A Guide to Ecstacity

Nigel Coates

  A Guide to Ecstacity  Nigel Coates  Book DescriptionMonograph, manifesto, travelog, history, autobiography, novel--A Guide to Ecstacity is a bit of all of these things. The brainchild of British architectural visionary Nigel Coates, it asks us to reimagine the city as a dynamic hybrid of inventive design and cross-cultural political empowerment. Produced in the spirit of Rem Koolhaas's S,M,L,XL, it is a palimpsest of the real and the hypothetical, with fragments of seven cities from around the world--Cairo, London, Mumbai, New York, Rio, Rome, and Tokyo--woven together into one multifaceted urban fabric. In addition to extensive documentation of architecture and product design by Coates's own groundbreaking firm--Branson Coates Architecture--A Guide to Ecstacity features projects by Norman Foster, Future Systems, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Daniel Libeskind, Philippe Starck, and Bernard Tschumi. Presented in a remarkable package created by the design firm Why Not Associates in close collaboration with...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionMonograph, manifesto, travelog, history, autobiography, novel--A Guide to Ecstacity is a bit of all of these things. The brainchild of British architectural visionary Nigel Coates, it asks us to reimagine the city as a dynamic hybrid of inventive design and cross-cultural political empowerment. Produced in the spirit of Rem Koolhaas's S,M,L,XL, it is a palimpsest of the real and the hypothetical, with fragments of seven cities from around the world--Cairo, London, Mumbai, New York, Rio, Rome, and Tokyo--woven together into one multifaceted urban fabric. In addition to extensive documentation of architecture and product design by Coates's own groundbreaking firm--Branson Coates Architecture--A Guide to Ecstacity features projects by Norman Foster, Future Systems, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Daniel Libeskind, Philippe Starck, and Bernard Tschumi. Presented in a remarkable package created by the design firm Why Not Associates in close collaboration with......

Christ's Globe-Trotter

Beverly Reeve

  Christ's Globe-Trotter  Beverly Reeve  Book DescriptionAs a young man, Ted Pollock longed to be a foreign missionary, but believed God only sent doctors, preachers, teachers, and those with college degrees. Bored with school, Pollock had dropped out of seventh grade during the Depression, so all he had to offer God was his two hands. Fortunately for thousands of people worldwide, Pollock was wrong. He had exactly the skills and heart needed to be a missionary: For almost seven decades, he?s worked as Christ?s globe-trotter, a mission builder tangibly demonstrating the servant message of the gospel. Building hospitals and schools, designing windmills to provide irrigation, and engineering innovative housing that is economic and useful in remote locations, Ted Pollock has always helped people with his hands-on missionary work. Working side-by-side with his wife, Dolly, and later, his seven children (four of whom were born in Africa), Pollock made life on four continents better for indigenous people and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAs a young man, Ted Pollock longed to be a foreign missionary, but believed God only sent doctors, preachers, teachers, and those with college degrees. Bored with school, Pollock had dropped out of seventh grade during the Depression, so all he had to offer God was his two hands. Fortunately for thousands of people worldwide, Pollock was wrong. He had exactly the skills and heart needed to be a missionary: For almost seven decades, he?s worked as Christ?s globe-trotter, a mission builder tangibly demonstrating the servant message of the gospel. Building hospitals and schools, designing windmills to provide irrigation, and engineering innovative housing that is economic and useful in remote locations, Ted Pollock has always helped people with his hands-on missionary work. Working side-by-side with his wife, Dolly, and later, his seven children (four of whom were born in Africa), Pollock made life on four continents better for indigenous people and......

