Упражнения по физике

Н. С. Бухман

  Упражнения по физике  Н. С. Бухман  Лань.   Учебники для вузов. Специальная литература.   В данном пособии содержатся около 1000 тренировочных задач по курсу физики для студентов нефизических специальностей вузов. Предлагаемые задачи охватывают все разделы трехсеместрового курса физики. Пособие состоит из пяти разделов - Лань. Учебники для вузов. Специальная литература. В данном пособии содержатся около 1000 тренировочных задач по курсу физики для студентов нефизических специальностей вузов. Предлагаемые задачи охватывают все разделы трехсеместрового курса физики. Пособие состоит из пяти разделов - "Механика", "Молекулярная физика", "Колебания и волны", "Электричество и оптика", "Квантовая физика". Особенностью данного сборника упражнений является достаточно большое количество несложных стереотипных задач, для решения которых вполне достаточно знания и понимания основных положений курса физики для технических вузов. Пособие предназначено для использования как на практических занятиях по физике, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов....

Foundation Flash CS3 for Designers

Tom Green, David Stiller

  Foundation Flash CS3 for Designers  Tom Green, David Stiller  Friends of ED.   Flash is one of the most engaging and innovative, and versatile technologies available - allowing the creation of pretty much anything from simple slideshows, animated banners and icons and cartoons, to Rich Internet Applications, Interactive videos, and dynamic user interfaces for web sites, kiosks, or DVDs. The possibilities are endless, except that now, it just got better. In 2007, Adobe released Flash CS3, which boasts a whole host of new features, including fully customizable workspace, full ActionScript 3.0 support, a PSD importer, a tween-to-code animation converter, and much more. And this book is all you'll need to learn Flash CS3 from the ground up, or learn about all these new features, if you already have previous Flash experience - Flash experts Tom Green and David Stiller take you step-by-step through all facets of Flash CS3, with the emphasis firmly on good design techniques that you use in your own projects. Learn Flash design from the ground up, or just get to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Friends of ED. Flash is one of the most engaging and innovative, and versatile technologies available - allowing the creation of pretty much anything from simple slideshows, animated banners and icons and cartoons, to Rich Internet Applications, Interactive videos, and dynamic user interfaces for web sites, kiosks, or DVDs. The possibilities are endless, except that now, it just got better. In 2007, Adobe released Flash CS3, which boasts a whole host of new features, including fully customizable workspace, full ActionScript 3.0 support, a PSD importer, a tween-to-code animation converter, and much more. And this book is all you'll need to learn Flash CS3 from the ground up, or learn about all these new features, if you already have previous Flash experience - Flash experts Tom Green and David Stiller take you step-by-step through all facets of Flash CS3, with the emphasis firmly on good design techniques that you use in your own projects. Learn Flash design from the ground up, or just get to......

Dry Creek Sweethearts

Janet Tronstad

  Dry Creek Sweethearts  Janet Tronstad  Steeple Hill.   Back From The Big Time... She could scarcely believe her eyes. An enormous tour bus had arrived in Dry Creek, and from it stepped hometown hero Duane Enger, now a music celebrity. Linda Morgan, owner of the local cafe, had thought her ex boyfriend had become too famous for the small town life she loved. But something had pulled Duane back. Maybe he missed a slower, easier life. Maybe he sought to regain his faith. Or maybe it was the girl he'd left behind. Whatever it was, Duane was now finding life in Dry Creek and Linda just as intriguing as life in the fast lane. This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Steeple Hill. Back From The Big Time... She could scarcely believe her eyes. An enormous tour bus had arrived in Dry Creek, and from it stepped hometown hero Duane Enger, now a music celebrity. Linda Morgan, owner of the local cafe, had thought her ex boyfriend had become too famous for the small town life she loved. But something had pulled Duane back. Maybe he missed a slower, easier life. Maybe he sought to regain his faith. Or maybe it was the girl he'd left behind. Whatever it was, Duane was now finding life in Dry Creek and Linda just as intriguing as life in the fast lane. This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition....

Thank You, Angels!

Doreen Virtue with Kristina Tracy

  Thank You, Angels!  Doreen Virtue with Kristina Tracy  Hay House.   Best-selling author and Hay House. Best-selling author and "angel lady" Doreen Virtue has written her first book for children! "Thank You, Angels!" introduces young children to the world of angels and teaches them how these heavenly beings can help them in many ways. Kids will learn how to ask an angel for help, how to recognize an angel's voice, and what signs angels may use to let kids know that they're there. This book offers children a sense of comfort and peace by showing them that they're never alone....

Super-Simple Creative Costumes: Mix & Match Your Way to Make Believe

  Super-Simple Creative Costumes: Mix & Match Your Way to Make Believe  Sue Astroth  Sue Astroth  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sue Astroth...

<<<  Предпрофильная подготовка в школе. Е. В. Советова             Предсказанное. Том 1. Василий Головачев >>>

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Упражнения по физике. Н. С. Бухман . Книги.

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