The Team Memory Jogger: A Pocket Guide for Team Members

Inc Staff Joiner Associates, Goal Qpc and Oriel Inc, Goai/Qpc, GOAL/QPC, Joiner Associates Inc.

  The Team Memory Jogger: A Pocket Guide for Team Members  Inc Staff Joiner Associates, Goal Qpc and Oriel Inc, Goai/Qpc, GOAL/QPC, Joiner Associates Inc.  Goal/QPC.   As organizations increased the use of teams to improve processes and solve problems, quality managers and organization development specialists saw the need for improving the ability of team members to function in team settings. Familiar with the GOAL/QPC Memory Jogger format they asked for a Memory Jogger specifically for team members to help them reach the Goal/QPC. As organizations increased the use of teams to improve processes and solve problems, quality managers and organization development specialists saw the need for improving the ability of team members to function in team settings. Familiar with the GOAL/QPC Memory Jogger format they asked for a Memory Jogger specifically for team members to help them reach the "perform" stage as quickly and effectively as possible. Maximize your teams` potential with The Team Memory Jogger . This pocket reference guide can help smooth out communication, productivity, and decision-making problems. Team members learn the interpersonal skills and teamwork guidelines essential for productive teamwork. The guide is designed for members of all types of teams - project, process improvement, self-directed, or intact work teams; task forces; and many others. All topics are examined from the viewpoint of what a team member can do - not what the team leader or a manager should......

Сокровища Валькирии. Земля Сияющей Власти

Сергей Алексеев

  Сокровища Валькирии. Земля Сияющей Власти  Сергей Алексеев  Олма-Пресс.   Сокровища Сергея Алексеева.   Захватывающие события разворачиваются на страницах романа: полковник Арчеладзе ведет непримиримую борьбу с Олма-Пресс. Сокровища Сергея Алексеева. Захватывающие события разворачиваются на страницах романа: полковник Арчеладзе ведет непримиримую борьбу с "легионами смерти"; Алексей Русинов продолжает поиск путей к "сокровищам Вар-Вар", и сама Валькирия держит над ним обережный круг......

Design and Implementation of DSL-Based Access Solutions

Sanjeev Mervana, Chris Le

  Design and Implementation of DSL-Based Access Solutions  Sanjeev Mervana, Chris Le  Cisco Press.   The ultimate DSL deployment guides and reference Teaches the reader how to design and implement the network to offer services such as voice, video, and data Explains the various access and core architectures for xDSL technologies Details how to do mass provisioning and how to manage an end-to-end network Includes case studies that depict some of the most common deployed architectures, how they evolved, problems they faced, and how they were overcome Design and Implementation of DSL-Based Access Solutions addresses various architectures for DSL-based networks. It focuses on how to design and implement an end-to-end solution for service providers, considering various business models such as retail, wholesale, VPN, etc. This book depicts the different architectures, and helps you understand the key design principles in deploying them. It covers both access encapsulations such as bridging, PPPoA, PPPoE, and routing, as well as...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cisco Press. The ultimate DSL deployment guides and reference Teaches the reader how to design and implement the network to offer services such as voice, video, and data Explains the various access and core architectures for xDSL technologies Details how to do mass provisioning and how to manage an end-to-end network Includes case studies that depict some of the most common deployed architectures, how they evolved, problems they faced, and how they were overcome Design and Implementation of DSL-Based Access Solutions addresses various architectures for DSL-based networks. It focuses on how to design and implement an end-to-end solution for service providers, considering various business models such as retail, wholesale, VPN, etc. This book depicts the different architectures, and helps you understand the key design principles in deploying them. It covers both access encapsulations such as bridging, PPPoA, PPPoE, and routing, as well as......

Learn How to Repair Computers and Get Certified in 15 Weeks

Harry Husted

  Learn How to Repair Computers and Get Certified in 15 Weeks  Harry Husted  What? You computer crashed again. You were told the cost of repairs to restore it will be $250. Yikes. You know you don't have that kind of money. So what do you do? Repair it yourself. But how? I don't know anything about computers. Well now you can. Why spend months in a classroom to learn computers when you can learn all about them in the comfort of your own home. This book does what no other book on the market has done. It teaches you about every part of a computer, how it works, how to diagnose and repair it when it doesn't, and how to install it. Plus, here is an added incentive. While you are reading this book, you are also studying for the A+ certification exam, at the same time. Each chapter has self-evaluation and sample A+ test questions for you to go over and review. Also, each chapter, except the first and last, have assignments you can perform to reinforce your training. The book is designed so you can take one chapter a week. This way by the time 15...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What? You computer crashed again. You were told the cost of repairs to restore it will be $250. Yikes. You know you don't have that kind of money. So what do you do? Repair it yourself. But how? I don't know anything about computers. Well now you can. Why spend months in a classroom to learn computers when you can learn all about them in the comfort of your own home. This book does what no other book on the market has done. It teaches you about every part of a computer, how it works, how to diagnose and repair it when it doesn't, and how to install it. Plus, here is an added incentive. While you are reading this book, you are also studying for the A+ certification exam, at the same time. Each chapter has self-evaluation and sample A+ test questions for you to go over and review. Also, each chapter, except the first and last, have assignments you can perform to reinforce your training. The book is designed so you can take one chapter a week. This way by the time 15......

Using and Managing Ppp

Andrew Sun

  Using and Managing Ppp  Andrew Sun  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) has overwhelmingly taken the lead for use with modems and other serial communications because it is powerful and widely available. PPP permits all kinds of traffic, using popular Internet protocols (TCP/IP) and some proprietary ones. PPP is more secure than its older cousin SLIP, supporting several ways to authenticate users. This book is for network administrators and others who have to set up a computer system to use PPP. It covers all aspects of the protocol, including how to set up dial-in servers, authentication, debugging, and PPP options. In addition, it contains overviews of related areas, like serial communications, DNS setup, and routing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) has overwhelmingly taken the lead for use with modems and other serial communications because it is powerful and widely available. PPP permits all kinds of traffic, using popular Internet protocols (TCP/IP) and some proprietary ones. PPP is more secure than its older cousin SLIP, supporting several ways to authenticate users. This book is for network administrators and others who have to set up a computer system to use PPP. It covers all aspects of the protocol, including how to set up dial-in servers, authentication, debugging, and PPP options. In addition, it contains overviews of related areas, like serial communications, DNS setup, and routing....

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The Team Memory Jogger: A Pocket Guide for Team Members. Inc Staff Joiner Associates, Goal Qpc and Oriel Inc, Goai/Qpc, GOAL/QPC, Joiner Associates Inc. . Книги.

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