The Art of Dressing Long Hair

Guy Kremer

  The Art of Dressing Long Hair  Guy Kremer  Book Description Internationally renowned Guy Kremer is famous in the hairdressing world for both his elegance and style and his cutting and styling skills. Guy?s hairdressing expertise is regularly showcased in leading newspapers, style magazines and the professional hair press. Guy is also an incredible showman who stuns audiences with gravity defying chignons perfectly entwined to complement couture dresses from the creme de la creme of the fashion world. His work for celebrity designers Isabell Kristensen and Maria Grachvogel brings his Parisian style to audiences of catwalk and charity shows around the world. His list of clientele includes celebrities, models and movie stars. In The Art of Dressing Long Hair, Guy presents you with an insider view of this world. Presented in five cutting-edge collections, Guy demonstrates 24 styles in step-by-step detail. The Art of Dressing Long Hair is an inspirational blend of master-class instructional material and stunning...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Internationally renowned Guy Kremer is famous in the hairdressing world for both his elegance and style and his cutting and styling skills. Guy?s hairdressing expertise is regularly showcased in leading newspapers, style magazines and the professional hair press. Guy is also an incredible showman who stuns audiences with gravity defying chignons perfectly entwined to complement couture dresses from the creme de la creme of the fashion world. His work for celebrity designers Isabell Kristensen and Maria Grachvogel brings his Parisian style to audiences of catwalk and charity shows around the world. His list of clientele includes celebrities, models and movie stars. In The Art of Dressing Long Hair, Guy presents you with an insider view of this world. Presented in five cutting-edge collections, Guy demonstrates 24 styles in step-by-step detail. The Art of Dressing Long Hair is an inspirational blend of master-class instructional material and stunning......

Banking and Insurance in the New China: Competition and the Challenge of Accession to the Wto (Advances in Chinese Economic Studies Series)

Chien-Hsun Chen

  Banking and Insurance in the New China: Competition and the Challenge of Accession to the Wto (Advances in Chinese Economic Studies Series)  Chien-Hsun Chen  Book DescriptionFinancial reform has been a major concern for China?s transitional economy - especially in the realms of banking and insurance - since accession to the WTO in 2001. This book scrutinizes the development and limitations of these industries during the process of institutional transformation, and demonstrates that they are now facing severe challenges as well as opportunities. The relationships between the market structure, behavior and performance of China?s banking and insurance industries are analyzed. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat (SWOT) approach is utilized in investigating the impact of WTO accession on Chinese banking and insurance, and strategies for the prevention of future financial crises are prescribed. Exploring the juxtaposition of institutional transformation in China and the financial risk inherent in the old system, the book concludes that with WTO accession and the opening up of financial services to foreign...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFinancial reform has been a major concern for China?s transitional economy - especially in the realms of banking and insurance - since accession to the WTO in 2001. This book scrutinizes the development and limitations of these industries during the process of institutional transformation, and demonstrates that they are now facing severe challenges as well as opportunities. The relationships between the market structure, behavior and performance of China?s banking and insurance industries are analyzed. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat (SWOT) approach is utilized in investigating the impact of WTO accession on Chinese banking and insurance, and strategies for the prevention of future financial crises are prescribed. Exploring the juxtaposition of institutional transformation in China and the financial risk inherent in the old system, the book concludes that with WTO accession and the opening up of financial services to foreign......

Гастрит и язвенная болезнь. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику

Т. Д. Минина

  Гастрит и язвенная болезнь. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику  Т. Д. Минина  ИГ ИГ "Весь". Советует доктор: тактика и стратегия здоровья. В ежедневной спешке мы часто забываем поесть или питаемся чем попало, увлекаемся острой и соленой пищей, алкоголем и никак не можем бросить курить. И лишь острый приступ гастрита заставляет нас изменить свое отношение к желудку и изменить привычки питания. Как связаны между собой гастрит и язва желудка? Как избежать этих заболеваний? Насколько строгие правила питания нужно соблюдать? Возможно ли полное исцеление или это болезнь на всю жизнь? В этой книге описаны все виды острого и хронического гастритов, причины возникновения язвы и специфика лечения. Узнав о методах лекарственной терапии, вы сможете лучше понять назначения врача-гастроэнтеролога. Для широкого круга читателей....

Kapital & Karma/Capital & Karma: Aktuelle Positionen Idischer Kunst/Recent Positions in Indian Art

Angelika Fitz

  Kapital & Karma/Capital & Karma: Aktuelle Positionen Idischer Kunst/Recent Positions in Indian Art  Angelika Fitz  Book DescriptionIn the past decade, India's cities have been caught in the grip of an enormous push toward globalization, an abrupt internationalization of capital, consumption, and media that has also effected changes in the contexts of Indian contemporary art. Global TV stations, commercials, the Internet, and computer games are becoming important points of reference. Artists have confronted these changes with varying strategies, transferring in this way the media surfaces of Book DescriptionIn the past decade, India's cities have been caught in the grip of an enormous push toward globalization, an abrupt internationalization of capital, consumption, and media that has also effected changes in the contexts of Indian contemporary art. Global TV stations, commercials, the Internet, and computer games are becoming important points of reference. Artists have confronted these changes with varying strategies, transferring in this way the media surfaces of "Indian" and "Western" elements into a globalized context of symbols. Edited by Angelika Fitz, Gerald Matt and Michael Worgotter. Essays by Nancy Adajania, Ranjit Hoskote, Ranjani Mazumdar, Rahul Mehrotra and Siddharth Varadarajan. Foreword by Lucas Gehrmann. Paperback, 8 x 9.5 in., 238 pages, 74 color, 52 b/w illustrations...

Let It Go : collection of poems: Let It Go!

Mitchell G. Vann

  Let It Go : collection of poems: Let It Go!  Mitchell G. Vann  Book DescriptionThere are times in our lives when we need to hear how people manage to grow and achieve success in life. My aspirations are created around my belief in God and the wonderful way life helps me to understand the benefits Of believing in Jesus Christ.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThere are times in our lives when we need to hear how people manage to grow and achieve success in life. My aspirations are created around my belief in God and the wonderful way life helps me to understand the benefits Of believing in Jesus Christ....

<<<  Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition. Kimberly Elam             Магия любви. Ключ к сердцу. Frater Baltasar, ... >>>

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The Art of Dressing Long Hair. Guy Kremer . Книги.

Калуга, Рубцовск, Волжский, Междуреченск, Первоуральск, Волжский, Новошахтинск, Таганрог, Калуга, Новокуйбышевск, Новомосковск, Владикавказ, Йошкар-Ола, Пятигорск, ВеликийНовгород, Курган, Новороссийск, Ульяновск, Иваново, Кызыл,
Распознавание и синтез речи| Загадки, кроссворды| Книжки 3D| Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Автомобиль| Страхование| Теория перевода. Переводоведение| Саспенс| Глобусы, контурные карты и атласы| Отечественная фантастика| Зарубежные писатели| Русская фэнтези| Уголовное право| Индийские комедии| Папанов Анатолий Дмитриевич|
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