Преступление и наказание (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD)

Ф. М. Достоевский

  Преступление и наказание (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD)  Ф. М. Достоевский  Студия АРДИС.   Русская проза.   Круг основных идей романа Студия АРДИС. Русская проза. Круг основных идей романа "Преступление и наказание" писатель вынашивал долгое время, возможно, еще с каторги. Социальные мотивы получили в нем углубленное философское звучание, неотделимое от нравственной драмы Раскольникова, "убийцы-теоретика", современного Наполеона. Крах индивидуалистической идеи Раскольникова, его попытки стать "властелином судьбы", подняться над "тварью дрожащею" и одновременно осчастливить человечество, спасти обездоленных - философский ответ Достоевского на революционные настроения 1860-х гг....

Winning the Knowledge Game : Smarter Learning for Business Excellence

  Winning the Knowledge Game : Smarter Learning for Business Excellence  Winning the Knowledge Game focuses on the thinking and attitudes required to remain knowledgeable, competitive and high performing. Topics include: having a winning strategy, improving collaboration and teamwork, creating a smarter business, competitive intelligence, protecting intellectual property, keeping talent, leveraging the latest digital technology, increasing customer loyalty and measuring the impact of your people on performance, market value and society. Winning the Knowledge Game provides practical advice on the strategies, tactics and systems you need to remain capable and agile in this rapidly changing business world. To help you meet this challenge, Winning the Knowledge Game explores three questions: * How do you open the hearts and minds of people to smarter learning? * How do you grow competitive advantage? * How do you sustain and ensure lasting success? All managers need to learn the skill of acquiring...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Winning the Knowledge Game focuses on the thinking and attitudes required to remain knowledgeable, competitive and high performing. Topics include: having a winning strategy, improving collaboration and teamwork, creating a smarter business, competitive intelligence, protecting intellectual property, keeping talent, leveraging the latest digital technology, increasing customer loyalty and measuring the impact of your people on performance, market value and society. Winning the Knowledge Game provides practical advice on the strategies, tactics and systems you need to remain capable and agile in this rapidly changing business world. To help you meet this challenge, Winning the Knowledge Game explores three questions: * How do you open the hearts and minds of people to smarter learning? * How do you grow competitive advantage? * How do you sustain and ensure lasting success? All managers need to learn the skill of acquiring......

Careers in Law

Gary Munneke

  Careers in Law  Gary Munneke  VGM PROFESSIONAL CAREERS SERIES PRESENTS EXPERT GUIDANCE ON EXPLORING AND CHOOSING THE PERFECT JOB Whether they are college students planning a future, or professionals looking to change fields, this series offers: • Specific information on each profession • Career choices within each field • Details on responsibilities, education, and training required • Information on the demands of different careers • And much more  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин VGM PROFESSIONAL CAREERS SERIES PRESENTS EXPERT GUIDANCE ON EXPLORING AND CHOOSING THE PERFECT JOB Whether they are college students planning a future, or professionals looking to change fields, this series offers: • Specific information on each profession • Career choices within each field • Details on responsibilities, education, and training required • Information on the demands of different careers • And much more...

Artisans in Europe 1300-1914 (New Approaches to European History, 19)

James Richard Farr, James R. Farr

  Artisans in Europe 1300-1914 (New Approaches to European History, 19)  James Richard Farr, James R. Farr  This book is an introduction to the history of work in general and of artisans in particular in Europe from 1300 to 1914. It focuses on many aspects of artisan culture, including economic and guild life, and discusses social, rebellious, ceremonial and leisure experience as well. Women, masters, journeymen, apprentices, and non-guild workers all receive substantial treatment, and the text is illuminated with fascinating illustrations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is an introduction to the history of work in general and of artisans in particular in Europe from 1300 to 1914. It focuses on many aspects of artisan culture, including economic and guild life, and discusses social, rebellious, ceremonial and leisure experience as well. Women, masters, journeymen, apprentices, and non-guild workers all receive substantial treatment, and the text is illuminated with fascinating illustrations....

Latin American Macroeconomic Reform: The Second Stage

Jose Antonio Gonzalez, Vittorio Corbo, Anne O. Krueger, Aaron Tornell

  Latin American Macroeconomic Reform: The Second Stage  Jose Antonio Gonzalez, Vittorio Corbo, Anne O. Krueger, Aaron Tornell  Hidden behind a number of economic crises in the mid- to late 1990s-including Argentina's headline-grabbing monetary and political upheaval-is that fact that Latin American economies have, generally speaking, improved dramatically in recent years. Their success has been due, in large part, to macroeconomic reforms, and this book brings together prominent economists and policymakers to assess a decade of such policy shifts, highlighting both the many success stories and the areas in which further work is needed. Contributors offer both case studies of individual countries and regional overviews, covering monetary, financial, and fiscal policy. Contributors also work to identify future concerns and erect clear signposts for future reforms. For instance, now that inflation rates have been stabilized, one suggested Hidden behind a number of economic crises in the mid- to late 1990s-including Argentina's headline-grabbing monetary and political upheaval-is that fact that Latin American economies have, generally speaking, improved dramatically in recent years. Their success has been due, in large part, to macroeconomic reforms, and this book brings together prominent economists and policymakers to assess a decade of such policy shifts, highlighting both the many success stories and the areas in which further work is needed. Contributors offer both case studies of individual countries and regional overviews, covering monetary, financial, and fiscal policy. Contributors also work to identify future concerns and erect clear signposts for future reforms. For instance, now that inflation rates have been stabilized, one suggested "second stage" monetary reform would be to focus on reducing rates from high to low single digits. Financial sector reforms, it is suggested, should center on......

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Преступление и наказание (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD). Ф. М. Достоевский . Книги.

Калуга, Волгодонск,
Видеопрограммы о животных| Отечественное кино| Мама и малыш| Новейшая история (с 1917 года)| Книжки-вырубки| Художественные музеи, коллекции и собрания| Фильмы и видеопрограммы в 3D| Исторические боевики| Отечественная фантастика| Парапсихология| Распознавание и синтез речи| Антикварная графика| Барды. | Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Ноты и тексты. Учебные пособия| Эксцентрические комедии| Науки о Земле| Хронологический каталог| Боевики| Авантюрные приключения| Исторические драмы| Скульптура| Журналы и периодика| Антивирусы других производителей| Фильмы и видеопрограммы в 3D| Любовь и эротика| Бои без правил| Молодежные драмы| Энциклопедические словари| Двадцатый век| Стратегии (Strategy)|
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