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Teaching History Online John F. Lyons
"Teaching History Online" is a concise reference guide to developing and using online resources in history teaching. It offers practical advice that will help the history teacher develop online assignments, and provides an introduction to the myriad resources and tools available for use in the online classroom. Beginning with a chapter on the benefits of teaching and studying online, this book goes on to tackle the most common problems raised for teachers of online courses.The chapters cover the various issues involved in online teaching such as designing an online class and providing online alternatives to the classroom lecture and the Discussion Board, as well as assessment and classroom management issues. The final chapter focuses on teaching hybrid/blended classes and incorporating online elements into the traditional face-to-face classroom. This accessible introduction includes lesson plans, examples of online learning tools and suggestions for further reading, making "Teaching......
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Human Resources Management; The Key Concepts (Routledge Key Guides) Chris Rowley
This book is a concise guide to the most important facts, theories and ideas that more and more managers are turning to for insight into how to run their business. "Human Resource Management: The Key Concepts" is closely tailored to students needs whilst its relevance to the wider social context makes it useful for practitioners also. It covers: employee relations, emerging issues in HR, employee rewards, and employee resourcing. Each concept is defined and discussed with regards to it's origin, it's fit into the overall subject and common managerial failures in respect of it. Cross-referencing, an A-Z Index and essay style entries make this concise edition an accessible and rewarding read....
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Ваш домашний аквариум
Владис, Рипол Классик. Карманная библиотека. Книга адресована широкому кругу любителей аквариумистики, рассказывает о условиях содержания популярных аквариумных рыбок, о видах аквариумного оборудования....
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Charlotte Then and Now (Then & Now Thunder Bay) Brandon Lunsford
Charlotte, “The Queen City” of North Carolina, was named in honor of King George III’s wife, Queen Charlotte, and continues to be an important player in American history. From her early days as a pre-revolutionary hotbed of ideology to her modern incarnation as the nation’s second-largest financial center, Charlotte is fascinating. See this southern belle in all of her past and present glory in Charlotte Then and Now. Discover Charlotte’s beloved landmarks, past and present, in this unique tour of the “Hornet’s Nest,” a nickname bestowed on the rambunctious city by British general Cornwallis. Sports fans take note: Charlotte’s pre-revolutionary legacy lives on in the NBA’s Hornets. Stop by the corner of Trade and Tryon Streets, better known as “The Square.” It was at this intersection—where the original East-West Trading path crossed with the Great Wagon Road—that modern Charlotte began to take shape. Spare any change? Before the California Gold Rush, Charlotte was a major gold town......
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Служительницы муз Елена Прокофьева
Вече. Мир женщины. Эта книга - о судьбах женщин, посвятивших себя творчеству. Они творили стихи, романы, пьесы... Эти женщины были не только талантливы, но и отважны. Ибо в любые времена путь к высоким достижениям ведет через тернии. Некоторым из героинь, таким как Джейн Остен или сестрам Бронте, не удалось изведать обычного женского счастья. Натали Бэрни, Вирджиния Вульф и знаменитая русская писательница-сатирик Надежда Лохвицкая (Тэффи) вызывающе отринули традиционные ценности. И лишь немногие смогли органично совместить семью и творчество....
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Teaching History Online. John F. Lyons . Книги.
Нальчик, Волгоград, Якутск, Старый Оскол, Ногинск, Улан-Удэ, Пенза, Санкт-Петербург, Рыбинск, Ижевск, Тюмень,
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