К северу от будущего

Борис Хазанов

  К северу от будущего  Борис Хазанов  Вагриус.   Борис Хазанов - автор известных романов Вагриус. Борис Хазанов - автор известных романов "Я Воскресение и жизнь", "Час короля", "Далекое зрелище лесов" - любит смешивать прошлое и настоящее, "путать" рассказчика и героя, тем самым создавая мастерски продуманную интригу. В новом романе рассказывается о послевоенной Москве, о том, как молодые люди, студенты университета, пытаются найти себя в мирной жизни. О неумении забыть, об ожидании "ослепительного будущего и о холодном, как сама Россия, дыхании, которым веяло от этого будущего". И еще о любви как последнем прибежище человека, даже если речь идет о ее невозможности......

West Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Volume 2004 (West's Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Volume)

Eugene Willis, William H., Jr. Hoffman, David M. Maloney, William A. Raabe

  West Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Volume 2004 (West's Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Volume)  Eugene Willis, William H., Jr. Hoffman, David M. Maloney, William A. Raabe  For twenty-six years running, the market-leading West Federal Taxation Series has helped more than one million users master the ever-changing nature of Federal taxation. The 2004 Edition of West Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Volume is no exception. With its comprehensive and accessible coverage, no other text is as effective at helping users master the ever-changing tax code and regulations. Because of its adherence to the recommendations of the Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)?and because its authors and editors stay on top of trends in both tax law and tax education-- the 2004 Edition is thoroughly up-to-date, current in its thinking, and pedagogically advanced.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For twenty-six years running, the market-leading West Federal Taxation Series has helped more than one million users master the ever-changing nature of Federal taxation. The 2004 Edition of West Federal Taxation: Comprehensive Volume is no exception. With its comprehensive and accessible coverage, no other text is as effective at helping users master the ever-changing tax code and regulations. Because of its adherence to the recommendations of the Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)?and because its authors and editors stay on top of trends in both tax law and tax education-- the 2004 Edition is thoroughly up-to-date, current in its thinking, and pedagogically advanced....

The 3 P's of Negotiating: Exploring the Dimensions

John C. Ritchie

  The 3 P's of Negotiating: Exploring the Dimensions  John C. Ritchie  This book covers the dimensions that influence how boundaries are established for successful negotiating. It explores how different types of people, processes and positional issues all influence each other and ultimately determine the outcome of negotiations. Focusing on the area of the unknown, will enable readers to quickly determine their own boundaries as well as the boundaries of others, in order to bring negotiating scenarios to successful ends. The purpose of this title is not to endorse one setof criteria as correct, at the expense of others, but to expose the reader to the many elements that set the boundaries for negotiating.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book covers the dimensions that influence how boundaries are established for successful negotiating. It explores how different types of people, processes and positional issues all influence each other and ultimately determine the outcome of negotiations. Focusing on the area of the unknown, will enable readers to quickly determine their own boundaries as well as the boundaries of others, in order to bring negotiating scenarios to successful ends. The purpose of this title is not to endorse one setof criteria as correct, at the expense of others, but to expose the reader to the many elements that set the boundaries for negotiating....

Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaints: A Practical Guide

Jan C. Salisbury, Bobbi Killian Dominick

  Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaints: A Practical Guide  Jan C. Salisbury, Bobbi Killian Dominick  Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaints is a hands-on guide for human resource professionals who are called upon to conduct a legally sound investigation into harassment, discrimination, or retaliation complaints. This important manual blends the information investigators need to develop the skills and competencies that are critical to successfully investigating harassment and discrimination complaints with a proven framework for undertaking the investigation itself. Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaint s walks the investigator through the process of conducting a successful investigation and includes information about: The critical legal aspects of conducting an investigation How diversity affects harassment What needs to be in place prior to an investigation Creating a step-by-step plan How to properly document an investigation, and Administering discipline for policy violations and remedies for aggrieved...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaints is a hands-on guide for human resource professionals who are called upon to conduct a legally sound investigation into harassment, discrimination, or retaliation complaints. This important manual blends the information investigators need to develop the skills and competencies that are critical to successfully investigating harassment and discrimination complaints with a proven framework for undertaking the investigation itself. Investigating Harassment and Discrimination Complaint s walks the investigator through the process of conducting a successful investigation and includes information about: The critical legal aspects of conducting an investigation How diversity affects harassment What needs to be in place prior to an investigation Creating a step-by-step plan How to properly document an investigation, and Administering discipline for policy violations and remedies for aggrieved......

Intermediate Statistics and Econometrics: A Comparative Approach

Dale J. Poirier

  Intermediate Statistics and Econometrics: A Comparative Approach  Dale J. Poirier  The standard introductory texts to mathematical statistics leave the Bayesian approach to be taught later in advanced topics courses -- giving students the impression that Bayesian statistics provide but a few techniques appropriate in only special circumstances. Nothing could be further from the truth, argues Dale Poirier, who has developed a course for teaching comparatively both the classical and the Bayesian approaches to econometrics. Poirier's text provides a thoroughly modern, self-contained, comprehensive, and accessible treatment of the probability and statistical foundations of econometrics with special emphasis on the linear regression model. Written primarily for advanced undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing research careers in economics, Intermediate Statistics and Econometrics offers a broad perspective, bringing together a great deal of diverse material. Its comparative approach, emphasis on regression and prediction, and numerous...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The standard introductory texts to mathematical statistics leave the Bayesian approach to be taught later in advanced topics courses -- giving students the impression that Bayesian statistics provide but a few techniques appropriate in only special circumstances. Nothing could be further from the truth, argues Dale Poirier, who has developed a course for teaching comparatively both the classical and the Bayesian approaches to econometrics. Poirier's text provides a thoroughly modern, self-contained, comprehensive, and accessible treatment of the probability and statistical foundations of econometrics with special emphasis on the linear regression model. Written primarily for advanced undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing research careers in economics, Intermediate Statistics and Econometrics offers a broad perspective, bringing together a great deal of diverse material. Its comparative approach, emphasis on regression and prediction, and numerous......

<<<  На баяне - по слуху. Самоучитель. Д. Г. Парнес, ...             Предсказанное. Том 1. Василий Головачев >>>

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К северу от будущего. Борис Хазанов . Книги.

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