Six Sigma Fundamentals: A Complete Guide to the System, Methods and Tools

D. H. Stamatis

  Six Sigma Fundamentals: A Complete Guide to the System, Methods and Tools  D. H. Stamatis  Although much has been written touting Six Sigma and its benefits, many are still confused about what exactly Six Sigma is and why it is extremely beneficial. Six Sigma Fundamentals cuts through the Although much has been written touting Six Sigma and its benefits, many are still confused about what exactly Six Sigma is and why it is extremely beneficial. Six Sigma Fundamentals cuts through the "fluff" of conventional Six Sigma jargon and provides the reader with a solid understanding of what defines a Six Sigma initiative and what is expected from the organization, management, and customer. Each chapter fully addresses the concepts of the Six Sigma philosophy and explains the methodologies forreal-world applications. Included with the text is a CD-ROM containing more than 75 ready-to-use Six Sigma forms. Six Sigma Fundamentals gives an overview to the entire process ? from understanding the significance of "customer requirements" all the way to "Designing for Six Sigma" and "implementation strategy." The model tools, methodology, and goals are explained thoroughly, so that this powerful system may be applied to organizations that are concerned with drastic positive......

How to Be an Effective Group Leader

Bill D. Schul

  How to Be an Effective Group Leader  Bill D. Schul  Armed with Bill Schul's guidance, even the shyest person can become a powerful and effective leader. Learn goal-setting methods, keys for maximizing group participation and the do's and don'ts of leadership. This how-to also covers the best ways to establish your group's atmosphere and tips for holding productive meetings. Whether you're in a leadership role now or expect to attain one, this straightforward text will help you achieve your ambitions. Plus, the information is equally valid for social, civic, government and business organizations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Armed with Bill Schul's guidance, even the shyest person can become a powerful and effective leader. Learn goal-setting methods, keys for maximizing group participation and the do's and don'ts of leadership. This how-to also covers the best ways to establish your group's atmosphere and tips for holding productive meetings. Whether you're in a leadership role now or expect to attain one, this straightforward text will help you achieve your ambitions. Plus, the information is equally valid for social, civic, government and business organizations....

Human Resources Management for Hospitality

Mary Tanke

  Human Resources Management for Hospitality  Mary Tanke  "Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry, 2E" addresses the wide spectrum of human resource issues in the hospitality industry. It has been revised to reflect changes in human resource management over the past five years, and to prepare students for the challenges of managing a diverse workforce in an ever-changing environment. New discussions cover today's hot topics and include case studies to illustrate effective management styles. Changes in legal restrictions and legislation have been accounted for, including consideration of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The text uses performance objectives to outline the major concepts form each chapter; discussion questions and case problems reinforce learning....

Hack Proofing Linux : A Guide to Open Source Security

James Stanger, Patrick T. Lane

  Hack Proofing Linux : A Guide to Open Source Security  James Stanger, Patrick T. Lane  The Linux operating system continues to gain market share, based largely on its reputation as the most secure operating system available. The challenge faced by system administrators is that Linux is secure only if installed and configured properly, constantly and meticulously updated, and carefully integrated with a wide variety of Open Source security tools. Hack Proofing Linux provides the system administrator with coverage of the most popular Linux operating systems and Open Source security tools, along with the techniques necessary to properly configure and maintain Linux systems and to counter malicious attacks.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Linux operating system continues to gain market share, based largely on its reputation as the most secure operating system available. The challenge faced by system administrators is that Linux is secure only if installed and configured properly, constantly and meticulously updated, and carefully integrated with a wide variety of Open Source security tools. Hack Proofing Linux provides the system administrator with coverage of the most popular Linux operating systems and Open Source security tools, along with the techniques necessary to properly configure and maintain Linux systems and to counter malicious attacks....

Microsoft Access 2000. Шаг за шагом

Джо Хабракен

  Microsoft Access 2000. Шаг за шагом  Джо Хабракен  АСТ, Астрель.   Шаг за шагом / The Complete Idiot's Guide.   Книга поможет читателям войти в мир Access, популярного приложения для создания и обработки баз данных, - таблиц, запросов, отчетов их составляющих и столь необходимых в наше время широкому кругу предпринимателей, бухгалтерам, студентам, школьникам и всем тем, кто живет в информационном пространстве и вынужден учитывать меру его организованности. После прочтения вы без труда будете создавать свои базы данных, отчеты (и не только о проделанной работе), заключать их в адекватные формы...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Шаг за шагом / The Complete Idiot's Guide. Книга поможет читателям войти в мир Access, популярного приложения для создания и обработки баз данных, - таблиц, запросов, отчетов их составляющих и столь необходимых в наше время широкому кругу предпринимателей, бухгалтерам, студентам, школьникам и всем тем, кто живет в информационном пространстве и вынужден учитывать меру его организованности. После прочтения вы без труда будете создавать свои базы данных, отчеты (и не только о проделанной работе), заключать их в адекватные формы......

<<<  Earth Summit 2002: A New Deal. Felix Dodds, Toby Middleton             Предсказанное. Том 1. Василий Головачев >>>

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Six Sigma Fundamentals: A Complete Guide to the System, Methods and Tools. D. H. Stamatis . Книги.

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