The Filled Pen: Selected Non-Fiction of P.K. Page

P. K. Page

  The Filled Pen: Selected Non-Fiction of P.K. Page  P. K. Page  ~ P.K. Page is best known as one of Canada's finest poets, but over the course of her career she has also written a number of essays - meditations - on her life and work, on the nature of art and the imagination, and on Canadian works of literature, painting, and film that have had special significance for her. As lovers of her poetry would hope and expect, these essays are beautiful, intelligent, moving, and delightfully quirky. The Filled Pen brings together the most important of these essays, including two previously unpublished: A Writer's Life and Fairy Tales, Folk Tales: The Language of the Imagination.. Zailig Pollock, Page scholar and professor of English at Trent University, has edited and annotated this collection for admirers of Page's work, general readers, and academics alike. The essays, which cover a period of approximately forty years, reflect Page's enduring concerns as a verbal and visual artist with the power of art and the imagination to transcend the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ~ P.K. Page is best known as one of Canada's finest poets, but over the course of her career she has also written a number of essays - meditations - on her life and work, on the nature of art and the imagination, and on Canadian works of literature, painting, and film that have had special significance for her. As lovers of her poetry would hope and expect, these essays are beautiful, intelligent, moving, and delightfully quirky. The Filled Pen brings together the most important of these essays, including two previously unpublished: A Writer's Life and Fairy Tales, Folk Tales: The Language of the Imagination.. Zailig Pollock, Page scholar and professor of English at Trent University, has edited and annotated this collection for admirers of Page's work, general readers, and academics alike. The essays, which cover a period of approximately forty years, reflect Page's enduring concerns as a verbal and visual artist with the power of art and the imagination to transcend the......

Work Your Way Around the World, 13th

Susan Griffith

  Work Your Way Around the World, 13th  Susan Griffith  The thirteenth edition of the unique and acclaimed guide for the working traveller that explains how to find temporary work around the world not only in advance but also when on the spot while travelling. It incorporates hundreds of first-hand accounts from people who have actually done the jobs with a mass of hard factual information to offer authoritative advice on how to find work from selling ice cream in Cape town to working as a film extra in Bangkok. Work Your Way Around the World gives information on all the main areas of temporary work including the tourist industry, teaching English, childcare and voluntary work, business and industry, and in addition covers how to travel for free by land, sea and air, explains how to earn money by spotting some local opportunity and gives dates and details of harvests from Denmark to New Zealand. Includes a country-by-country guide to the opportunities to be found.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The thirteenth edition of the unique and acclaimed guide for the working traveller that explains how to find temporary work around the world not only in advance but also when on the spot while travelling. It incorporates hundreds of first-hand accounts from people who have actually done the jobs with a mass of hard factual information to offer authoritative advice on how to find work from selling ice cream in Cape town to working as a film extra in Bangkok. Work Your Way Around the World gives information on all the main areas of temporary work including the tourist industry, teaching English, childcare and voluntary work, business and industry, and in addition covers how to travel for free by land, sea and air, explains how to earn money by spotting some local opportunity and gives dates and details of harvests from Denmark to New Zealand. Includes a country-by-country guide to the opportunities to be found....

Магия, колдовство и заклинания

Аврора Гринбоу, Кэти Джуэлл

  Магия, колдовство и заклинания  Аврора Гринбоу, Кэти Джуэлл  АСТ, Астрель.   Шаг за шагом.   Знаете ли вы, что в основе колдовства лежат древние ритуалы поклонения природе, которые возникли еще в Темные века, и что при помощи магии вы можете изменить свою жизнь к лучшему? Но вы навряд ли бывали в школе волшебников и не учились магии. Не стоит отчаиваться! Эта великолепная книга, написанная для вас практикующими магами, расскажет, как создавать магические талисманы, заговоры и заклинания, не причиняя вреда ни себе, ни другим. Волшебство? Запросто!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Шаг за шагом. Знаете ли вы, что в основе колдовства лежат древние ритуалы поклонения природе, которые возникли еще в Темные века, и что при помощи магии вы можете изменить свою жизнь к лучшему? Но вы навряд ли бывали в школе волшебников и не учились магии. Не стоит отчаиваться! Эта великолепная книга, написанная для вас практикующими магами, расскажет, как создавать магические талисманы, заговоры и заклинания, не причиняя вреда ни себе, ни другим. Волшебство? Запросто!...

Приключения в археологии

Роберт Сильверберг

  Приключения в археологии  Роберт Сильверберг  Вече.   Великие тайны.   Эта книга - увлекательный рассказ о том, как археологи вновь открыли утраченную Трою и златообильные Микены, обнаружили древний город эпохи майя в непроходимых джунглях Центральной Америки и обследовали Долину царей в Фивах... Испытываешь наслаждение не меньше, чем при чтении детективных романов: то же самое волнение, когда находятся первые ниточки к разгадке тайны сюжета и возрастает напряжение при столкновении с препятствиями. И триумф - когда детектив-археолог выдвигает систему своих доказательств.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Вече. Великие тайны. Эта книга - увлекательный рассказ о том, как археологи вновь открыли утраченную Трою и златообильные Микены, обнаружили древний город эпохи майя в непроходимых джунглях Центральной Америки и обследовали Долину царей в Фивах... Испытываешь наслаждение не меньше, чем при чтении детективных романов: то же самое волнение, когда находятся первые ниточки к разгадке тайны сюжета и возрастает напряжение при столкновении с препятствиями. И триумф - когда детектив-археолог выдвигает систему своих доказательств....

Young Avengers Vol. 2: Family Matters

Allan Heinberg, Andrea Divito, Jim Cheung

  Young Avengers Vol. 2: Family Matters  Allan Heinberg, Andrea Divito, Jim Cheung  The newly reconfigured Young Avengers prepare to make their public debut - but first they have to face a threat more powerful than Kang the Conqueror, more dangerous than Mr. Hyde and more cunning than the Masters of Evil: their parents. For these brand-new super heroes, fighting super-villains is child's play compared to maintaining their alter egos! Collects Young Avengers #7-12, Young Avengers Special.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The newly reconfigured Young Avengers prepare to make their public debut - but first they have to face a threat more powerful than Kang the Conqueror, more dangerous than Mr. Hyde and more cunning than the Masters of Evil: their parents. For these brand-new super heroes, fighting super-villains is child's play compared to maintaining their alter egos! Collects Young Avengers #7-12, Young Avengers Special....

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The Filled Pen: Selected Non-Fiction of P.K. Page. P. K. Page . Книги.

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