Charting Caribbean Development (Published in Cooperation With Macmillan Caribbean, Ltd)

Anthony Payne, Paul K. Sutton

  Charting Caribbean Development (Published in Cooperation With Macmillan Caribbean, Ltd)  Anthony Payne, Paul K. Sutton  This book offers an urgent commentary on the experience of Caribbean development in the postcolonial era, a critical discussion of the current crisis of globalization in the region. Specifically, it examines the different national models of development that have been pursued in the past forty years in Anglophone Caribbean countries such as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and Grenada. In addition, the coauthors address problems of integration and examine the region's main external linkages to Europe and North America that affect its development opportunities. They also present remarkably lucid accounts of the complex and tangled issue of the banana controversy, the role of U.S. fruit multinationals, and the role of the World Trade Organizationin addressing these sorts of issues. Not only for Caribbean specialists, this book will be valuable for those concerned with international political economy and development problems generally.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book offers an urgent commentary on the experience of Caribbean development in the postcolonial era, a critical discussion of the current crisis of globalization in the region. Specifically, it examines the different national models of development that have been pursued in the past forty years in Anglophone Caribbean countries such as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and Grenada. In addition, the coauthors address problems of integration and examine the region's main external linkages to Europe and North America that affect its development opportunities. They also present remarkably lucid accounts of the complex and tangled issue of the banana controversy, the role of U.S. fruit multinationals, and the role of the World Trade Organizationin addressing these sorts of issues. Not only for Caribbean specialists, this book will be valuable for those concerned with international political economy and development problems generally....

What Does Mr. Greenspan Really Think?: Alan Greenspan's Speech at the Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium January 14, 1997

Lawrence M. Parks

  What Does Mr. Greenspan Really Think?: Alan Greenspan's Speech at the Catholic University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium January 14, 1997  Lawrence M. Parks  "There are very few people who understand the arcane ways in which money is created or, for that matter, who benefits and who is adversely affected by this act of creation. By parsing the language of the Fed chairman, Larry Parks has uncovered a minefield of illuminating observations. Larry Parks, the president of FAME, is the quintessential truth-teller in a world of obscurantism and misunderstanding. For most people, banking and global finance are a mystery wrapped in an enigma. However, the creation of fiat money affects transactions, buying power, investments, personal wealth and the rise and fall of nation states. Even today the runaway inflation during the German Weimar period in the 1930's affects the attitude of the European Central bankers. Through textual analysis Mr. Parks offers extraordinary insight into the operation of the Federal Reserve and, as importantly, the future purchasing power of money. Lest anyone think these are either abstract or pettifogging matters, the......

Globalism and the New Regionalism (International Political Economy)

Bjorn Hettne, Andras Inotai, Osvaldo Sunkel

  Globalism and the New Regionalism (International Political Economy)  Bjorn Hettne, Andras Inotai, Osvaldo Sunkel  This is the first of four volumes reporting on the UNU-WIDER project on new regionalism. It deals with the conceptions and meanings of two processes which probably will have a crucial influence on the shape of the This is the first of four volumes reporting on the UNU-WIDER project on new regionalism. It deals with the conceptions and meanings of two processes which probably will have a crucial influence on the shape of the "new world order"--globalization and regionalization. They relate to each other as challenge to response, globalization being the challenge of economic and cultural homogenization of the world and regionalization being a social and political reaction. The leading writers in the field contribute thought-provoking and fascinating articles to this volume....

Globalization and Global Governance

Raimo Vayrynen, Canadian-U.S. Conference on Global Governance, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

  Globalization and Global Governance  Raimo Vayrynen, Canadian-U.S. Conference on Global Governance, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers  The world is becoming more integrated and interdependent, heightening the need for new approaches to global governance. How can the international community collectively respond to pressing global problems? What kinds of institutions are needed, and what kinds of instruments will help them function? A distinguished group of international scholars wrestles here with what global governance is and is not-and with what it might be, given a clearer understanding of the challenges and opportunities posed by international financial flows, communications technologies, environmental threats, domestic disorders, peacekeeping and intervention, and sanctions and incentives. Taken together, this collection of original essays pays special attention to the prospect for strengthening an institutional world order by encouraging and enforcing compliance with international norms.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The world is becoming more integrated and interdependent, heightening the need for new approaches to global governance. How can the international community collectively respond to pressing global problems? What kinds of institutions are needed, and what kinds of instruments will help them function? A distinguished group of international scholars wrestles here with what global governance is and is not-and with what it might be, given a clearer understanding of the challenges and opportunities posed by international financial flows, communications technologies, environmental threats, domestic disorders, peacekeeping and intervention, and sanctions and incentives. Taken together, this collection of original essays pays special attention to the prospect for strengthening an institutional world order by encouraging and enforcing compliance with international norms....

Managing Science : Management for R&D Laboratories (Wiley Series in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology, 5005)

Claude GelA?s, Gilles Lindecker, Mel Month, Christian Roche, Gilles Lindecker, Christian Roche

  Managing Science : Management for R&D Laboratories (Wiley Series in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology, 5005)  Claude GelA?s, Gilles Lindecker, Mel Month, Christian Roche, Gilles Lindecker, Christian Roche  A unique A unique "how-to" manual for the management of scientific laboratories This book presents a complete set of tools for the management of research and development laboratories and projects. With an emphasis on knowledge rather than profit as ameasure of output and performance, the authors apply standard management principles and techniques to the needs of high-flux, open-ended, separately funded science and technology enterprises. They also propose the novel idea that failure, and incipient failure, is an important measure of an organization's potential. From the management of complex, round-the-clock, high-tech operations to strategies for long-term planning, Managing Science: Management for R&D Laboratories discusses how to build projects with the proper research and development, obtain and account for funding, and deal with rapidly changing technologies, facilities, and trends. The entire second part of the book is devoted to personnel issues and the impact......

<<<  Англо-русский русско-английский словарь с использованием грамматики. Живан ...             Магия любви. Ключ к сердцу. Frater Baltasar, ... >>>

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Charting Caribbean Development (Published in Cooperation With Macmillan Caribbean, Ltd). Anthony Payne, Paul K. Sutton . Книги.

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