
Alfred Bester

  Redemolished  Alfred Bester  Book Description Before his untimely death in 1987, Alfred Bester had estabilished himself as one of th world's gretaest science fiction writers. From radio to television, short fiction to full-length novels, he created a body of work that will be continued to be enjoyed by generations of readers for all time. Only redemolished brings together for the first time ever the full range of his genius.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Before his untimely death in 1987, Alfred Bester had estabilished himself as one of th world's gretaest science fiction writers. From radio to television, short fiction to full-length novels, he created a body of work that will be continued to be enjoyed by generations of readers for all time. Only redemolished brings together for the first time ever the full range of his genius....

Left Horse Black

S. J. Reisner

  Left Horse Black  S. J. Reisner  Book DescriptionFor centuries, the zealot Kersian sorcerers have abducted innocent women and children for sacrifice to their 'no name' god, and have waged war upon Danaria's sorcerers. Now, they are covertly usurping the thrones of human-ruled kingdoms to do the unthinkable?building a massive human army to assist them in destroying Danaria's sorcerer bloodlines in an attempt to save their own. Armed with nothing more than meager weapons, untrained sorcery, and mere instinct, a troubled human prince, an inept Danarian sorceress, and their friends, rise up and become the world's last hope to stop the Kersians, and save the sorcerers' dying race.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFor centuries, the zealot Kersian sorcerers have abducted innocent women and children for sacrifice to their 'no name' god, and have waged war upon Danaria's sorcerers. Now, they are covertly usurping the thrones of human-ruled kingdoms to do the unthinkable?building a massive human army to assist them in destroying Danaria's sorcerer bloodlines in an attempt to save their own. Armed with nothing more than meager weapons, untrained sorcery, and mere instinct, a troubled human prince, an inept Danarian sorceress, and their friends, rise up and become the world's last hope to stop the Kersians, and save the sorcerers' dying race....

The Silver Gryphon

Alan Williams

  The Silver Gryphon  Alan Williams  Book DescriptionIn celebration of Golden Gryphon Press's 25th book, writers who contributed to the first 24 books were asked to write a story that best defines them as writers. The result is an anthology of stories ranging from fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and horror to genres that are often a combination of all four. Warren Rochelle portrays a struggle between magical and normal humans. George Zebrowski questions how to reclaim one's life when thrust two and a half years into the past. Andy Duncancombines literary style with southern heritage in a strange tale of courtship on a ghost trolley car. Michael Bishop spins the sad tale of a dead Vietnam soldier who won't die and continues to lay down his life to help others. James Patrick Kelly paints a world where people are regulated, even in their ability to become parents, and there is no place for dissenting views. The wide range in style, tone, and content in these tales provides genre fans with a diverse spectrum of short...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn celebration of Golden Gryphon Press's 25th book, writers who contributed to the first 24 books were asked to write a story that best defines them as writers. The result is an anthology of stories ranging from fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and horror to genres that are often a combination of all four. Warren Rochelle portrays a struggle between magical and normal humans. George Zebrowski questions how to reclaim one's life when thrust two and a half years into the past. Andy Duncancombines literary style with southern heritage in a strange tale of courtship on a ghost trolley car. Michael Bishop spins the sad tale of a dead Vietnam soldier who won't die and continues to lay down his life to help others. James Patrick Kelly paints a world where people are regulated, even in their ability to become parents, and there is no place for dissenting views. The wide range in style, tone, and content in these tales provides genre fans with a diverse spectrum of short......

Dangerous Garden : The Quest for Plants to Change Our Lives

David Stuart

  Dangerous Garden : The Quest for Plants to Change Our Lives  David Stuart  Book Description As our earliest ancestors migrated out of Africa, they encountered entirely new floras. By sampling these, they found plants that appeared to (and sometimes did) heal wounds, cure maladies, and ease troubled minds. This process of discovery continues today, as multinational pharmaceutical companies bioprospect in the globe's remaining wild places for the next tamoxifen or digitalis. The gardener and botanist David Stuart tells the fascinating story of botanical medicine, revealing more than soothing balms and heroic cures. Most of the truly powerful and effective medicinal plants are double-edged, with a dark side to balance the light. They can heal or kill, calm or enslave, lift depression or summon our gods and monsters. Often the difference between these polar effects is a simple change in dosage. Stuart chronicles the tale of how the herbal materia medica of healing and killing plants has sparked wars, helped establish intercontinental trade...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description As our earliest ancestors migrated out of Africa, they encountered entirely new floras. By sampling these, they found plants that appeared to (and sometimes did) heal wounds, cure maladies, and ease troubled minds. This process of discovery continues today, as multinational pharmaceutical companies bioprospect in the globe's remaining wild places for the next tamoxifen or digitalis. The gardener and botanist David Stuart tells the fascinating story of botanical medicine, revealing more than soothing balms and heroic cures. Most of the truly powerful and effective medicinal plants are double-edged, with a dark side to balance the light. They can heal or kill, calm or enslave, lift depression or summon our gods and monsters. Often the difference between these polar effects is a simple change in dosage. Stuart chronicles the tale of how the herbal materia medica of healing and killing plants has sparked wars, helped establish intercontinental trade......

Boohbah: Spinaround (Board Book with Sparkly Spinner)

Ragdoll Limited

  Boohbah: Spinaround (Board Book with Sparkly Spinner)  Ragdoll Limited  Book Description The newly revised and updated Everything You Need to Know About series provide kids and parents with a quick refresher to 4th through 6th grade curriculum topics. The organization and scope of these concise homework-help guides make them an essential reference resource. Researched according to middle-grade curriculum and current textbooks, and created in conjunction with subject experts, these titles answer kid's most frequently asked homework questions. In Geography, students will find everything from longitude and latitude to the longest rivers on Earth.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The newly revised and updated Everything You Need to Know About series provide kids and parents with a quick refresher to 4th through 6th grade curriculum topics. The organization and scope of these concise homework-help guides make them an essential reference resource. Researched according to middle-grade curriculum and current textbooks, and created in conjunction with subject experts, these titles answer kid's most frequently asked homework questions. In Geography, students will find everything from longitude and latitude to the longest rivers on Earth....

<<<  Власть. Государство. Общество. Из трудов мыслителей, философов, политиков. ...             Магия любви. Ключ к сердцу. Frater Baltasar, ... >>>

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Redemolished. Alfred Bester . Книги.

Салават, Сургут, Камышин, Рыбинск, Нефтекамск,
Триллеры| Барды| История нового времени (XVI - 1918 г.)| Внутренние болезни| Философия| Тесты, ПДД| Авантюрные приключения| Коллекции изображений| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Банковское дело| Археология| Бизнес-планирование| Литературоведение. Фольклор| Коммерческое и акционерное право| Справочники| Полнометражные мультфильмы| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Исторические мелодрамы| Microsoft Windows| Учебные фильмы по школьным предметам| Искусство. Архитектура. Религия. Традиции.| Христианство| Международные финансовые отношения| Учебники, самоучители, пособия| Финансовый анализ, оценка, учет и планирование. Бюджет| Исторические личности| Спорт| Индийские приключения| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Индийские детективы| Административное право| Теория киноискусства, премии, фильмы| Книжная полка. Поэзия для детей| Романтические комедии| Конструкторы| Языкознание. Филологические науки| История нового времени (XVI - 1918 г.)|
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