Soul Set : The Performance Guide for Bands (Gig Guides)

  Soul Set : The Performance Guide for Bands (Gig Guides)  Book DescriptionThe Gig Guides series is designed to provide musicians with a blueprint for building bands. We select the songs, put 'em in order, and show you how to play 'em. The format is simple; there are no unwieldy note-for-note scores to sightreador complicated theory to understand. Just here's the lead sheet, here are the parts you really need to know, and away you go! These book/CD packs are the ultimate do-it-yourself kit for gigging musicians and up-and-coming performers alike. Can be used bya full band or individual players. Soul Set features 12 songs, plus a CD with full-band demos of each song so you can hear what you should be sounding like.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe Gig Guides series is designed to provide musicians with a blueprint for building bands. We select the songs, put 'em in order, and show you how to play 'em. The format is simple; there are no unwieldy note-for-note scores to sightreador complicated theory to understand. Just here's the lead sheet, here are the parts you really need to know, and away you go! These book/CD packs are the ultimate do-it-yourself kit for gigging musicians and up-and-coming performers alike. Can be used bya full band or individual players. Soul Set features 12 songs, plus a CD with full-band demos of each song so you can hear what you should be sounding like....

Little Women (Radio Theatre)

Louisa May Alcott

  Little Women (Radio Theatre)  Louisa May Alcott  Book DescriptionCombining the stellar script adaptation skills of award-winning writers Paul McCusker and Philip Glassborrow with the beloved novel by Louisa May Alcott, Radio Theatre's Little Women will captivate listeners with its poignant storyand top-notch cast. Through trial, illness, poverty, disappointment, and sacrifice, four sisters place family above all else, reinforcing the qualities of honesty, contentment, and joy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionCombining the stellar script adaptation skills of award-winning writers Paul McCusker and Philip Glassborrow with the beloved novel by Louisa May Alcott, Radio Theatre's Little Women will captivate listeners with its poignant storyand top-notch cast. Through trial, illness, poverty, disappointment, and sacrifice, four sisters place family above all else, reinforcing the qualities of honesty, contentment, and joy....

Тунис. Путеводитель

  Тунис. Путеводитель  Ле Пти Фюте, Авангард.   Собираясь посетить Тунис, многие туристы планируют просто отдохнуть на хорошем курорте, купаясь в Средиземном море, загорая на пляже и наслаждаясь отличным климатом. Они и не представляют себе, что путешествие в эту страну станет гораздо более увлекательным!.. У Туниса богатая история. Здесь сохранились остатки великих очагов цивилизации, которые хранят память о финикийцах, римлянах, византийцах и турках, которые в разное время владели территориями страны. Пожалуй, наиболее впечатляющие памятники архитектуры - Карфаген, разрушенный, а затем заново отстроенный римлянами; и прекрасно сохранившийся амфитеатр в Эль-Джеме. В разных уголках страны открыты для посещений места археологических раскопок и исторические музеи. Во многих средневековых городах сохранилась медина - старый центр города, за крепостной стеной которого - мечеть и базар. Вы также увидите форты времен испанского и турецкого завоеваний и города, построенные изгнанными из Испании маврами. В Тунисе...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ле Пти Фюте, Авангард. Собираясь посетить Тунис, многие туристы планируют просто отдохнуть на хорошем курорте, купаясь в Средиземном море, загорая на пляже и наслаждаясь отличным климатом. Они и не представляют себе, что путешествие в эту страну станет гораздо более увлекательным!.. У Туниса богатая история. Здесь сохранились остатки великих очагов цивилизации, которые хранят память о финикийцах, римлянах, византийцах и турках, которые в разное время владели территориями страны. Пожалуй, наиболее впечатляющие памятники архитектуры - Карфаген, разрушенный, а затем заново отстроенный римлянами; и прекрасно сохранившийся амфитеатр в Эль-Джеме. В разных уголках страны открыты для посещений места археологических раскопок и исторические музеи. Во многих средневековых городах сохранилась медина - старый центр города, за крепостной стеной которого - мечеть и базар. Вы также увидите форты времен испанского и турецкого завоеваний и города, построенные изгнанными из Испании маврами. В Тунисе......

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A Guide to Ecstacity. Nigel Coates . Книги.

Камышин, Владикавказ, Ноябрьск, Мурманск, Рязань, Нефтекамск, Архангельск, Невинномысск, Великие Луки, Мурманск, Брянск, Братск, Махачкала, Волгодонск, Нижнекамск, Нижний Тагил, Нижневартовск, Артём, Уссурийск, Пермь, Йошкар-Ола, Питер, Киселёвск,
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