The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

Frances Lannon

  The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939  Frances Lannon  Osprey Publishing.   Essential Histories.   The Spanish Civil War of 1936-39 was of enormous international as well as national significance. In this gripping volume, Frances Lannon explains how this internal conflict between democracy and its enemies escalated to involve Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and the Soviet Union. We go behind the scenes to find out the true story of the bitter fighting within the sides, not just between them. The experiences of the men and women caught up in the fighting are highlighted. For them, and for a world on the brink of the Second World War, the stakes were agonisingly high.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Osprey Publishing. Essential Histories. The Spanish Civil War of 1936-39 was of enormous international as well as national significance. In this gripping volume, Frances Lannon explains how this internal conflict between democracy and its enemies escalated to involve Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and the Soviet Union. We go behind the scenes to find out the true story of the bitter fighting within the sides, not just between them. The experiences of the men and women caught up in the fighting are highlighted. For them, and for a world on the brink of the Second World War, the stakes were agonisingly high....

Конец света отменяется

Альберт Байкалов

  Конец света отменяется  Альберт Байкалов  Эксмо.   Спецназ.   Спецназ, отправленный уничтожить оружейный склад чеченских боевиков, попадает в грамотно подстроенную засаду. Командир группы подполковник Филиппов тут же понимает, что противник крайне серьезный. Завязавшийся бой это подтверждает - ранена уже половина бойцов... Но выясняется, что эта бандитская акция - еще цветочки. Готовится грандиозный теракт, который моджахеды намерены совершить в Санкт-Петербурге. Предотвратить масштабное преступление выпадает едва выбравшемуся из огненной западни отряду Филиппова...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Спецназ. Спецназ, отправленный уничтожить оружейный склад чеченских боевиков, попадает в грамотно подстроенную засаду. Командир группы подполковник Филиппов тут же понимает, что противник крайне серьезный. Завязавшийся бой это подтверждает - ранена уже половина бойцов... Но выясняется, что эта бандитская акция - еще цветочки. Готовится грандиозный теракт, который моджахеды намерены совершить в Санкт-Петербурге. Предотвратить масштабное преступление выпадает едва выбравшемуся из огненной западни отряду Филиппова......

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The Role of the Academic Librarian

Anne Langley, Edward Gray, K. T. L. Vaughan

  The Role of the Academic Librarian  Anne Langley, Edward Gray, K. T. L. Vaughan  Chandos Publishing (Oxford) Ltd..   Chandos Information Professional Series.   Summary covers the practical side of being an academic librarian. Outlines and describes the skills necessary to succeed in these large, and often complex, organizations. The book includes tools and techniques for an academic librarian for managing time, meetings, projects, publishing and research, communications (paper and electronic), the basics of supervision, and how to work in a large organization. The impacts of the growth of electronic formats on the role of the academic librarian are discussed in detail. The Authors Anne Langley is Co-ordinator of the Science and Engineering Libraries at Duke University, USA. Edward Gray is Science and Engineering Librarian at Duke University; K T L Vaughan is User Services Librarian at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Health Sciences Library, USA. Contents Time management - the calendar; email Organize - a filing system; using files to organize your email; finding a system that works Communication - email (uses and etiquette);...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Chandos Publishing (Oxford) Ltd.. Chandos Information Professional Series. Summary covers the practical side of being an academic librarian. Outlines and describes the skills necessary to succeed in these large, and often complex, organizations. The book includes tools and techniques for an academic librarian for managing time, meetings, projects, publishing and research, communications (paper and electronic), the basics of supervision, and how to work in a large organization. The impacts of the growth of electronic formats on the role of the academic librarian are discussed in detail. The Authors Anne Langley is Co-ordinator of the Science and Engineering Libraries at Duke University, USA. Edward Gray is Science and Engineering Librarian at Duke University; K T L Vaughan is User Services Librarian at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Health Sciences Library, USA. Contents Time management - the calendar; email Organize - a filing system; using files to organize your email; finding a system that works Communication - email (uses and etiquette);......

<<<  Микробиология. Е. В. Никитина, С. Н. Киямова, О. А. Решетник             Brucken: Deutsch nach Englisch: Arbeitsbuch ... >>>

На главную

The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939. Frances Lannon . Книги.

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