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Handbook of New Product Development Management Christoph Loch, Stylianos Kavadias
Рид Элсивер. "Handbook of New Product Development Management" brings together for the first time an outstanding team of New Product Development specialists who have completed influential research on the various topics. This book supports the first effort to bind together the existing knowledge in new product development, not through the specific lens of a management discipline (e.g. marketing, operations etc.), but as a stand alone "discipline". This book is a key resource for academics and researchers with interest in new product development, and for consultants who work with their clients on product innovation. It offers a thought provoking unified perspective to new product development practitioners, engineering design experts, and senior product development managers....
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Stop Sitting on Your Assets: How to Safely Leverage the Equity Trapped in Your Home and Transform It Into a Constant Flow of Wealth and Security
Marian Snow...
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How to Find That Quality Tenant: The Five Simple Steps of Tenant Selection
Don Conrad...
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100 Classic Napkin Folds: Simple and Stylish Napkins for Every Occasion Rick Beech
Southwater. This beautiful volume includes an amazing 100 folding designs, each one developed to complement different types of table layout, event, occasion or even specific foods. The folds are graded from simple designs that can be put together quickly to more complex folds that require starching and pressing for that special dinnner party....
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Волшебник Изумрудного города (аудиокнига МР3) Александр Волков
Союз, Вимбо. Девочка Элли и ее друг щенок Тотошка случайно попадают в волшебную страну. Помочь вернуться домой им может только Гудвин Великий и Ужасный - волшебник Изумрудного города. По дороге в Изумрудный город Элли подружится со Страшилой, Железным Дровосеком и Трусливым Львом. Вместе они преодолеют все трудности, возникшие на их пути. В обложку аудиокниги вставлены фигурки героев сказки, изготовленные из бумаги, с которыми можно играть....
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На главную
Handbook of New Product Development Management. Christoph Loch, Stylianos Kavadias . Книги.
Глазов, Ноябрьск, Октябрьский, Кызыл, Димитровград, Киров, Хасавюрт, Ноябрьск, Старый Оскол, Краснодар, ВеликийНовгород, Рубцовск,
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