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Villains United (Infinite Crisis) (Countdown to Infinite Crisis)
Gail Simone...
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Mount Analogue RenA© Daumal, Carol Cosman
In this novel/allegory the narrator/author sets sail in the yacht Impossible to search for Mount Analogue, the geographically located, albeit hidden, peak that reaches inexorably toward heaven. Daumal's symbolic mountain represents a way to truth that "cannot not exist," and his classic allegory of man's search for himself embraces the certainty that one can know and conquer one's own reality. RenA© Daumal's Mount Analogue is a twentieth century classic, combining the author's poetic gifts and philosophical accomplishments in a manner that is both entertaining to read and profound to contemplate. Among other things, this is a marvelous tale in which the narrator/author, one of an intrepid company of eight, sets sail in the yacht Impossible to search for Mount Analogue, the solid, geographically located, albeit hidden, peak that reaches inexorably towards heaven?as Mount Olympus reached to the home of the Greek gods, or Mount Sinai to the presence of Yahweh.......
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Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop Elements 3 Sherry Kinkoph, Mike Wooldridge
* This full-color guide walks digital photography fans through Photoshop Elements fundamentals and beyond, showing them how to make the most of this inexpensive, full-featured image-editing package * Covers importing photos from digital cameras and scanners, retouching and repairing damaged photos, and enhancing digital images * Shows readers how to add custom 3-D effects, edit images for the Web, create a Web photo gallery, and incorporate graphics into desktop publishing programs * Demonstrates how to take advantage of enhancements and new features in the latest program version...
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The Entrepreneurial Conversation: The Powerful Way to Create Mutually Beneficial, Long-Term Business Relationships Edward G. Rogoff, Michael Corbett, Perry-Lynn Moffitt
With an enlightening combination of real-world advice and relatable examples, this guide introduces communication skills that can facilitate the development of long-lasting business relationships and, in turn, increase sales results exponentially. Following an examination of the three critical elements of the entrepreneurial conversation, the narrative details how to think, speak, and listen like a successful entrepreneur. Chapters tailored to entrepreneurially spirited managers and salespersons explore how these practices may be applied to their day-to-day work environments to identify other parties' core issues and address them in a way that creates win–win results. Wisdom from entrepreneurial luminaries Robert Ezrapour, Milt Kamen, Dick Merians, Chauncey Rapp, Xiaoning Wang, Lloyd Weill, and Don Wilson appears throughout the text to further illuminate how entrepreneurial conversation can consistently achieve beneficial results for all parties involved....
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Coaching for Effective Learning: A Practical Guide for Teachers in Health And Social Care
Tony Lewis...
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Villains United (Infinite Crisis) (Countdown to Infinite Crisis). Gail Simone . Книги.
Череповец, Пенза, Пермь, Владивосток, Тобольск,
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