Global Production: The Apparel Industry in the Pacific Rim

Edna Bonacich, Lucie Cheng, Norma Chinchilla, Et Al

  Global Production: The Apparel Industry in the Pacific Rim  Edna Bonacich, Lucie Cheng, Norma Chinchilla, Et Al  This collection of original essays examines the social and political consequences of the globalization of the apparel industry in Asia, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and the United States. The contributors analyze the countries' trade policies,the apparel industry's network of capital ad labor, working conditions in garment factories, and the role of workers, especially women. Written by scholars of various nationalities and from different disciplines, this volume provides a look at the industry from the perspective of participants within each country and illustrates a general trend toward the internationalization of production and global economic restructuring.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This collection of original essays examines the social and political consequences of the globalization of the apparel industry in Asia, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and the United States. The contributors analyze the countries' trade policies,the apparel industry's network of capital ad labor, working conditions in garment factories, and the role of workers, especially women. Written by scholars of various nationalities and from different disciplines, this volume provides a look at the industry from the perspective of participants within each country and illustrates a general trend toward the internationalization of production and global economic restructuring....

Starting in Life: A Turn-of-the-Century Career Handbook

Nathaniel C., Jr Fowler

  Starting in Life: A Turn-of-the-Century Career Handbook  Nathaniel C., Jr Fowler  STARTING IN LIFE, first published in 1910, offers today's graduates an inside look at the professions they have to choose from. Surprisingly relevant, these profiles cover the sorts of tasks a reader might expect from the career, the sort of salary he might make, and the level of respect he might receive from the community. From acting to practicing law, working in the armed services to trading stocks and bonds, many of the professions listed in this classic volume are no different from those of this century. Included in each chapter is advice from history's finest and most celebrated working men, including Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, J. P. Morgan, Thomas Edison, George Dewey, and many others. Although there is a great deal of information to be found here, it's equally enjoyable to see how far we've come--women don't appear, and the writing is distinctly vintage: STARTING IN LIFE, first published in 1910, offers today's graduates an inside look at the professions they have to choose from. Surprisingly relevant, these profiles cover the sorts of tasks a reader might expect from the career, the sort of salary he might make, and the level of respect he might receive from the community. From acting to practicing law, working in the armed services to trading stocks and bonds, many of the professions listed in this classic volume are no different from those of this century. Included in each chapter is advice from history's finest and most celebrated working men, including Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, J. P. Morgan, Thomas Edison, George Dewey, and many others. Although there is a great deal of information to be found here, it's equally enjoyable to see how far we've come--women don't appear, and the writing is distinctly vintage: "In order to avoid failure, young people must have a strong start and the ability to......

Records Management: Text/Disk Package

Judith Reed-Smith, Mary Lea Ginn, Norman F. Kallaus, Judy Read Smith

  Records Management: Text/Disk Package  Judith Reed-Smith, Mary Lea Ginn, Norman F. Kallaus, Judy Read Smith  This revised text is a comprehensive introduction to the complex field of records management. Alphabetic filing rules--compatible with the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA) guidelines-- are included, along with methods of storing and retrieving alphabetic, subject, numeric, and geographic records. Thorough coverage is provided for filing and maintenance of paper, automated, micro image, and electronic imaging records.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This revised text is a comprehensive introduction to the complex field of records management. Alphabetic filing rules--compatible with the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA) guidelines-- are included, along with methods of storing and retrieving alphabetic, subject, numeric, and geographic records. Thorough coverage is provided for filing and maintenance of paper, automated, micro image, and electronic imaging records....

Social Inclusion: Possibilities and Tensions

Peter Askonas, Angus Stewart

  Social Inclusion: Possibilities and Tensions  Peter Askonas, Angus Stewart  Against a background of globalization, risk, and cultural pluralism, the problem of social exclusion and its possible remedies have become a major focus for political and social analysis and policy making. This collection of original essays by leading social thinkers and analysts offers a comprehensive exploration of the topic and considers various practical agenda.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Against a background of globalization, risk, and cultural pluralism, the problem of social exclusion and its possible remedies have become a major focus for political and social analysis and policy making. This collection of original essays by leading social thinkers and analysts offers a comprehensive exploration of the topic and considers various practical agenda....

The Theory of Aggregate Investment and Output Dynamics in Open Economic Systems (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)

Kofi Kissi Dompere

  The Theory of Aggregate Investment and Output Dynamics in Open Economic Systems (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)  Kofi Kissi Dompere  Building on the companion volume on closed economic systems, Dompere develops a theory of aggregate investment, optimal capital, and output dynamics for open economic systems under neo-Keynesian conditions with special reference to growth policy. By constructing and tracing the path of equilibrium aggregate investment, the study isolates and analyzes the internal and external factors that influence the adjusting of investment to aggregate finance and profit. It examines the role international trade and finance play in alleviating domestic technological and savings constraints on capital creation and growth. The theory's conclusions are used to analyze the rate of accumulation and finance needed to support a rate of output growth selected as part of an internal aggregate decision process. The analysis is extended to aggregrate development capital-output planning.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Building on the companion volume on closed economic systems, Dompere develops a theory of aggregate investment, optimal capital, and output dynamics for open economic systems under neo-Keynesian conditions with special reference to growth policy. By constructing and tracing the path of equilibrium aggregate investment, the study isolates and analyzes the internal and external factors that influence the adjusting of investment to aggregate finance and profit. It examines the role international trade and finance play in alleviating domestic technological and savings constraints on capital creation and growth. The theory's conclusions are used to analyze the rate of accumulation and finance needed to support a rate of output growth selected as part of an internal aggregate decision process. The analysis is extended to aggregrate development capital-output planning....

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Global Production: The Apparel Industry in the Pacific Rim. Edna Bonacich, Lucie Cheng, Norma Chinchilla, Et Al . Книги.

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