What If Boomers Can't Retire? How to Build Real Security, Not Phantom Wealth

Thornton Parker

  What If Boomers Can't Retire? How to Build Real Security, Not Phantom Wealth  Thornton Parker  Three trends are on a collision course: an aging population, the use of stocks to create paper wealth, and baby boomers? plans to use that wealth to retire. A wake-up call about retirement savings and the overall health of the stock market, this book explains the hazards of relying on the stock market and offers balanced advice on how boomers can meet their retirement needs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Three trends are on a collision course: an aging population, the use of stocks to create paper wealth, and baby boomers? plans to use that wealth to retire. A wake-up call about retirement savings and the overall health of the stock market, this book explains the hazards of relying on the stock market and offers balanced advice on how boomers can meet their retirement needs....

The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company

Bill Capodagli, Bill Capodagli, Lynn Jackson

  The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company  Bill Capodagli, Bill Capodagli, Lynn Jackson  "Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson's book is all about real magic: stimulating and harmonizing the collective energy of people."­­ Ken Blanchard A Fortune magazine Best Business Book of the Year Walt Disney inspired generations with his creative genius and shrewd business acumen. While delighting us with the magic of Mickey Mouse, he also introduced corporate America to some innovative and brilliant new ways of doing business. And as everyone knows, the Disney companies have grown beyond anything even Walt himself could have imagined. Now this practical, hands-on book takes an in-depth look at Disney's business philosophy and the priciples behind it, demonstrating how today's managers can successfully apply them to their own businesses­­no matter what the field....

IT Architectures and Middleware: Strategies for Building Large, Integrated Systems

Chris Britton

  IT Architectures and Middleware: Strategies for Building Large, Integrated Systems  Chris Britton  Addison-Wesley Professional.   (Pearson Education) A guide for Information Technology professionals to rising above the conflicts of new business objectives, vendor wars and new technologies to think clearly about the real challenges IT faces. Includes coverage of middleware technology alternatives and distributed systems and the best practices in IT architecture. Softcover. DLC: Computer architecture.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Addison-Wesley Professional. (Pearson Education) A guide for Information Technology professionals to rising above the conflicts of new business objectives, vendor wars and new technologies to think clearly about the real challenges IT faces. Includes coverage of middleware technology alternatives and distributed systems and the best practices in IT architecture. Softcover. DLC: Computer architecture....

Social Science Resources in the Electronic Age : Five Volumes]

Elizabeth H. Oakes, Mehrdad Kia, Michael S. Mayer, Jeffrey D. Greene, Michael H. Kupilik, Jeffrey A. Gritzner

  Social Science Resources in the Electronic Age : Five Volumes]  Elizabeth H. Oakes, Mehrdad Kia, Michael S. Mayer, Jeffrey D. Greene, Michael H. Kupilik, Jeffrey A. Gritzner  This one-stop source guides students and educators through the chaos of the Internet, helping them locate authoritative information on topics covered in the World History, U.S. History, Government and Civics, Economics, and Geography curricula. Students are taken directly to the Web's best sites for general researching in the field. They are provided with creme-de-la-creme sites on key topics in the discipline, each of which has been screened by an expert in the field and chosen based on a detailed analysis of the national standards and leading subject texts. Reviews include the site's name, URL, and appropriate grade range, as well as a thorough discussion of how to use the site for research.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This one-stop source guides students and educators through the chaos of the Internet, helping them locate authoritative information on topics covered in the World History, U.S. History, Government and Civics, Economics, and Geography curricula. Students are taken directly to the Web's best sites for general researching in the field. They are provided with creme-de-la-creme sites on key topics in the discipline, each of which has been screened by an expert in the field and chosen based on a detailed analysis of the national standards and leading subject texts. Reviews include the site's name, URL, and appropriate grade range, as well as a thorough discussion of how to use the site for research....

Посещение музея

Владимир Набоков

  Посещение музея  Владимир Набоков  Азбука-классика.   Азбука-классика (pocket-book).   Автор - герой - читатель в рассказах Набокова, Благость, Случайность, Картофельный Эльф, Катастрофа, Возвращение Чорба, Пассажир, Пильграм, Terra incognita, Уста к устам, Тяжелый дым, Весна в Фиальте, Облако, озеро, башня, Посещение музея, Лик, Комментарии.   В книгу включены избранные рассказы В.В.Набокова, создателя знаменитой Азбука-классика. Азбука-классика (pocket-book). Автор - герой - читатель в рассказах Набокова, Благость, Случайность, Картофельный Эльф, Катастрофа, Возвращение Чорба, Пассажир, Пильграм, Terra incognita, Уста к устам, Тяжелый дым, Весна в Фиальте, Облако, озеро, башня, Посещение музея, Лик, Комментарии. В книгу включены избранные рассказы В.В.Набокова, создателя знаменитой "Лолиты", написанные в русскоязычный, "сиринский" период его творчества и уже при жизни автора ставшие классикой русской "малой" прозы XX в. Развивая сквозные темы набоковских романов (потусторонность, изгнание, память, творчество), рассказы писателя отличаются заметным жанрово-стилистическим разнообразием и в ряде случаев сближаются с другими повествовательными формами: автобиографической прозой ("Возвращение Чорба", "Весна в Фиальте"), литературной или политической сатирой ("Уста к устам", "Облако, озеро, башня"), сказкой ("Картофельный Эльф"), притчей ("Пильграм", "Посещение музея"). Тексты рассказов публикуются в порядке их написания, позволяя проследить эволюцию Набокова-новеллиста, и сопровождаются подробными комментариями....

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What If Boomers Can't Retire? How to Build Real Security, Not Phantom Wealth. Thornton Parker . Книги.

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