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Огромное окно Лемони Сникет
Азбука-классика. Тридцать три несчастья. Поверьте, очень хотелось бы сообщить вам, что Вайолет, Клауса и Солнышко Бодлер перестали преследовать несчастья и они зажили спокойной, веселой жизнью вдали от коварного Графа Олафа и его отвратительных помощников... Не станем вас обманывать - чем дальше, тем больше злоключений выпадает на долю несчастных сирот. В этой истории их ожидают ураган, грамматические головоломки, голодные зубастые пиявки и холодный огуречный суп... А также неожиданная встреча с моряком на деревянной ноге. ...Кстати, как вы думаете, может ли хорошо закончиться история, которая происходит на озере под названием Лакримозе?...
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Ночные эскадрильи люфтваффе. Записки немецкого летчика Вильгельм Йонен
Центрполиграф. Автор, пилот `мессершмитта`, воевавший на Западном фронте, рассказывает об опыте нового подразделения люфтваффе - ночных истребителях. В книге ярко и образно повествуется о преданности пилотов своей нелегкой профессии, о воздушных дуэлях под звездами, описываются особые условия ночных полетов....
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Economic Growth & End of Transatlantic Slave Trade David Eltis
This watershed study is the first to consider in concrete terms the consequences of Britain's abolition of the Atlantic slave trade. Why did Britain pull out of the slave trade just when it was becoming important for the world economy and the demand forlabor around the world was high? Caught between the incentives offered by the world economy for continuing trade at full tilt and the ideological and political pressures from its domestic abolitionist movement, Britain chose to withdraw, believing, in part, that freed slaves would work for low pay which in turn would lead to greater and cheaper products. In a provocative new thesis, historian David Eltis here contends that this move did not bolster the British economy; rather, it vastly hindered economic expansion as the empire's control of the slave trade and its great reliance on slave labor had played a major role in its rise to world economic dominance. Thus, for sixty years after Britain pulled out, the slave economies of Africa......
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Career Planning for Psychiatrists Edited by Kathleen M. Mogul and Leah J. Dickstein
American Psychiatric Publishing. Residents and medical students thinking about a career in psychiatry, practicing psychiatrists considering a change of specialty, or anyone else facing a career decision needs a comprehensive guide to the various opportunities available to them. Career Planning for Psychiatrists contains the most current and detailed information available about psychiatric specialties and practice settings in the late 1990s. For each area and subspecialty, a recognized leader in that field discusses every aspect of the work. These aspects range from job responsibilities, current day-to-day challenges, and interaction with other professionals to lifestyle issues such as balancing the demands of work with personal priorities and responsibilities. The chapter authors go beyond factual descriptions to relate their feelings about what they particularly enjoy, and what troubles them, about their work. They also describe the unique rewards and pleasures, the prevailing problems and concerns, and the future......
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Handbook of United States Economic and Financial Indicators : Revised Edition (Bibliographies and Indexes in Economics and Economic History) F. M. O'Hara
Designed to answer questions about the makeup, purpose, use, and availability of economic indicators in a broad sense of the term, this book includes entries on 284 indicators, 137 of which are new to this edition. In addition to identifying and describing indicators, the entries show how they are calculated, where they are published, how they are used, where their values are published, and where one can find further information about them. Covering those indicators that are readily available through publication in newspapers and journals, on the World Wide Web, in library collections, or in government publications, the book will guide the researcher and librarian to current and historical values of these indicators and answer questions about their structure, function, and calculation....
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Огромное окно. Лемони Сникет . Книги.
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