Русская армия XVIII-XIX веков. 1700-1801. Пехота - Кавалерия - Артиллерия. 1801-1825. Гвардейская и армейская пехота

Александр Чернушкин

  Русская армия XVIII-XIX веков. 1700-1801. Пехота - Кавалерия - Артиллерия. 1801-1825. Гвардейская и армейская пехота  Александр Чернушкин  Астрель, АСТ.   Энциклопедия вооружения и военного костюма.   Книга продолжает Энциклопедию вооружений и военного костюма - капитального французского издания, охватывающего историю развития мундира и оружия с древнейших времен до Второй мировой войны. Прекрасно иллюстрированное издание дает возможность представить себе, как выглядел солдат русской армии от времен Петра I и до крушения Российской империи. Это уникальное издание не имеет аналогов, а проведенная автором работа поражает охватом материала и детальной точностью рисунков. Этот том энциклопедии посвящен истории, обмундированию и вооружению солдат русской армии в XVIII в. Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей, увлекающихся историей армии и военной формы.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Астрель, АСТ. Энциклопедия вооружения и военного костюма. Книга продолжает Энциклопедию вооружений и военного костюма - капитального французского издания, охватывающего историю развития мундира и оружия с древнейших времен до Второй мировой войны. Прекрасно иллюстрированное издание дает возможность представить себе, как выглядел солдат русской армии от времен Петра I и до крушения Российской империи. Это уникальное издание не имеет аналогов, а проведенная автором работа поражает охватом материала и детальной точностью рисунков. Этот том энциклопедии посвящен истории, обмундированию и вооружению солдат русской армии в XVIII в. Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей, увлекающихся историей армии и военной формы....

Payroll Records and Procedures

Merle Wood, Sherry Cohen

  Payroll Records and Procedures  Merle Wood, Sherry Cohen  This package consists of a student text-workbook, practice set, and computerized templates for QuickBooks. The program presents payroll activities and related materials as a single unit and includes a comprehensive practice set that is available separately or shrink-wrapped with the text-workbook. The easy-to-read presentation of topics helps students develop efficient working procedures. Numerous illustrations and examples support content.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This package consists of a student text-workbook, practice set, and computerized templates for QuickBooks. The program presents payroll activities and related materials as a single unit and includes a comprehensive practice set that is available separately or shrink-wrapped with the text-workbook. The easy-to-read presentation of topics helps students develop efficient working procedures. Numerous illustrations and examples support content....

Tropical Soils: Properties and Management for Sustainable Agriculture (Topics in Sustainable Agronomy)

A. S. R. Juo, Kathrin Franzluebbers, Anthony S. R. Juo

  Tropical Soils: Properties and Management for Sustainable Agriculture (Topics in Sustainable Agronomy)  A. S. R. Juo, Kathrin Franzluebbers, Anthony S. R. Juo  Agricultural ecology, or agroecology, deals in general with the structure and function of agroecosystems at different levels of resolution. In this text/reference, the authors describe in terms of agroecology the tropical environments of sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin and Central America, focusing on production and management systems unique to each region.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Agricultural ecology, or agroecology, deals in general with the structure and function of agroecosystems at different levels of resolution. In this text/reference, the authors describe in terms of agroecology the tropical environments of sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin and Central America, focusing on production and management systems unique to each region....

Info-line : Icebreakers

Robert C. Preziosi

  Info-line : Icebreakers  Robert C. Preziosi  Provides an overview of the types of ice breakers: openers, acquainters, games,and brainstorming. Offers guidelines for selecting icebreakers and for trainer behaviors while conducting ice breakers. Examples of ice breakers are given. Job aid includes a checklist of analyzing the success of ice breakers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Provides an overview of the types of ice breakers: openers, acquainters, games,and brainstorming. Offers guidelines for selecting icebreakers and for trainer behaviors while conducting ice breakers. Examples of ice breakers are given. Job aid includes a checklist of analyzing the success of ice breakers....

What to Say When… You're Dying on the Platform: A Complete Resource for Speakers, Trainers, and Executives

Lilly Walters

  What to Say When… You're Dying on the Platform: A Complete Resource for Speakers, Trainers, and Executives  Lilly Walters  McGraw-Hill.   A heckler is in the audience; the overhead projector breaks; the allotted speech time runs out - these are just some of the panic-producing crises, interruptions, or distractions easily dealt with in this first-aid guide for business speakers. Here, first-timers and experienced pros alike will find everything they need to organize, write, and deliver effective, entertaining speeches - from installations to toasts and roasts. The guide pinpoints every possible speaking contingency - from failed electricity to a bored audience - and for each one tells how to prevent it, what to do about it, and what to say about it. Its treasury of witty, off-the-cuff lines and audience participation devices helps speakers access the perfect words to cover any situation and captivate any audience.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин McGraw-Hill. A heckler is in the audience; the overhead projector breaks; the allotted speech time runs out - these are just some of the panic-producing crises, interruptions, or distractions easily dealt with in this first-aid guide for business speakers. Here, first-timers and experienced pros alike will find everything they need to organize, write, and deliver effective, entertaining speeches - from installations to toasts and roasts. The guide pinpoints every possible speaking contingency - from failed electricity to a bored audience - and for each one tells how to prevent it, what to do about it, and what to say about it. Its treasury of witty, off-the-cuff lines and audience participation devices helps speakers access the perfect words to cover any situation and captivate any audience....

<<<  История искусства в образах. Жиль Плаци             Большая иллюстрированная энциклопедия фэн-шуй. Лилиан ... >>>

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Русская армия XVIII-XIX веков. 1700-1801. Пехота - Кавалерия - Артиллерия. 1801-1825. Гвардейская и армейская пехота. Александр Чернушкин . Книги.

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