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Charlatan Steven Laird
Book DescriptionWith a precise eye for form and a clear love for the tone and timbre of language, Steven Laird creates a profound and surreal sense of place and time, upending it all with brilliant irony. Running through this collection is a disturbing sense that even the clearest perceptions?shaped by habits of speech and thought?can be treacherous, and standing on the highest rocks is a perilous act of faith: Walk the edge of the cliff?up here Eighty-seven feet falling sheer to the sea You are precarious, the cliff is sure? You need to be exact now. Throughout, Steven Laird teases magic from the landscape (where clouds are "handwritten in loose cursive" and hills can be "read in translation") in poetry with a strong, exuberant voice?a voice that only "comes to rest / in a tambourine?s emptiness." Not even your guide can be trusted; this charlatan is no ordinary snake-oil salesman. He knows you need to name a thing before you can even......
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Leap of Faith: Memoirs of an Unexpected Life Queen of Jordan Noor
Book DescriptionBorn in 1951 to a distinguished Arab-American family, Lisa Najeeb Halaby became the fourth wife of King Hussein at age 27. With her husband being not only Jordan?s monarch but the spiritual leader of all Muslims, Lisa was unsure whather role would be. This moving memoir provides a timely look at one woman's story against a backdrop of 30 turbulent years: the displacement of over 1 million Palestinians by the creation of Israel, King Hussein?s frustrated efforts for peace, and the effect of Saddam Hussein and the Gulf War on Jordan and the royal family. Queen Noor offers intimate new glimpses of King Hussein, Saddam Hussein, Queen Elizabeth, Arafat, and many other world leaders....
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Churchill at War: His "Finest Hour" in Photographs 1940-1945 Martin Gilbert
Book Description Wonderfully revealing images of a great and photogenic leader in a time of war. Churchill at War combines official Churchill biographer Sir Martin Gilbert's authoritative text with almost 200 photographs from the remarkable archive of London's Imperial War Museum to create an unprecedented portrait of Churchill throughout World War II. Whether deep in conversation with world leaders, sharing a joke with dock workers, inspecting bomb-damaged cities, rallying his troops inthe theaters of war, picnicking with his generals on the banks of the Rhine, visiting the ruins of Berlin, or celebrating the victory over Germany, Churchill's charisma, strength of character, sense of humor, sensitivity, and love for his country shine out from these images. Churchill at War is an insightful glimpse into the wartime life of the man whose friendship with Franklin D. Roosevelt led to the closest-ever Anglo-American relationship, and whose tireless commitment to......
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Мужчины "пять звезд" - включены Габи Хауптманн
АСТ, Транзиткнига, АСТ Москва. Femina. Незаметная кассирша из маленького магазинчика - в самом фешенебельном отеле горнолыжного курорта! Для нее наконец открылись двери в мир роскоши и блеска, и главное теперь - скрыть от великосветских поклонников, кто она в действительности! Однако - так ли все просто с "богатыми и знаменитыми" мужчинами? Похоже, едва ли не каждый из них - совсем не тот, за кого себя выдает... Вчерашняя провинциалка, быстро набравшись опыта, решает разгадать тайну мужчин отеля "Резиденция"!...
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America's Wetland: Louisiana's Vanishing Coast Mike Dunne
Book DescriptionWith America?s WETLAND, award-winning photographer Bevil Knapp and veteran reporter Mike Dunne sound the clarion call of the catastrophic effects of Louisiana?s vanishing coastline?not just for Louisiana but for the nationand the world. This vital landscape known as America?s Wetland is currently disappearing at a rate of twenty-four square miles per year and could lose another five to seven hundred square miles in the next fifty years if no action is taken. New Orleans could become "America?s Atlantis," one of the country?s unique cultures lost forever. Knapp?s beautiful, sometimes startling photographs and Dunne?s incisive commentary bring the urgency of this problem into full view. Documented here is a way of life that is quickly waning. Fishermen, oyster farmers, cattle ranchers, oil industry workers, shipbuilders, and tugboat captains are all heavily dependent on Louisiana?s coastal territory in bringing the......
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Charlatan. Steven Laird . Книги.
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