Ted Hughes: Collected Poems for Children

Ted Hughes

  Ted Hughes: Collected Poems for Children  Ted Hughes  Farrar, Straus and Giroux.   This collection brings together over 2.50 poems Ted Hughes wrote throughout his life for children. They are arranged by volume, beginning with those for younger readers and progressing to the more sophisticated poems of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. This collection brings together over 2.50 poems Ted Hughes wrote throughout his life for children. They are arranged by volume, beginning with those for younger readers and progressing to the more sophisticated poems of "Under the North Star", "What Is the Truth?", and "Season Songs". Animals - both real and fantastic - are often the subject, and at every turn Hughes reveals his famously incisive, unsentimental approach to writing about the natural world. Acclaimed illustrator Raymond Briggs accentuates the humor and themes at work (and play) in this volume with nearly zoo endearing drawings, while at the same time respecting the need for some of these poems to do their own illustration work entirely in the reader's mind. A triumphant testament to the former Poet Laureate of England's ability to engage and stretch the imagination of young readers, this is a book that one can turn to again and again for amusement, inspiration, and reassurance. Формат: 16 см x 24 см....

My First Spoken Words: Babies (Smart Kids Talking Books; My First Spoken Words)

  My First Spoken Words: Babies (Smart Kids Talking Books; My First Spoken Words)  Linda Acredolo, Susan, Dr. Goodwin  Linda Acredolo, Susan, Dr. Goodwin  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Linda Acredolo, Susan, Dr. Goodwin...

Study Guide for Landsburg's Price Theory and Applications, 7th

  Study Guide for Landsburg's Price Theory and Applications, 7th  Steven Landsburg  Steven Landsburg  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Steven Landsburg...

Water Supply in Emergency Situations (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security)

  Water Supply in Emergency Situations (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Wine Across America: A Photographic Road Trip

Daphne Larkin

  Wine Across America: A Photographic Road Trip  Daphne Larkin  Wineviews Publishing.   It was while enjoying a friend's bottle of out-of-state wine that renowned Napa Valley wine photographer Charles O'Rear and his wife, Daphne, decided to embark on the ultimate wine road trip. Two years and 80,000 miles later, WINE ACROSS AMERICA presents the fruits of their journey, documenting the passion and pride of winegrowers, winemakers, and wine drinkers from New England to Florida, Alaska to Hawaii, and everywhere in between. The first photography book to showcase American wine country, this lavishly illustrated tribute will inform, entertain, and inspire readers to see and taste the American wine revolution for themselves. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT WINE ACROSS AMERICA - The number of wineries in America has more than doubled in the last decade. - America's first wine was made in Florida in 1564. - Wine cellars in Missouri that were dug in 1880 are still in use. - The most visited winery in the United States is in North Carolina, and the second...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wineviews Publishing. It was while enjoying a friend's bottle of out-of-state wine that renowned Napa Valley wine photographer Charles O'Rear and his wife, Daphne, decided to embark on the ultimate wine road trip. Two years and 80,000 miles later, WINE ACROSS AMERICA presents the fruits of their journey, documenting the passion and pride of winegrowers, winemakers, and wine drinkers from New England to Florida, Alaska to Hawaii, and everywhere in between. The first photography book to showcase American wine country, this lavishly illustrated tribute will inform, entertain, and inspire readers to see and taste the American wine revolution for themselves. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT WINE ACROSS AMERICA - The number of wineries in America has more than doubled in the last decade. - America's first wine was made in Florida in 1564. - Wine cellars in Missouri that were dug in 1880 are still in use. - The most visited winery in the United States is in North Carolina, and the second......

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Ted Hughes: Collected Poems for Children. Ted Hughes . Книги.

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