a quality workforce for the future.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With the dawn of a new millennium, business managers are faced with new challenges. One difficult challenge is recruiting and retaining quality employees. This book outlines a strategy and plan to implement a world-class recruiting process for your business. Once in place, this process will give you the tools necessary to build and maintain a quality workforce for the future....

Theory of Money

Jurg Niehans

  Theory of Money  Jurg Niehans  Exploring the function of money as a medium of exchange and a store of value, this major work provides a comprehensive introduction to the pure theory of money and monetary policy. Jurg Niehans considers his subject in both its microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects. The analysis thus extends from the individual demand for money to monetary policy and the art of central banking. Each chapter opens with a brief, nontechnical summary of its contents; expository material and up-to-date references to theliterature are integrated in the discussion. While mathematics are used extensively, the required tools do not go beyond the elements of multivariate calculus and nonlinear programming, thus making the book appropriate as an introductory text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in economics. Exploring the function of money as a medium of exchange and a store of value, this major work provides a comprehensive introduction to the pure theory of money and monetary policy. Jurg Niehans considers his subject in both its microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects. The analysis thus extends from the individual demand for money to monetary policy and the art of central banking. Each chapter opens with a brief, nontechnical summary of its contents; expository material and up-to-date references to theliterature are integrated in the discussion. While mathematics are used extensively, the required tools do not go beyond the elements of multivariate calculus and nonlinear programming, thus making the book appropriate as an introductory text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in economics. "The Theory of Money" makes an original, distinguished contribution to the literature. Not since Patinkin's 1956 work, "Money, Interest, and Prices", has there been such a......

Engineering Ethics

Carl Mitcham, R. Shannon Duval

  Engineering Ethics  Carl Mitcham, R. Shannon Duval  An introduction to using Visual Basic for engineers. Introduces a disciplined approach to engineering analysis with a five-step problem-solving process. Includes numerous exercises and problems, such as ?What if? and ?Try It? features. For engineers and computer scientists interested in learning Visual BASIC.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An introduction to using Visual Basic for engineers. Introduces a disciplined approach to engineering analysis with a five-step problem-solving process. Includes numerous exercises and problems, such as ?What if? and ?Try It? features. For engineers and computer scientists interested in learning Visual BASIC....

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Bernstein-zimmer. Zarskoje Selo. Katharinenplast. . Книги.

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